Vilselia almost gritted her teeth when she thought about what happened that day.

"Power, I need more power."

Such thoughts flashed through her mind, and since then, thoughts like these have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, and finally occupied all of Vilselia's thoughts.

Another place.

Roya, who left the matter entirely to Alice, thought that the matter was over and started daily training while also waiting for the arrival of the Elf Sword Dance Festival.

Except for a few little girls in the training team, nothing special happens.

Life is like this, there are no waves in the ancient well, but it is full of little surprises in ordinary times.

Vilselia's matter soon came to light. Vilselia had indeed been transplanted with a curse mark, and the location was still at her heart.

The organizations related to it were also discovered by Grevas. According to intelligence reports, Vilselia even wanted to transplant another cursed seal, and it was Vilselia's transaction. When they met, Grevas caught him red-handed, which prevented this tragedy from happening.

Ordinary elves would try to avoid transplanting curse marks on important organs, but Velselia would just transplant it directly to the heart without any hesitation. For ordinary elves, even if they can obtain a huge amount of energy in a short time However, due to the imprinting of the curse, all aspects of the body will be destroyed, the body will further decline, and eventually death will occur.

Of course, people's physiques cannot be compared with each other. Although Velselia does not have an outrageous physique like Roja, as a person with extraordinary talents in this world, even if the curse seal is transplanted into the heart, it is not as good as It was a sudden sudden death or something like that.

Even if Velselia hadn't tried to die and insisted on transplanting the cursed emblem into her heart, she could have directly endured the side effects of the cursed emblem and directly eaten the bonus of the cursed emblem.

But the current situation is that Velselia has blindly gone too far in her pursuit of power. Not only did she transplant the cursed seal into her heart, she even wanted to get a second cursed seal.

This is almost a narrow escape. Even if the transplant is successful, Velselia's lifespan will be greatly shortened in the future.

Fortunately, all this was stopped by Grevas in time.

Logically speaking, as the principal of the college, Gravas would not be able to manage these trivial matters, but Alice haunts the college office almost whenever she has free time, and Velselia does have a certain influence in the college. Despite his strength, Grevas decided to focus on taking care of the other party.

Who would have thought that people wake up in the morning and things happen at night.

After this incident, it was naturally impossible for Velselia to attend the Elf Sword Dance Festival on behalf of the academy.

The matter of spell engraving can be big or small.

For the sake of being a student of the college in the past, Grevas suppressed the matter.

Just as a price that had to be paid, Grevas sent Vilselia back to Alice's family, hoping that the family could properly control the girl.

In this way, the incident with Vilselia is over.

Apart from this incident, nothing else happened. Roya's team won every battle and soon succeeded in claiming the top spot.

Participating in the so-called Elf Sword Dance Festival has become a certainty.

After Luo Ya's training, everyone's strength is steadily improving.

But with the arrival of the Elf Sword Dancer, there is always a hot atmosphere in the academy, which is stimulating the nerves of the Elf Envoys all the time.

There were several small commotions in the middle.

In order to avoid trouble, Roja showed some of his own strength, quickly eliminated the signs of trouble, and at the same time sent a message to the people behind the scenes.

There is not only Gravas in the academy.

Roja's move was undoubtedly very wise, and this success saved Roja a lot of trouble.

It's time to get ready.

The members of Roya's team gathered in front of the meeting point \u003cStone Circle\u003e.

The so-called "Circle of Stone" is the name of the teleportation array, which is the "Gateway" from Aresia Elf Academy to the elemental elven world.

The representative contestants will be transported to the elemental spirit world from here, and board a ship prepared by the organizer of the Spirit Sword Dance Festival, the Divine Ritual Institute.

The other two teams selected by the college were already ready in front of the \u003cGate\u003e.

The first place was naturally the team formed by Roja. Roja completely defeated the entire academy with his fists.

The second place is a team called "Pterodactyl Team". They are a team composed entirely of upperclassmen.

Logically speaking, as each other is a competitor, everyone will dislike each other to some extent.

But after being completely crushed in a head-on confrontation, all members of the "Pterodactyl Team" fell completely silent.

Crushing in all directions, they encountered a fierce attack from the opposite side almost as soon as they met, and ended in a disastrous defeat.

It's just silence, silence, but no good looks.

The reason is also very simple. Claire has been bullied by this group of senior students before. Although they are not enemies, they naturally cannot have a good look when they meet. It is also because of this incident that Claire is facing the opponent's It was a little heavy-handed at that time.

The girl is completely different from what she was before. When the \u003cPterodactyl Team\u003e faced Claire, they thought she was the crybaby from before. However, as soon as they met, they suffered a secret loss, and even more so after that. The army was defeated like a mountain.

Of course, not all teams are as bitter and bitter as the "Pterodactyl Team".

A blond girl holding a wooden wand in the third team stepped forward to talk to Roya.

"Hey, wild girl, long time no see."

Hearing Roja's slight words, the cute petite girl puffed up her cheeks angrily.

"Well - I'm not some wild girl!"

Her team is ranked third, and she is one of the members of the "Kerunos Team" that she has played against before.

The girl is a member of the Sage family who call the Elf Forest their home, and can summon the powerful \u003cHerd Elf\u003e.

The girl's race is a druid, and she has a high affinity for beasts and elves. Just like in the game, the girl can summon and control the beasts to attack the enemy.

"Hmph, the three teams are finally here."

Teacher Freya Grandor, who was the manager of the \u003cGate\u003e, walked over with a calm expression.

After glancing at the clock, he activated the formation.

It still felt familiar. When everyone opened their eyes again, the familiar terrain was what caught their eyes.

It's just that compared to before, there is a huge amount of monster parked in front of it.

This is the vehicle that comes to carry them to their destination this time.

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