
After hearing the name, the dissatisfaction on Miyamoto Yumi's face was immediately replaced by panic. Her feet in black silk stockings were quickly retracted, and her toes lightly stepped on the cold floor.

Because the high-heeled shoes just now were thrown away by Kitahara, she only wore a thin layer of black stockings on her feet.

Where are my high heels!

Miyamoto Yumi raised her head and glanced at Sato Miwako, who had not come over yet. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked him in a low voice.

Put it right at your feet.

Kitahara Hao took a sip of hot coffee and said softly.

At my feet... I found it!

After groping carefully, Miyamoto Yumi quickly found the black high-heeled shoes that had been thrown aside, and her brown eyes lit up slightly.

After putting on her shoes in a panic, Sato Miwako behind her just walked to the sofa and sat down.

“Aren’t the pizzas and sandwiches ready yet?”

She looked at the clean tabletop in front of her and asked with some confusion.

It's only been less than three minutes, how could it be so fast?

Kitahara Hao shook his head and replied.

Then just wait a little longer, but——

Miwako Sato turned her head and glanced at Yumi Miyamoto, who had her head lowered next to her, and tilted her head in confusion.

Why does Yumi look so red?

Although Miyamoto Yumi kept her head down, Sato Miwako, who was sitting next to her, could clearly see her reddened white cheeks.

Maybe...maybe it's a fever!

Miyamoto Yumi looked out the window at the rain-soaked street, looked away guiltily, and said with some stumble.

If you want to find a suitable reason at this time, you probably have to have a fever.


Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of suspicion flashed across her purple eyes.

Yumi's expression... doesn't look like she has a fever.

It's true. The dog took away the quilt when I was sleeping this morning, so I caught a cold and had a fever!

Miyamoto Yumi noticed the suspicious glances coming from the side, her tall body couldn't help but tremble, and she quickly explained.

You also know that I have two pet dogs at home...

Kitahara Hao was holding the coffee in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

He felt that this woman should be scolding him.

Really, you should pay attention to your health.

Sato Miwako touched her cheek with the back of her hand and sighed softly.

It felt really hot to the touch, and it looked like I had a real fever.

I'll go ask for leave for you in the afternoon. After dinner, you can go back to the apartment and have a good rest.


Miyamoto Yumi blinked in confusion, and after reacting, she quickly shook her head.

No need, I've prepared fever-lowering medicine in the office, it's better not to delay work.

Just kidding, she was already late enough because she stayed up late playing mahjong, but she didn't want to miss a day without any reason.

I've never seen you work so persistently before...

Sato Miwako took a sip of the slightly cold coffee and said with half-squinted eyes.

However, at this moment, Kitahara Hao, who was sitting opposite, stood up lazily and stretched a little.

where are you going?

Sato Miwako asked curiously while holding her cheek half up.

I went to the bathroom. I just touched something dirty on my hands.

Kitahara Hao waved his hand and said, then turned and walked towards the bathroom.

After all, I had just played with Miyamoto Yumi's feet. If I didn't wash my hands, I might not be able to eat lunch for a while.

No—dirty stuff! ?

Miyamoto Yumi took a slow, deep breath, looked at the figure that was gradually walking away with dangerous eyes, gritted her teeth and clenched the fork in her hand.

It was obviously you who made the move first, but in the end you still blame yourself for being unclean!

What's wrong with you? You look so shocked?

Sato Miwako looked at Miyamoto Yumi who suddenly gritted her teeth and asked with some confusion.

It was just a trip to the toilet, but why did you feel that something was wrong with the atmosphere?

No...nothing, I'm just too hungry.

Miyamoto Yumi forced a smile on her lips and responded in a very soft voice.

I must put my feet into your mouth next time!

She thought with determination in her heart.

126: I have to postpone the bank robbery for a day because I have to go on a date!

I've already eaten them all.

After returning from the bathroom, Kitahara saw the three pizzas and five bacon sandwiches that had been placed on the table, and he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He and Miyamoto Yumi don't have big appetites. Basically, a pizza and a sandwich are enough to fill them up.

So Miwako Sato will naturally handle the excess.

But although she has a big appetite, her figure is surprisingly slender.

There is no excess fat on the waist, and it feels very smooth and tight...

Recalling her alluring figure, Kitahara's lips unconsciously formed a smile.

...It always feels like you are thinking about some weird things.

After noticing the gaze from the other side, Sato Miwako's brown eyes gradually narrowed.

Ahem, I didn't think about that kind of thing. Kitahara coughed slightly, half-supporting his cheek, and asked with interest, I was just wondering why you keep your figure despite eating so much every day. So good?


Sato Miwako blinked. She didn't expect Kitahara to ask herself such a question.

However, is eating too much for yourself?

She looked down at the half-eaten bacon sandwich in her hand, then at the half-eaten pizza.

Compared to the two of them - it seems... quite a lot.

I want to know why too!

Miyamoto Yumi, who was looking at the rainy scene on the street boredly, her dark brown eyes lit up after hearing this question, and she quickly turned her head and agreed.

You must know that she had been envious of Sato Miwako for her appetite and figure for a long time.

How could I possibly know that kind of thing? Miwako Sato looked at the two curious people and said in a helpless tone, And my weight has been increasing every time...even though it's only a little bit.

She didn't care much about her weight, and it wasn't a secret that couldn't be told.

Then why don't you have any fat on your figure... Damn it!

Miyamoto Yumi reached out and squeezed her waist. After feeling her slender figure, she gritted her teeth unwillingly.

She must be lying!

It is possible that as the weight increases, the body shape will remain completely unchanged!

Don't touch other people's waists casually, it will make them itchy!

Sato Miwako twisted her waist slightly and looked at her with dissatisfaction.

She wouldn't have reacted like this before, but now it's only been two days since what happened that night.

If she was touched like this - she would always subconsciously think of those embarrassing things Kitahara Hao did to herself...

Thinking of what happened that night, Sato Miwako moved her legs slightly and bit her lower lip involuntarily.

I...wouldn't it be better for me to go to his house and stay for one night?

After all, Kitahara is only twenty years old and is in a young stage.

No—what the hell am I thinking about?

And if you indulge in it, it will have a great impact on Beihara's future.

Sato Miwako took a deep breath, blushing and suppressing the thoughts in her heart that were almost unbearable.

You must know that after the last live broadcast incident on Nippon TV, Kitahara Hajime was basically famous in the Metropolitan Police Department.

In addition, he is a member of the professional group who has passed the first-class civil service examination. If he works hard, he will probably be promoted to the police department soon.

In contrast, Sato Miwako, who is in the non-professional group, has to wait several years to become a police officer.

When he gets promoted, he will transform from Kitahara's boss to his subordinate.

It seems that the names I use at work will have to be changed in the future.

Sato Miwako put back the complicated emotions in her heart, then picked up the coffee cup and took a sip.


Why is she blushing too?

Miyamoto Yumi, who was sitting aside, looked at her red cheeks and twitched the corners of her eyes slightly.

He just touched her waist, why did her face suddenly turn red?

After thinking carefully in her heart, Miyamoto Yumi felt that it was better not to ask.

She was not an idiot, so she could naturally guess that the reason why Sato Miwako blushed must have something to do with that stinky scumbag Kitahara Hajime.

After all, both of them have already reached home plate.

Thinking of this, Miyamoto Yumi raised her eyes to look at Kitahara Hajime, who was having lunch, and then turned to look at Miwako Sato next to her, her face gradually becoming melancholy.

Until now, she still regretted why she got involved in the relationship between these two people.

However, even regrets are of no use.

Miyamoto Yumi recalled what happened this morning and looked helplessly out the window at the rain-soaked street.

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to withdraw.

Now I can only hope that after being discovered, I will not be beaten to death by Sato Miwako.

As for what Beihara Hao once said he would get it done, she never believed it.

If he wanted both people to accept that kind of thing, Beihara might still be daydreaming.

Do you really think you are the male protagonist of some harem drama?

Complaining in his heart, Miyamoto Yumi swayed her little feet under the table and kicked Kitahara Hajime opposite him in dissatisfaction.

No matter how you think about it, it's this guy's fault that the situation is like this.


He didn't seem to mess with this woman just now, right?

Kitahara Hao looked at Miyamoto Yumi, who was sulking again, and subconsciously thought in his heart.

Why did he suddenly come over and kick me again?

What's the matter, Kitahara-kun?

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