Needless to say, the vehicle must be a huge one and extremely fast.

But until the moment they see each other, no one knows what it means.

This is a huge vehicle, full of technology. If pressed, Roja can only describe it as a spaceship.

In fact, it is indeed named that way.

I don’t know the principle of take-off. I walked into the cabin, the door was closed, the spacecraft unfolded the wing-like brackets from the side, the rear power source began to ignite, and the burning tail flames were ejected, slowly pushing this huge carrier forward.

The flying ship floated on the clouds filled with ether, advancing in a gliding manner.

The destination is Sky Island \u003cLaguna Escape\u003e, one of the sacred areas located in the elemental spirit world.

It is the venue for this Elf Sword Dance Festival.

Originally, it was a sacred area where only the maidens of the Divine Ritual Temple who served the Elf King were allowed to enter and exit, but during the "Elf Sword Dance Festival", it was also open to the general public.

Standing in the towering clouds and looking down at the ground from the window is a very novel feeling.

Even Luo Ya felt strange, and naturally so did the girls beside him. The girls gathered together and started discussing the scenery outside the window.

Separated by a window, it's like two worlds.

"I'm not going to say it, but this flying ship is too powerful, isn't it?" Claire shouted excitedly.

There was also a slight blush on Linslet's face. Although she was a rich young lady, it seemed that this was her first time riding on this huge spaceship.

"This is the latest type of flying ship. If the sailing goes smoothly, we will arrive in Luo around noon."

Time passed, and everyone became silent after the initial excitement.

Just as Linslet predicted, it only took one morning to reach the destination.

The floating island is the sanctuary of the Wind Elf King.

From between the thick clouds covering the sky, a huge floating island surrounded by steep mountains can be glimpsed. ,

\u003cLaguna Escape\u003e—one of the most important sanctuaries in the elemental spirit world.

Looking at the island, Claire and Rinslet were the first to shout excitedly.

"See, it's really big."

"Is this the floating island?"

Of course, there are also people who are silent, such as Lian Ashbell and Restia.

The girl wearing an elegant black dress appeared next to Roja at some point. The girl just sat and looked at the distant island, lost in long memories.

Roja glanced at Restia's unbelievably delicate face and asked casually: "What are you thinking about?"

Restia put away the expression on her face, raised the corners of her mouth, and said with a smile: "I'm thinking about how you should deal with what is about to happen next."

Roja thought for a moment and did not answer Restia from this side. He just shrugged and said, "Who knows."

The two of them were just chatting, and Roja had considered the specific details.

Real darkness, the so-called alien darkness, cannot corrode Roja's sanity. This is the real reason why Roja dared to face those crazy elf kings.

All he needs to do is kill those crazy Elf Kings one by one.

As for whether the killed Elf King will directly cause the collapse of the world's elements.

Sorry, Roja is stupid and can't think of any simpler method than this.

It stands to reason that if all five Elf Kings are really cut off, the four elements of wind, fire, water and earth in this world will collapse, because the Elf King as the source has been eliminated, and the collapse of the elements is natural.

But the question is, whether they can defeat those Elf Kings is still unknown.

While thinking, the flying ship has quietly sailed towards the port of the floating island.

After arriving at the port, everyone must change to the carriage prepared by the "Shenyi Yuan".

The carriage was originally designed for four people, but it was too crowded for seven people. Fortunately, the remaining two people were just elves, and they forcibly drove the dissatisfied Esther and Restia back, so they could sit there. A little.

But even so, it still seems a bit narrow.

But soon, Roja felt a headache again.

The road was not smooth. Every time the carriage encountered bumps, Linsilei, who was sitting next door, would shake her breasts and hit Roja in rough waves.

Although Roja wanted to dodge, due to the narrow space, even if he dodged, they would quickly collide with each other in the next moment.

After a few times, even though Luo Ya was expressionless and looked like a gentleman, the girl was already blushing with embarrassment.

The blush on her face climbed up from her neck to her cheeks, but due to Roja's usual power, looking at that calm face with such an open and upright gaze, Linslet squeezed out a sentence: "Roya, you are so lustful oh."

Roja fell into deep thought, then nodded and looked away from the girl's chest.

The mountains in front of us are certainly worthy of nostalgia, but the cost of nostalgia is to be treated as a pervert, which is not worth the gain.

Linslet couldn't help but complain: "You've seen everything and you still want to pretend that nothing happened?"

Roja glanced sideways at the girl and said speechlessly: "Then what do you want?"

For a moment, the carriage fell into silence, and no one spoke.

Rinslet was left playing with the hair on her temples, with an unknown meaning flashing in her eyes.

Roja sighed, feeling helpless and sad at the same time.

How could he not know what these little girls were thinking, but so what if he knew?

This is what excellent people are like. The more outstanding a person is, the easier it is to attract the attention of the opposite sex, let alone someone like Roja.

The hazy emotions of girls always influence their thoughts all the time.

At the age when love begins, it is normal to fantasize about Prince Charming.

But I am very happy. The love of Prince Charming Nicholas Ya is limited. A heart can be divided into three or even four parts, but it is impossible to be divided into seven or eight parts. In that case, it is not called a love heart.

Learning from Kanroji Mitsuri's lesson, he had no intention of making a promise to them in this world.

Noticing the subtle changes in the atmosphere, Alice said: "This floating island (Laguna, Escape) is one of the five sanctuaries that exist in the elemental elf world, and is the home of the Wind Elf King. Territory. According to records, the Elf Sword Dance Festival was held here seventy-four years ago.”

Hearing this, Luo Ya became interested and threw away the thoughts in his mind.

By the way, the venue three years ago was a volcanic city in the territory of the Fire Elf King. There was no rule in selecting the venue. It was all decided according to the edict issued to the five Elf Princesses.

Seeing the curious eyes of the girls, Alice coughed unnaturally and continued: "And the tower in the center of the island is said to be a relic from the mythical age long, long ago."

"Is this our accommodation?" Claire asked first.

Alice thought for a moment and said with some uncertainty: "Well, if you say so, it's not a problem."

"Is there anything fun or interesting there?" Claire became interested and continued to ask.

But this time, Alice was in a dilemma. She had never been to this place before, and most of the information she knew was just because she liked to read books and learned from books.

Seeing that Alice was hesitating and unable to answer, Claire was disappointed. She sat on the chair of the carriage and looked at the scenery outside the horse.

Outside the window was a speeding scene, and the atmosphere inside the carriage was strange.

Roja really felt the pressure this time.

He could clearly feel that there were three eyes looking at him from time to time.

Needless to say, these three eyes are naturally Alice, Claire and Rinslet.

Except for Ren Ashbell, the girl in kimono who had an expressionless face and crossed her arms, the eyes of these people were almost always directed towards Roja's position.

Roja couldn't help but smile bitterly.

It's better to find time to make things clear. After he completes this task, he plans to leave this world and has no intention of continuing to stay in this world.

The carriage finally stopped in front of the city gate made of huge stone.

The tower stands on a small hill. Although its appearance is extremely gorgeous, it does not lose its solemnity.

The style is a bit like Roja from the jobless reincarnation world. Oh, this Roja is not Roja's name, but the town is called Roja.

It is surrounded by lush forests and there is a large lake not far away.

The other teams seemed to have arrived first, and there were several carriages parked at the door.

"Hime maidens who performed sword dances for the Elf King, we are here to welcome you. During your stay, we will be responsible for taking care of the daily life of all the ladies."

At the gate, girls in gorgeous miko costumes were lining up to receive people, saying this.

These girls were dressed very boldly, which surprised Roja.

The moment the leader of the Hime Miko bowed down to pay his respects, a little bit of spring light was revealed from the open lapel of the ceremonial clothes. After careful observation, it was discovered that the girls were almost half-naked in the ceremonial clothes.

The fabric is quite small and it is very cool.

Even to a certain extent, it was too cool.

Not only is the front open, but Bai Zhe's smooth skin can also be seen from the slits on the hem.

It's obviously a holy garment designed to host a ceremony, should I put it, it's a bit thought-provoking.

Even Roja felt that if those Elf Kings were male, they must have bad thoughts inside.

Roya's sight was naturally noticed by the other party. After getting out of the car, Esther also showed his original appearance, with a delicate and doll-like face showing a dissatisfied look.

Esther said dissatisfied: "Master, where are you looking?"

Luo Ya withdrew his gaze, wondering if Luo Qixi would look better if she put on a similar outfit.

Thoughts are just thoughts, but Roja would never speak out the thoughts in his mind. Roja smiled and rubbed Esther's head and said: "I'm thinking, if Esther wears this type of clothes, It should be cuter, right?”

After getting along for a while, Roya was able to figure out Esther's character. Esther's thoughts were very innocent, which also meant that the girl was actually very easy to coax, and she would become happy as long as she praised her a few times.

Roya's words naturally had an effect. Esther raised her eyes, but her cold, doll-like face revealed unconcealable joy.

"Master, do you like this kind of outfit? I can wear it for you to see."

Esther spoke like this.

Roya touched Esther's head with a faint smile.

Roja's voice was very low, but Lian Ashbell, who was standing next to him, had a strange look on his face.

Glancing at the caressing Esther, Lian Ashbel filtered the world's values ​​in her mind and finally came to a conclusion.

The captain in front of me seems to be a lolicon.

Thinking of this, Lian Ashbel's face became even weirder.

She admitted that the girl in front of her was indeed cute, but even she didn't want to see a little loli wearing such clothes.

The girl who was the Hime Miko coughed dryly and said, "Anyway, let me allocate rooms to everyone first."

After saying that, he began to allocate rooms to everyone.

But when she came to Roja, the girl's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Well, male elf user, you might be in a little trouble."

Roja raised his eyes in confusion, staring at the girl with his golden eyes.

The girl's expression remained unchanged and she said: "Because we are a team, you may have to live in the same room, even if there is a male elf among you."

The girl was obviously provocative. She wanted to see the complaining expressions on the elf members in the team.

But surprisingly, everyone was quite calm.

She could even see the expressions of secret joy on the faces of some girls.

This made her feel a little disappointed.

The provocation failed, but she was not discouraged and prepared to enter the city with everyone.

After passing through the city gate and entering the interior of the city tower, the first thing you see is the broad entrance hall.

The hall is designed with high ceilings, and even the ceiling is decorated with various sculptures and lifelike decorations. Behind the deep door is a corridor of stone pillars covered with velvet carpets.

The lighting fixtures are not lamps or elven ores, but little light elves floating in the air.

Looking at the light elves floating in mid-air, Roja couldn't help but feel curious about the unique characteristics of the other world.

Although this is a relic from the mythical age, after thousands of years of time and repairs and reconstructions, the original appearance of the ruins can hardly be seen. The only thing that can still evoke nostalgia for the past is probably the carvings on the entire row of stone pillars.

The walls of the stone pillar corridor are painted with brightly colored paintings; these paintings are only a few hundred years old at most, and they depict Elf Princesses who have been famous for generations to come, as well as the winners of the "Elf Sword Dance Festival" in the past.

The Elf Sword Dance Festival has been held for many times, and there are naturally many winners. Most of them are beautiful or heroic women. Their eyes swept from each character, and their eyes stayed on Grevas.

It was not strange to see Grevasloa again, because when he met a familiar person, his eyes could not help but stay for a moment longer.

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