Takahashi Ryoichi swallowed his saliva and asked with a trembling voice.

What should I do if you, a murderer, ask me?

Let's go back first and wait until we contact the Metropolitan Police Department tomorrow.

Kitahara Hao shook his head and said.

In this kind of weather, there is no other way except to go back and stay.


Upon hearing this proposal, the three people present also nodded silently.


Inside the villa.

What are you talking about? How could Chikako be -

After learning the news, Suzuki Ayako opened her eyes wide and murmured in disbelief.

She obviously talked to Chikako Ikeda not long ago, but why was she brutally murdered in the blink of an eye?

First Mr. Kitahara, and then Chikako. Ota Masaru held a lit cigarette in his mouth and said solemnly, Obviously, the target of that bandage weirdo is us.

But who would 977 target us...

Suzuki Ayako sat weakly on the chair, her face turning pale.

It's useless to think about it. It's better to go back to the room and have a good rest now.

Beihara Hao gradually became silent and spoke.

After I get down from the mountain tomorrow, I'll go to the Metropolitan Police Department to find someone to investigate.

Then I'll trouble Mr. Kitahara.

Suzuki Ayako bit her lower lip, took a deep breath and said.

After a whole afternoon of tossing, everyone was inevitably a little tired now, so no one objected to his suggestion.


Nine p.m.

The rain hit the floor-to-ceiling windows, making a crisp sound.

No, I can't sleep...

Mao Lilan lay quietly on the soft bed, staring blankly at the ceiling with her aqua eyes.

After hearing the news that Chikako Ikeda was dismembered, any normal person would feel scared in his heart.

Not to mention she was still sleeping alone in the room.

It would be great if Yuanzi could come over to accompany me——

Bang bang.

Just when Mao Lilan thought of this, there was a slight knock on the door.

This made her eyes wide open instantly, and her beautiful eyes looked at her door alertly.


It’s already this point in time. Could it be that Yuanzi really came here?

Thinking like this, Mao Lilan opened the quilt, revealing her little feet in black stockings, put on her slippers and walked to the door.

It's me, Kitahara Hajime.

The sound coming from outside the door made her stiffen, and her little hand holding the doorknob trembled slightly.

What is he doing here looking for me so late?

Bei Yuan...is there something wrong?

After a slight hesitation, Mao Lilan asked softly.

I came to tell you about the attack we encountered.

When it came to the attack...

Mao Lilan bit her lower lip and thought for a moment, then reached out and turned the door lock.

With a click, the bedroom door was opened.

She also saw the man standing in front of her with a slight smile on his face.

Shall we sleep together tonight?


096: Thank you very much, Mr. Takahashi!


When she heard the voice coming from her ears, Mao Lilan blinked her beautiful eyes blankly, and her expression became confused for a moment.

Sleep together tonight?

After her little head reacted, her eyes widened immediately, and her face suddenly turned red.

Why, why did he suddenly say such things!

Don't you want to talk to yourself about the attack in the forest? !

No, no!

Mao Lilan shook her head quickly and refused in a panic, group 9.80?2ュ0 @5ヘ8?5♀6Juedao.

No matter how she thought about it, there was no way she would sleep with Kitahara Hao!

Don't be anxious, listen to me and explain slowly.

Beihara's voice came from behind, causing her to subconsciously look up at the corridor in front of the door, but there was no one there.

Kitahara Hajime, who was still standing in front of him, walked into the bedroom at some point.

When did he go in?

Mao Lilan quickly turned around and looked, a flash of panic flashing in her aqua blue eyes.

Close the door first, otherwise it will be troublesome to attract others.

Kitahara Hao sat on the bed near the window, staring at the frightened girl with his brown eyes, and said softly.

If you know it's troublesome, don't come here.

Mao Lilan took a deep breath and gently closed the door behind her. Her petite body clung to the door and her eyes looked at the man sitting beside the bed.

Don't be so nervous, I won't do anything to you. Kitahara pointed at the other single bed in the room, and said with a chuckle, And - in my current state, even if Even if I try to do something, I can’t beat you!”

He still remembers the scene when she kicked Ryoichi Takahashi away.

In terms of strength alone, he didn't think he could match Xiaolan.

...So, what did you want to say when you came to me?

After hearing his words, Mao Lilan raised her eyes and glanced at the white bandage wrapped around his neck, then turned her eyes to the side and asked in a low voice.

Seeing her cute expression, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but chuckle, then stood up from the bed and walked slowly to the window with the curtains drawn.

Aren't you curious why the two of us were attacked?

Kitahara Hao looked at the slightly fluttering dark curtains and asked.

Do you need any more reason for bandaged weirdos to attack ordinary people?

After all, if the corpse of the deceased was divided into seven or eight pieces with an axe, the murderer would not be a normal person no matter what he thought.

Although I think so in my heart, but——


Mao Lilan tilted her head slightly and said doubtfully.

You or me, one of us was targeted by him when he left the villa in the afternoon. Kitahara turned sideways and stared at her with his brown eyes.

You must know that Chikako Ikeda and Hiroki Kakutani were also walking in the forest at that time. Do you think why the bandage monster didn't attack them?

...because you happened to meet us?

After thinking for a moment, Mao Lilan answered somewhat uncertainly.

I didn't expect Lan to be so stupid and cute.

The corner of Beihara Hao's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at her with more helplessness.

You are so cute!

Mao Lilan couldn't help but puffed up her mouth, staring at him dissatisfied with a pair of aqua eyes.

The body of that woman Chikako Ikeda was divided into seven or eight parts. I guess she is the main target of the bandage monster. Noticing her gaze, Kitahara Hajime explained.

After all, the body was divided into so many parts. It would be absolutely impossible to say that there was no hatred or anything in his heart.

Then why did he attack us two first?

Mao Lilan put away her dissatisfaction and couldn't help but ask.

It's obvious that one of us has control over him—

Beihara Hao's voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes gradually narrowed.

Kita, Kitahara?

Looking at Beihara Hao who stood there and stopped talking, Mao Lilan tentatively called him in a low voice.

However, Kitahara Hao stretched out his index finger to signal her silence, then slowly turned around and looked thoughtfully at the window in front of him.

His [Spider Sense] activated.

The sense of crisis comes from the window behind him.

This means that Takahashi Ryoichi is probably outside on the balcony right now.

He really came here without fear of death, nor was he afraid of being beaten to death by Xiaolan.

What happened?

Looking at his movements, Mao Lilan thought doubtfully.

The next moment, under her puzzled gaze, Kitahara Hao directly grasped the curtain for blocking, and then pulled it open violently.

As the curtains were pulled aside, the scene outside the balcony appeared in front of their eyes.

In front of the originally empty floor-to-ceiling window, a strange man wearing a cloak, covered in bandages, and holding an ax in his hand appeared.

It seemed that because the curtains were suddenly opened, Takahashi Ryoichi was also stunned on the spot, staring blankly at the two people in the room.

That was...the bandage weirdo I met in the forest!

When she saw the figure on the balcony, Mao Lilan's eyes widened instantly, and her pupils shrank suddenly.

After all, if you suddenly see a strange man holding an ax and covered with bandages on your balcony in the middle of the night, it's better not to be scared to death.

Kitahara Hajime, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, gently pinched his chin, and his brown eyes looked at Ryoichi Takahashi who was stunned outside with interest.

I have to say, this guy is really a good tool man.

Thinking this, the corners of his mouth gradually turned into a smile.

--This guy!

After a brief period of confusion, Takahashi Ryoichi also noticed Kitahara Hajime staring at him.

Especially when he noticed the smile on the other person's lips, he couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

He had no idea what this guy was laughing about.

When people face the unknown, they always feel inexplicable fear in their hearts.

It was the same last time, and it’s the same this time!

Why can this guy always laugh when facing me?

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