It was raining lightly outside the window at this time, and the fog covering the streets made it difficult to see any real scenery.

Chiba Kazunobu, who was sitting in front, had not arrived yet, and it looked like he would be late again today.

This kind of weather... can make people want to sleep a little longer.

Beihara Hao yawned boredly, and his brown eyes subconsciously looked at the corner on the other side.

Soon I saw Miwako Sato, who was concentrating on processing documents with her face raised.

As if aware of Ruoyouruowu's gaze, she also turned her head slightly, and the two of them looked at each other instantly.

It was discovered.

Beihara Hao looked at the corners of her mouth that were gradually rising, and nodded slightly.

Take it as a response.

There are already many colleagues in the office at this moment. If you want to do something extraordinary, you will definitely be discovered.

So I might as well have a good sleep.

Kitahara Hao took out the computer pen from his fourth-dimensional pocket, lightly tapped the pen tip on the document to be processed, supported the side of his face with one hand, and gradually half-closed his eyes.

This kind of fishing work life... is really good!



For the whole morning, Kitahara Hao could be said to have completed all the work for the day while sleeping.

It is indeed a tool from the 22nd century, and its efficiency is really frightening.

Stretching slightly, he threw the computer pen back into his fourth-dimensional pocket with satisfaction.

Well, now it's time to break for lunch.

Should we go to the cafeteria today or eat out together?

Kitahara Hao looked at the office where there were not many people anymore, turned his head and asked Miwako Sato next to him.

Ever since the relationship between the two became closer, they basically did things like eating together.

Let's go eat at a restaurant outside. Yumi happened to invite me too.

Miwako Sato turned off the screen of her mobile phone, raised her head and said with a chuckle.

Miyamoto-senpai is going too?

Beihara Hao was slightly startled and asked subconsciously.

She's not an outsider anyway, so let's go together!

Sato Miwako half-propped her cheek, gradually raised the corners of her mouth, and spoke in a coquettish voice.

She remembered that Kitahara Hajime and Miyamoto Yumi had a pretty good relationship.

Every time there was a social gathering, Kitahara would always be dragged along by Yumi.

He is indeed not an outsider...

There were some subtle thoughts in his heart.

I don’t know if Miyamoto Yumi’s mentality will collapse on the spot after seeing herself passing by.

With such vicious interest in mind, Kitahara Haori nodded slowly.


Tokyo, a newly opened coffee shop.

Why did you come here?

Looking at Kitahara Hajime sitting opposite him, Miyamoto Yumi took a deep breath and asked with a forced smile.

Can't be angry——

Miwako is next to him now!

Why can't you come over? It was Miwako who I made an appointment with first.

Kitahara took a sip of the Americano coffee in his cup and responded casually.


Could this guy be doing it on purpose?

Miyamoto Yumi gritted her teeth and thought with half-closed eyes full of malice.

She originally wanted to treat Miwako to lunch to make up for her inner guilt.

It's okay now, after seeing Kitahara Hajime - the guilt has not diminished, but has become stronger.

Okay, why do you two start quarreling as soon as you meet? Sato Miwako put down the menu in her hand and said softly helplessly, I'm going to order two pizzas. What else do you two want to eat?

Just bring me a sandwich.

Beihara Hao didn't think much and said softly.

I want to eat sushi! Miyamoto Yumi said without hesitation.

The coffee shop doesn't have that kind of sushi. You'd better eat a bacon sandwich.

Miwako Sato stood up and placed the menu in her hand on the table.

I'm going to help you order food and go to the bathroom on the way.



Looking at her retreating back, Miyamoto Yumi lay weakly on the table, and the two fell into silence again.

You really didn't mean to ruin my good fortune?

I think too much. I just came out to have lunch.

Kitahara Hao poked her cheek with his finger and said with a raised corner of his mouth.

Don't poke me, you're not afraid of being discovered by Miwako...

Miyamoto Yumi kicked him with her high-heeled feet and warned with half-closed eyes.

But before she could take her foot back, she was suddenly grabbed at the ankle.

let go!

Miyamoto Yumi pulled it back hard, but couldn't pull it out at all. A blush slowly rose on its face, and she lowered her voice and said.

However, the next moment, Kitahara took off the high-heeled shoes on her feet, and her little feet wrapped in light black stockings also felt a slight chill.

What on earth are you going to do...

Feeling the sudden chill, Miyamoto Yumi couldn't help clenching her toes together, and looked at him dissatisfied with her beautiful eyes.

Forget it in the apartment, you should know that you are in a public place now - not to mention that Miwako Sato will be back soon.

You were the one who kicked me here first, so you can't blame me.

Kitahara Hao scratched the soles of her feet with his fingertips, looked at her biting her lower lip and her face turned red, and said slowly.

No... I don't blame you, but who do you blame!

Miyamoto Yumi kicked him slightly hard, gritted her little tiger teeth and said.

This guy just likes exciting things, right?

Hurry up and let me go, or Miwako will be back soon.

Taking a deep breath, Miyamoto Yumi half-closed her brown eyes and said nervously.

Don't take her with you when you're looking for death!

She didn't want to be beaten to death by her best friend.

Don't worry, I've been paying attention over there.

Beihara Hao chuckled and said disapprovingly.

He could just see the corridor leading to the toilet from his direction, so there was nothing to worry about.


Miyamoto Yumi wanted to say something else, but in the end she swallowed her words helplessly.

Forget it, I won’t listen to myself anyway.

... Just don't let anyone find out.

Your compromise speed is still as fast as ever!

Miyamoto Yumi glanced at him gently from the corner of her eye and selectively did not reply.

Is that a compromise?

That means there is no way to struggle at all, okay?

I said Beiyuan——

After thinking for a while, she shouted thoughtfully.


Do you have any special hobbies? Miyamoto Yumi moved her ankles a little, tilted her head slightly and asked, Do you like it? Do you want to do it?.

125: I must put my feet in your mouth next time!

Do you like it? Do you want to lick it?

Miyamoto Yumi leaned forward slightly, with a smirk on her lips, and asked softly.

She seemed to be teasing on purpose at this time, and her voice was also very seductive.

...Why do you have such inexplicable thoughts?

Kitahara Hao looked at the little black stocking feet that had been turned up, and couldn't help but be silent for a while, and then couldn't help but ask.

How does this woman view herself?

Hey, don't you like it?

Miyamoto Yumi's toes wrapped in black stockings tapped lightly on his waist, she held her delicate chin with one hand, and asked pretending to be confused.

If you didn't like it, you probably wouldn't have played with it for so long.

Although she said this, the corners of her lips turned up involuntarily.

It was obvious that this woman said this on purpose - she just wanted to take revenge on him for what he had just done.

I like it, but...I'm not a pervert.

Kitahara Hao held the little foot that was holding the hem of his clothes and shook it gently, and said in a helpless tone.

He is indeed a bit of a scumbag, but he has nothing to do with being a pervert, right?

Come on, what you did to me this morning is nothing different from a pervert.

Miyamoto Yumi's dark brown eyes rolled her eyes at him, and her mouth bulged involuntarily.

Do normal people take off other people's pajamas casually in the morning?

That kind of thing is probably something only a pervert can do!

You really don't understand the concept of perversion.

Kitahara Hao took a sip of the steaming Americano coffee and subconsciously looked towards the corridor not far away.

After seeing Sato Miwako walking towards this side, he poked Miyamoto Yumi's soft soles with his fingers.

What do you want to do again?

She raised her head dissatisfied and asked in a low voice.

...Miwako is here￀?¢?

Kitahara Hao let go of the little foot in his hand and gave a kind reminder.

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