At this time, everyone had tied up the remaining elf messengers and came to Roja's side.

Alice looked at Vilselia in astonishment as she fell to the ground in pain. She took a few steps forward and tried to help Vilselia.

But she was pushed away mercilessly by Vilselia.

"I, I" Vilselia couldn't say a complete sentence, the expression on her face was full of distortion.

Vilselia's hand tightly grasped her heart, and the divine power in her body began to run wild in an irregular form.

Roja's frown deepened. Vilselia's appearance was not like Roja's own fault.

Roja glanced at Vilselia casually and asked: "Sure enough, gaining power comes with a different price. For that level of divine power, you must have used some means, right?"

Vilselia said angrily: "Shut up."

As he finished speaking, he fainted completely due to the pain.

The elemental world of elves is a projection cast by the spirit. Although the damage suffered in the elemental world of elves will be converted into mental losses, in comparison, the mental damage suffered in the elemental world is not so easy to deal with.

The pain ate away Vilselia's consciousness. Roja and everyone around her looked at each other in shock. Alice stepped forward quickly and reached out to Vilselia's forehead. Vilselia's face still had a look on her face. There was a flash of pain.

Alice didn't understand and asked, directly facing the girls tied together: "Do you know what's going on?"

The tied people looked at each other and shook their heads.

Alice sighed. Although the sister in front of her made her feel very disgusted, and even came to snatch members of her team some time ago, but when it came to this point, she couldn't bear to leave her alone. Watching from the sidelines.

Memories of the past came to mind. Vilselia took great care of Alice when she was a child. At that time, Vilselia fully fit all the characteristics of a knight.

She is upright, kind, strong and confident. At that time, Alice had always aimed to become a knight like Vilselia.

It's a pity that the battle three years ago almost changed Vilselia's appearance.

Roja sighed, looked around, and called the referee who was watching the excitement not far away.

The referee stepped forward, looked at the tied girls and Vilselia lying on the ground dying, and nodded.

The referee said coldly: "In that case, let Roja's team win."

After saying that, he waved his hands, symbolizing that the door between the elemental world of elves and the real world was open. When everyone came back to their senses, everyone had already appeared in the forest of elves.

Esther has returned to human form and is standing next to Roja with a cute face.

Roja knew Esther's purpose, smiled and stretched out his hand to touch the girl's head. The corners of Esther's mouth slightly raised, revealing a satisfied smile.

After handing Vilselia to the elf envoys who were traveling with her, Alice explained a few more words and then watched the other party leave.

Alice sighed, looked at the retreating figure and murmured: "Really, is a victory or defeat really that important?"

No one spoke, but the referee standing aside said curiously: "That guy may have a secret."

Roja's lips twitched when she heard this. Even a fool could know that there was something else hidden in Vilselia.

Generally speaking, the higher the level and the higher the power of the magical equipment of the elves, the more divine energy it will consume when using it.

Velselia's elves are sealed elves, and the power of the elves' magical equipment is even more amazing. After a bombardment, no matter how strong the building is, it may not be able to withstand the bombing for two or three seconds.

With such a level of power, an elf magic weapon consumes a huge amount of divine energy just by using it.

From Roja's point of view, for example, Vilselia's magic armor would be drained out in less than forty seconds by an average elf user.

But Velselia used such elven magic equipment unscrupulously. During the battle, the divine energy showed no signs of being consumed.

As if seeing through everyone's thoughts, the referee thought for a moment and continued: "She gives me a very bad feeling. Judging from the power and her reaction, it is possible that this power does not belong to her. It’s a cursed seal.”

Roja frowned and murmured: "Curse engraved seal?"

At the same time, he recalled the information about the cursed equipment imprint in his mind.

Transplanting the curse seal is not without cost. To a certain extent, it can almost be said to be exchanging life for huge power.

In the Rambal War described in history, the existence of the cursed seal caused countless elves to eventually die due to the horrific side effects.

Therefore, the cursed seal has been listed as a taboo item by various kingdoms.

But even so, because of its powerful power, cursed equipment engravings are still used by some evil organizations secretly, although they are explicitly prohibited.

But if it is true as the referee said, then the problem will be big.

In an instant, Alice's expression became extremely ugly.

Alice has been with Vilselia for many years, and she knows best that with Vilselia's character, it is very likely that she would do such a thing.

"No, I have to find the dean."

After saying this, Alice hurried towards the location of the academy, leaving only everyone looking at each other.

"It seems that I don't need to report this matter to the principal."

The referee shrugged, waved his hand, and walked towards the academy.

Claire and Rinslet looked at each other, and Lian Ashbell remained silent, seeming to be deep in thought.

Roja thought for a moment and said: "The training will definitely not be able to continue. That's it. Today's training will be postponed to tomorrow and disbanded."

—————————Dean’s Office——————————————————

Grevas covered her head and listened to Alice's report with a headache on her face. It was obvious that Alice's report made Grevas very distressed.

Alice was currently staring at Grevas with an attitude that she would never give up until she helped.

Grevas sighed. To be honest, she had no way to deal with the stubborn girl in front of her. She could only nod and said: "I will investigate the matter thoroughly. There happened to be rumors recently that a few stinky rats from the gutter came to the academy. , Vilselia’s matter may have something to do with them.”

After saying that, Alice was asked to step back.

After lying in the infirmary for a day, Vilselia became more active again, but there was always a faint haze between her eyebrows.

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