The time came to 9:50 in the morning the next day.

This point can no longer be called early morning. The sunlight that is already approaching summer is very embarrassing, and the vicious light shines from the distant horizon.

Everyone in the Elf Forest has already gathered together and marched into the depths.

The mottled tree shadows are projected on the ground. Claire and Rinslet are still bickering on a daily basis. Lian Ashuber walks on the path without saying a word. Lian Ashuber is like this, unless it is necessary. , otherwise she would rarely speak.

Roja was already accustomed to Lian Ashbel's appearance, so he didn't think there was anything special about it.

Everyone was walking on the gravel path as usual.

Soon, he came to the formation again. The formation exuded a faint luster. Roja waited for a moment, and then he was already waiting for Verselia.

Vilselia was still dressed in the same outfit, wearing light armor and a cape on her back, with a very calm face.

Roja had no intention of saying hello to the other party. He greeted everyone and stood directly on the formation.

The formation lit up, his vision deflected, and a strong sense of weightlessness came. When Roja opened his eyes again, he was already standing in the elemental world of elves.

The sky is blue, with white clouds rolling in the distance.

The environment here is very similar to the Elf Forest. It can be seen from this that reality and the Elf Elemental World are not completely independent.

After a while, five figures appeared not far away. The one standing in the middle was not Velselia, but the referee teacher. The teacher was naturally a woman, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses.

Without saying anything else, he glanced at the terrain, then separated everyone, took out his watch from his pocket, and said to everyone: "You all know the rules, and I won't say more. So, let's start now, five minutes."

However, Vilselia and the others did not move.

Velselia stared directly at Roja, the leader, with a fierce light of unknown meaning in her eyes.

Vilselia's eyes made Roja feel very unhappy. Roja looked at Vilselia and said, "Are you planning to play hide and seek?"

Vilselia said coldly: "No need, but if you want, I can let you hide for a while."

Roja raised the corners of his mouth, shrugged, and did not move his steps. The two teams were in a stalemate with each other.

The referee adjusted her glasses, and the lenses shone coldly under the sun. She said helplessly: "Is that all you do? Forget it, you can be happy as you like."

Five minutes is time for everyone to prepare. Generally speaking, both teams will choose to walk a certain distance, and then like a cat and mouse, see who can find whom first.

The party that is found is naturally at a disadvantage, because they will be attacked by surprise.

Of course, a strong team can also stand still like Vilselia, waiting for the opponent to find trouble.

But basically no team will do this.

And now, the two teams are simply preparing to start a war, which is an extremely rare thing.

When the five minutes were up, the referee retreated and stood in the distance quietly watching the start of the battle.

Before the war started, verbal quarrels were naturally unavoidable. Velselia had a mocking smile on her face, but there was no smile in her eyes at all. Velselia said: "Oh, you are very brave, how dare you Do you think you are brave enough to face me directly?"

Without giving the three elves around her any time to prepare, Vilselia took action.

Huge divine power gathered, and a dazzling bright light surged from Vilselia's body. The fluctuations of divine power gathered like a tide, crushing towards the surroundings.

The friends next to Vilselia unconsciously took a few steps back. The faces of several girls were a little ugly. One of the girls who looked a little older said: "Captain, you should have waited. At least We have to wait until we unfold the elf magic costume."

The girl's words did not have a good effect. Velselia just said coldly: "You are just making up the numbers."

The dazzling white light enveloped Velselia's body, and the dazzling white light dissipated.

A crimson fortress covered with composite mecha appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Roja was stunned and said in disbelief: "Gundam?"

That's right, this is a huge Gundam, which is completely out of touch with the Elf Magic Armor that Roja knows.

The next moment, the dark muzzles equipped on the chest of the Crimson Fortress were pointed directly at Roja's position, and Vilselia's slightly joking voice came from inside.

"Let me see how powerful you are!"

The muzzle of the gun was turned, and a burst of sparks suddenly burst out from the dark muzzle. With a loud roar, the muzzles of the gun and the muzzle began to bombard Roja's position in turn and exploded.

Crazy firepower poured down like raindrops, and bullets swarmed down toward everyone's location like a tide.

Roja frowned, and the power of divine power gathered into a light red energy shield, blocking bullets and artillery fire.

Light particles gathered around Roja, and Esther appeared next to Roja, looking at the air fortress suspended in mid-air. Esther was a little surprised, staring at the huge ferocious Gundam in mid-air, and said with a faint look: "Do you need me to run through it?"

Roja said nothing, wanting to see how powerful Vilselia's firepower was.

The bullet collided with the energy shield, and the red energy shield made little ripples. Then only a clanging sound was heard, and the bullet dropped to the ground with a clanking sound.

Roja looked at the ground. It was not a real nuclear bomb. What fell to the ground was just an energy item embodied by the divine power.

Intense firepower covered all surrounding areas, and it was naturally impossible for Roya to cover everything around him. Except for the defense range in front of him, the surrounding environment became pitted and pitted by this round of strafing, with dirt and dust flying on the ground.

Vilselia's cold voice came again: "You still have some ability, I hope you can take up this trick."

The muzzles of those machine guns were turned around, replaced by a huge-caliber barrel. The barrel was pointed at Roja. The silver-white divine energy gathered at the muzzle. The energy continued to shrink and expand. Roja raised his eyebrows.

"No way?"

Roja had an ominous premonition and put away his divine power. The red divine power was recovered and returned to Roja's body. Roja said to the four people beside him: "Let's retreat first."

The energy continued to expand, and finally it was aimed at Roja and launched suddenly.

Powerful energy fluctuations shattered the scene, causing trees and soil to tumble, and huge beams of light rising into the sky. Of course, this attack could not be much different from the death-declaring dark thunder that Lian Ashbell once used, but even so, if it is done in a simple way, If the divine power is used to resist forcefully, the amount of consumption required is definitely not small, at least three to four times that of the cannonball.

The defensive side always consumes more energy than the attacking side, so it is not a good idea to defend like this.

After speaking to the four people, Roja disappeared from the spot.

Claire and Rinslet hurriedly ran around. Lian Ashbell looked at the Gundam suspended in mid-air thoughtfully, as if she was remembering something in her eyes.

Alice was halfway running, but she turned around and saw Lian Ashbell standing there stupidly. She gritted her teeth, then turned back and forcibly pulled Lian Ashbell away.

For a moment, everyone dispersed into birds and beasts.

Fortunately, this round of extremely violent artillery fire could not successfully hit everyone.

Vilselia curled her lips in displeasure, and a haze appeared on the face of the girl hiding in the mecha.

The muzzle of the gun, which was almost two hundred millimeters in diameter, was turned around, and the mecha floated in mid-air and began to search for the location of everyone.

When they see a suspicious target, they must clear the ground with artillery fire, and then fire another salvo to bomb the ground into chaos.

Roja's figure has touched the vicinity of Vilselia, and there is a strange look in Roja's eyes.

It stands to reason that if Vilselia squanders her divine power so unscrupulously, there will always be a period of fatigue, but Vilselia seems to be in good condition, which makes Roja feel very strange.

After all, not everyone has a pure body like Roja, who can perfectly convert divine power and magic power. Velselia does not use the status of the Demon King like Roja to use ordinary elves. , even though her strength is very high, the divine power possessed by the elf is specific. How did Velselia, who was born as a normal person, get such divine power?

After thinking about it, Roja was still ready to deal with the other party.

After all, it’s not a problem for Vilselia to keep bombarding her like this.

"——The cold Queen of Steel, the holy sword that slays demons."

The Elf language chanting began, and the Elf engraving on Roja's right hand lit up, symbolizing that the door to the Elf Elemental World was open. Esther turned into a silvery white light, and the white light continued to gather, and finally formed a snow-white steel sword.

The steel sword flashed with white silver light, and Roja carried Esther and rushed forward.

The transparent world opened, and the violent divine power was hidden by the transparent world. Roja held the long sword and put it on his waist.

Taking a deep breath, feeling his heart beating like a drum, the corners of Roja's mouth curled up.

"Excellent Sword Skill - Purple Lightning."

Roja murmured softly, and the next moment, Roja's figure had disappeared.

Purple lightning filled the area, and Velselia felt something in her heart. She suddenly turned her gun and fired at Roja's location.

Densely packed large-caliber bullets were fired from the thick muzzle of the gun, another sudden salvo.

However, before Velselia could breathe a sigh of relief, the snow-white sword wrapped in purple lightning had already arrived in front of Velselia. The purple lightning disappeared in a flash and penetrated the Gundam's body.

All this happened so fast that Velselia didn't even react.

The Gundam's firepower is indeed very fierce, and its attack can be said to be first-class, but it is accompanied by its bulky body.

Even though there are all kinds of elf magic that can strengthen the Gundam's defense, once it encounters a holy sword like Esther that can easily penetrate any defense, the so-called defense becomes a joke.

The silver-white sword blade easily penetrated the tall body, and the Gundam, which was almost five meters high, was penetrated. With the sparks emitted by the metal collision, Verselia let out a muffled groan, and her face became pale and ferocious.

"Damn it, you did this!"

Vilselia's angry voice came from the mecha. The mecha raised its right arm and slammed it down towards Roja's position.

The speed of the punch was not too slow, but it could not hit Roja at this speed. Roja drew out his long sword and dodged to the right side of Verselia. The punch could not land on Roja, but hit Verselia instead. Celia's armor.

Sparks flew everywhere, and the Gundam staggered again.

Vilselia tried her best to control her magical elf costume to stabilize the thick mecha giant.

Roja held the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword again, with a mocking look on his face: "With such a level of skill, no wonder you are no match for Lian Ashbell."

These words made Velselia extremely angry, but the next moment, a silver-white slash reached the sky and touched the ground. The violent sword blade passed by, and the five-meter-high sword made a deep long mark.

Vilselia wanted to make a move, but the next moment, a huge force burst out from the right side. Roja kicked straight into Vilselia's huge mecha. The force of this kick Not too light, almost instantly, the parts of the Steel Fortress that were about to fall apart were scattered. The thick armor rubbed the air and flew backwards with the sound of sharp wind. The Gundam was also directly hit hard. ground.

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and when the dust cleared, what fell to the ground was the huge Gundam.

The Gundam turned into white light and disappeared, revealing Velselia in the middle.

Vilselia looked like she was in a state of despair, her face full of loss.

Only when Roja came closer did he hear that Vilselia kept muttering: "It's impossible, it's impossible, I obviously have become much stronger than three years ago, this, it's impossible."

Roja walked up to Vilselia and looked at her with pity. Without saying anything, Roja directly stretched out his right hand and grabbed her throat tightly. The pity on his face was not concealed. Roja said to her Turning to Velselia, she said: "As a person who pursues power because of obsession and is lost by power, no matter how powerful you become, is it of any use?"

Vilselia began to struggle, and her face turned red from suppressing it.

Roja let go of her hand, and Vilselia fell to the ground. Vilselia took a big breath of fresh air and glared at Roja: "You guy, what do you know?"

Roja shrugged, and just when he was about to ask something, he saw Vilselia suddenly covering her heart in pain.

Roya:? ? ?

Is it a case of porcelain? I didn't try too hard.

It was true that he grabbed the opponent's throat just now, but Roja's original intention was just to make Vilselia be honest. Moreover, even if he died in the elemental world of elves, it would only be a mental trauma in the outside world, so Roja used a little more force. force.

Just looking at Vilselia's face, it didn't seem like she was in trouble.

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