Takahashi Ryoichi gritted his teeth and clenched the handle of the ax with his fingers, wanting to hit him hard in the face.

But when he saw Mao Lilan at the door, he gave up his dangerous idea after thinking about it.

Originally, he wanted to do it while the woman was sleeping, but now it seemed that he had no choice but to give up this unrealistic idea.

After all, when she was awake, Takahashi Ryoichi was not sure he could beat her.

Damn it, how did you get discovered!

After cursing secretly in his heart, Takahashi Ryoichi turned around and fled from the balcony without hesitation.

He didn't want to be caught like this.

The rain hit the glass, but the two people in the bedroom did not choose to catch up.

.?How about it? Do you know what I mean now?

Kitahara Hao stretched out his hand to close the curtains, turned his head and said to her.


Mao Lilan patted her chest gently and nodded with a complicated expression.

After all, the bandage weirdos came to the balcony of her bedroom. She just didn't believe it and had no other choice.

Although it's okay for you to deal with him alone, it's different for me.

Kitahara walked up to her casually, moved his injured shoulder a little, and whispered in her ear: After all, I don't have the ability to resist now.

If that guy breaks in, I'm afraid there won't be a chance to call for help.


Mao Lilan bit her lower lip, slightly clenched her sleeves with her fingers, and looked at him with complicated eyes.

She was not really stupid, so she naturally understood what he meant.

So, how should Xiaolan choose?

Beihara Hao stretched out his hand to rub her hair and asked softly.

Stop touching my head all the time...I got it!

Mao Lilan hid slightly, dodged the touch of the hand above his head, then closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said.

Just-just...just sleep together tonight.

But we two have to sleep separately!

Kitahara Hao couldn't help but chuckle when he saw the girl's compromising look.

Thank you so much! Mr. Takahashi! .

097: As for the murderer, I already know who it is!

Don't worry, I didn't say I wanted to sleep in the same bed tonight.

Looking at the girl whose face turned red due to shyness, Kitahara Hao chuckled and said.

Since the bedrooms on the second floor of this villa are all double rooms, there are two single beds in the room.

Well, I...I turned off the light.

Mao Lilan carefully raised her eyes and glanced at the man sitting beside the bed, bit her pink lower lip, and whispered.

Well, please.

Kitahara placed his black coat on the bedside table and responded casually.

After Mao Lilan saw his actions, she subconsciously glanced at the pink pajamas she was wearing.

Fortunately, she had put on her pajamas before he came.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and then pressed the light switch in the room with her slender fingers.

As the switch was gently pressed, the warm-colored lights in the room were instantly extinguished, and the entire room was plunged into darkness.

Only the looming moonlight outside the window shines through the curtains, slowly falling on the bedroom like a soft gauze.

Mao Lilan was lying on the warm bed, looking at the ceiling in front of her with a pair of bright eyes, without any sleepiness on her face.

Totally... can't sleep!

She was still a little sleepy at first, but when she thought about a man lying next to her, and that the two of them had done that kind of thing——


Thinking of this, Mao Lilan 993 buried her little head in the soft quilt and let out a shameful whimper.

The memories of that night were not forgotten with the passage of time, but made her remember them more deeply.

Whether it's physical sensations or those humiliating conversations - I remember them all.

Speaking of which, the weather that night was very similar to today's.

It's raining lightly outside...

Listening to the sound of rain in her ears, Mao Lilan couldn't help but think.

On the other side, Kitahara Hajime turned half sideways, looking at the girl buried in the quilt with his brown eyes, and the corners of his mouth slowly turned up.

Is this shy?

After observing for a while, he turned his head directly and looked at the dark curtains that were shaking slightly.

After what happened just now, that guy probably won't come over tonight.

Beitahara thought thoughtfully.

Forget it, never mind it.

Anyway, even if he touches it again, he will be detected by his spider sense, and it will not pose any threat at all.

five minutes later.

The bedroom seemed very quiet at this time. Only the rain falling on the glass made a pleasant sound, like a soothing lullaby.

Lan, are you asleep?

Kitahara Hao looked at the ceiling above his head boredly and asked softly, but received no response.

are you asleep?

He turned his head and glanced at the raised quilt on the bed next to him, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

By the way, she wouldn't be suffocated to death if she slept like this, right?


Just as he was staring at the quilt, a muffled sound came from inside.

Mao Lilan lifted the quilt above her head, revealing her little red face that was suppressed, and a layer of water mist appeared in her aqua eyes.

Whenever she closes her eyes now, her mind will subconsciously think of what happened that night.

My mind is filled with the kind of images that make people blush. It’s impossible to fall asleep no matter how much you think about it, right?

Looks like I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight...

She thought helplessly in her heart.

At this time, Mao Lilan seemed to be aware of the gaze coming from the side, and subconsciously tilted his head slightly to look over.

Then, two pairs of bright eyes looked at each other.

With the bright moonlight cast from the window, she could clearly see Kitahara's handsome face.

After noticing his smiling eyes, Mao Lilan couldn't help but stiffen.

Has he been looking at me like this since just now...

I'm going to sleep.

She turned her head subconsciously, and then buried her head in the quilt again.

Well, good night. Kitahara Hao yawned slightly sleepily and responded with a smile.

…Good night.

Mao Lilan held the quilt in her arms, gently rubbed her slender legs in pink pajamas, and replied after hesitating.

As she finished speaking, the entire bedroom fell into silence again.

After a while, she heard a steady breathing coming from her left side.

He fell asleep...

Mao Lilan half-tilted her body, staring blankly at the moonlight reflected in the room through the curtains.

She felt like she might have to stay up late tonight.

The early morning sun penetrated the gaps between the floor-to-ceiling windows and curtains, shrouding the warm bedroom like silk.

Kitahara Hao rubbed his somewhat relaxed eyes, half sat up from the bed, and subconsciously looked at the other bed in the room.

The head that was originally buried under the quilt last night was now exposed.

Mao Lilan was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, her long eyelashes trembling slightly, looking like the Sleeping Beauty in the fairy tale.

Is it six o'clock in the morning?

Kitahara Hao picked up his mobile phone from the table, opened the screen, glanced at the current time, and whispered in a low voice.

It's still early now, and it looks like Xiaolan will have to sleep for a while before she wakes up.

With this in mind, he put on his clothes, opened the bedroom door and walked to the living room on the first floor.

In the living room.

Good morning, Miss Suzuki.

As soon as Kitahara walked into the living room, he saw Suzuki Ayako who was preparing breakfast in the kitchen. He said hello with a smile.

Good morning. Suzuki Ayako placed the plate full of sandwiches on the dining table and said softly with some surprise, I didn't expect Mr. Kitahara to wake up so early.

It's okay, after all, I went to bed very early last night.

Kitahara Hao chuckled and shrugged.

At this time, he and Suzuki Ayako were the only two people in the living room.

Everyone else was probably still sleeping upstairs.

Let me help you prepare breakfast too.

After glancing around the living room, Kitahara turned his head and said to her.

Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well help Suzuki Ayako prepare breakfast together.

Hey, don't bother Bei——

Before Suzuki Ayako finished speaking, she saw him turn around and walk into the kitchen.

Does Mr. Kitahara also cook?

She thought with some suspicion.


When Suzuki Ayako walked into the kitchen, her eyes suddenly lit up when she saw him handling the ingredients.

Kitahara-san is very skilled in knife skills.

She praised softly.

Although she is the eldest lady of the Suzuki Foundation, Suzuki Ayako still has a lot of research in cooking, and it is natural to see Kitahara Obi's superb skills.

After sighing inwardly, she helped prepare other ingredients.

Since we have to prepare breakfast for seven people, having an extra helper can save a lot of time.

After breakfast later, let's go down the back mountain. Then we will notify the police to investigate Chikako's matter.

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