Suzuki Ayako told her today's plan while washing the cucumbers.

It's too troublesome - Beihara Hao shook his head after hearing this.


Suzuki Ayako blinked her confused eyes.

As for the murderer, I already know who it is. Before she could ask, Kitahara said again, Let's settle this matter after breakfast.

(After losing fluid for a day, I will update one chapter first and make up the next 4,000 words tomorrow. I feel dizzy and uncomfortable).

098: I must get this man!

Eh! ?

After hearing Kitahara Hajime's words, Suzuki Ayako instantly opened her eyes and dropped the kitchen knife in her hand on the chopping board.

Mr. Kitahara already knows who the murderer is?


Are you saying that the murderer is among our group?

Suzuki Ayako quickly raised her head and asked with a somewhat puzzled expression.

But when Chikako was taken away by the bandage weirdo last night, all of us were in the living room——

The person who took away the deceased's head was just a disguised dummy. The real murderer was responsible for controlling the dummy so that you could see it on purpose.

Beitahara put the kitchen knife aside and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

This is how to get rid of suspicion. In this case, even if the police come, they will not suspect him.

Let us see on purpose…

Hearing this, Suzuki Ayako couldn't help but lowered her head slightly and fell into deep thought.

Kitahara Hajime did not disturb her, but continued to prepare breakfast this morning.

I wonder if Xiaolan likes to eat tamagoyaki?

He looked at the eggs that had been fried to golden brown and thought with a thoughtful expression.

Um, Mr. Kitahara isn't talking about Ryoichi, is he?

Suzuki Ayako slowly raised her head and asked with a complicated expression.

If she remembered correctly, she remembered that it was Takahashi Ryoichi who was the first to find the bandaged man on the second floor last night, and he also let out a shout, attracting everyone's attention to the window.

In addition, he was the only one on the second floor at that time, while everyone else was sitting at the dining table eating dinner...

Thinking about it this way, the only one who can operate the dummy is Takahashi Ryoichi.

As expected of Miss Suzuki, I didn't expect to know the murderer so soon.

Kitahara Hao turned his face to look at her, nodded and said.


Suzuki Ayako's expression gradually became complicated. She couldn't help but take a step back, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

She really didn't expect that Chikako Ikeda would be killed by Takahashi Ryoichi, and the method would be so cruel.

But why did he want to kill Chikako?

Suzuki Ayako still couldn't understand this. It was obvious that everyone was very good friends when they were in college.

What is it about that makes Takahashi Ryoichi hate him so much that he cuts Chikako into pieces?

You should ask him yourself about this kind of thing later. Kitahara Hao shook his head and replied.

The plot he could remember now was limited to the fact that Takahashi Ryoichi was the murderer and Chikako Ikeda was the dismembered deceased.

As for the murderer's motive, that kind of thing has long been forgotten.

By the way, remember not to tell Mr. Takahashi yet. At least let him have breakfast in peace.

The corners of Kitahara Hao's mouth slowly turned up, and he gave instructions to Suzuki Ayako.

After all, that guy helped me a lot yesterday.

If he didn't let Takahashi Ryoichi finish his breakfast properly, he would feel guilty inside.

……I see.

Putting back the complicated emotions in her heart, Suzuki Ayako took a deep breath and nodded gently.

Although she felt a little inappropriate in her heart, she agreed after thinking about Kitahara Hajime's identity.

Mr. Kitahara's way of treating the murderer is really strange.

Suzuki Ayako looked at the figure who was concentrating on preparing breakfast and couldn't help but think about it.


In the bedroom on the second floor.


Mao Lilan, who was lying on the bed, half-opened her dazed aqua eyes, covered her mouth and yawned softly.

I fell asleep without realizing it last night...

Mao Lilan looked at the ceiling with sleepy eyes, thinking silently in her heart.

Originally she thought she was going to stay up late.

Speaking of which, I don't know if Kitahara Hao has gotten up yet.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan slowly opened her aqua eyes, her long eyelashes trembling slightly. She turned her head slightly to look, but the bed next to her was empty.

The bedding was neatly packed, and there was nothing about him on the bedside table.

Where are people?

Mao Lilan supported her body with her hands and sat up halfway. The pink pajamas exposed one smooth and tender shoulder, which looked very attractive.

She rubbed her somewhat confused eyes and looked around the bedroom in confusion.

Still didn't see Kitahara Hajime, who slept with her last night.

It was as if the two of them slept in the same room last night, like a dream.

...Has he gone back? Mao Lilan reached out to lift the slipping pajamas and muttered softly.

After waking up for a while, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay to go back, so you don't have to worry about changing clothes.

She was only wearing a pink pajamas now, and there was no way she would go downstairs in her pajamas.

Thinking of this, Mao Lilan shook her little head happily, and her long black hair shawl swayed gently.


After stretching slightly, Mao Lilan lifted the quilt covering herself, and stepped lightly on the floor with her cute white feet, ready to get her clothes.

Lan, I'm going down for breakfast!

However, just as she was unbuttoning her pajamas, the bedroom door was pushed open, and a familiar voice came into her ears.

Mao Lilan's face suddenly froze. She looked up at the stunned figure at the door, and her pink lips trembled slightly.

North, north...Kitahara!

She called out the name in a trembling voice.

...I came...didn't I come at the right time?

Beihara Hao stopped, looked at Mao Lilan who was facing him blankly, and asked in a low voice.

At this time, the pajamas on Xiaolan's upper body had been untied, her long black hair fell down her shoulders, and her fair and delicate collarbones were looming, just like a girl in a beautiful oil painting.

The next moment, the stunned girl also reacted. She quickly clenched her collar with her hands, and a blush instantly appeared on her fair cheeks. She looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes in annoyance.

Then, she took a deep breath and opened her lips slightly.

Wait--don't scream yet!

After seeing her actions, Kitahara Hao opened his eyes wide and quickly closed the door behind him.

Just kidding, if Xiaolan shouted, not all the residents on the second floor would be attracted.

--go out!

Mao Lilan looked at the closed bedroom door, then turned to look at Kitahara Hao standing in front of her, her pink fists gradually clenched, and she gritted her teeth and said.

You closed the door and stayed in the bedroom. What do you want to do?

I understand. Beihara looked at her clenched fists, nodded obediently, turned around and walked towards the door.

He didn't want to taste Xiaolan's fist.

He'll be beaten to death.

As the door was slowly opened, Kitahara Hao's figure also walked out of the bedroom.

After seeing that the door was about to close, Mao Lilan breathed a heavy sigh of relief and slowly let go of his clenched hands.

But the next moment——


Lan, I actually didn't see anything just now!

Kitahara Hao turned his head and said to the girl who was stunned again, and quickly closed the door.

As the door was closed, a smile appeared on Kitahara's lips.

He really didn't look too carefully when he first entered.

But the second time was different.

The figure really has potential, and is Lan still blue?

Kitahara Hao walked on the stairs leading to the first floor, holding his chin lightly and muttering to himself.

It’s really rare, blue underwear...

And in the bedroom.


Mao Lilan clutched her pajamas tightly, her petite body squatted on the ground, and a layer of water mist rose in her aqua eyes.

I've been exposed.

I can’t get married myself!

No, it seems that I have been seen by that guy for a long time, and I even gave it to him for the first time...

The girl who was still a little aggrieved now became even more aggrieved.

Mao Lilan bit her lower lip hard, with tears filling the corners of her eyes.

She took a deep breath and quickly ran to the door, locking the bedroom door from the inside.

Then he lay weakly on the soft bed, pulled the quilt aside and buried his head.

Uh 『?:''!, uh——


In the living room.

Oh - today's breakfast tastes really good!

Hiroki Kakutani picked up a piece of salmon and put it in his mouth. Feeling the taste in his taste buds, his eyes suddenly lit up and he couldn't help but praise it.

It tastes much more delicious than last night. Ayako's cooking skills are even better than when she was in college!

Ohta Masaru looked up at Suzuki Ayako and nodded with satisfaction.

......... ......... ...

Oh, no, these are actually... Suzuki Ayako blinked and quickly waved her hands to make it clear.

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