You are really not candid.

Looking at the woman with red ears in front of him, Kitahara Hao couldn't help but chuckle.


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Cupido Town and Mikka Town are both in Tokyo, so the distance between them is not too far, and it only takes more than ten minutes to drive.

The silver-white Porsche slowly parked in the parking lot, and next to it was Yumi Miyamoto's traffic police car.

It's time to get off, Yumi.

After Kitahara parked the car, he turned his head and said to Miyamoto Yumi who was sitting in the passenger seat.

...Finally we're here.

Looking at the familiar Metropolitan Police Building in front of her, Miyamoto Yumi rubbed her eyebrows with her fingers and breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that time passed very slowly when she was staying with Kitahara Hajime.

The ten minute journey seemed like an hour.

Maybe it was because of the phone call just now.

She couldn't help but guess in her heart.

Then I'll report to the traffic department first.

After calming down a little, Miyamoto Yumi stretched slightly, and then opened the car door on the side.

Then see you after get off work. Kitahara Hao said with a chuckle.

It's better to see you tomorrow!

Miyamoto Yumi corrected him angrily, then closed the car door and walked to the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department.

She didn't want what happened at 0.6 yesterday to happen to her again.

It's eight-twenty, there are still thirty minutes until work.

Looking at the figure that had gone away, Kitahara Hao lowered his head and glanced at the time on his watch, and said to himself.

I don’t know if Miwako came at this time?


Ding dong.

Looking at the elevator door that slowly opened in front of him, Kitahara Hao walked in with a leisurely expression.

Wait a moment, Kitahara!

Just as the elevator door gradually closed, a somewhat urgent sound sounded from not far away, causing him to subconsciously press the door opening button.

As the elevator opened again, a middle-aged man with a crew cut came in panting, holding a copy of today's newspaper in his hand.

The headline above was very conspicuous. Kitahara Hao only took a brief glance and discovered the focus of the news.

An invitation from Kaitou Kidd?

After seeing the fonts of these key marks, Kitahara raised his eyebrows slightly, then looked at the panting uncle next to him, and asked thoughtfully.

Senior Nakamori, are you going to catch Kaitou Kidd again?.

124: Do you like it? Do you want to lick it?

Senior Nakamori, are you going to catch Kaitou Kidd again?

Kitahara Hao looked at the headlines in the newspaper in his hand and asked thoughtfully.

The panting man next to him was none other than Nakamori Ginzo, the father of Kuroba Kaito's childhood sweetheart.

Both of them work in the investigation section of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, so they naturally know each other.

It's just that he is in the first search section, while Nakamori Ginzo is in the second search section, and the office areas are not close to each other, so we rarely see each other a few times during work.

Ah-that's right!

Mentioning the name Kaitou Kidd, Nakamori Ginzo tightly held the newspaper in his hand, and his originally breathless appearance suddenly became energetic.

That guy Kaitou Kidd sent a notice to the Suzuki Foundation yesterday, saying that he wanted to take away the jewelry that will be on display at the Rice Krispies Museum.

Suzuki Group jewelry?

Kitahara Hao leaned against the wall of the elevator, listening casually to the shouts coming from his ears.

He still had some memories of Kaitou Kidd's first appearance, but - he was too lazy to recall it.

No matter what the thief did, it had nothing to do with him. Their First Investigation Division was only responsible for murder cases, and things like stealing things were all under the jurisdiction of the Second Investigation Division.

That hateful guy, I will definitely catch him this time.

As if he had made up his mind, Nakamori Ginzo said with firm eyes and gritted teeth.

You say this every time, but you never get caught.

Beihara Hao shook his head gently, thinking something funny in his heart.

I don’t know how Nakamori Ginzo’s expression will change after he finds out that Kaitou Kidd is his neighbor?

It must be interesting.

The rival he has been pursuing all his life is actually his daughter's childhood sweetheart - that scene must be very interesting.

Thinking of this, Beihara Hao couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

What are you laughing at, kid?

Noticing the smile at the corner of his mouth, Nakamori Ginsan's mouth twitched slightly, feeling suddenly unhappy.

Why does it feel like this kid looks down on me?

Nothing, just wondering when my girlfriend will get pregnant.

Kitahara Shizuo shrugged and said in a lazy and vague tone.

Girlfriend is pregnant?

Are all young people today so precocious?

Are you planning to have children at such an old age?

Nakamori Ginzo was stunned for a moment, then looked at him suspiciously and asked dubiously.

If he remembered correctly, he remembered that Kitahara Hao was only twenty years old this year, right?

He is also considered a relatively young newcomer in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department - not to mention that he is also the youngest deputy in the history of the police department.

If nothing else happens, this guy's future is not comparable to that of his own police department.

I'm fine, mainly because my girlfriend is older.

Kitahara Hao chuckled and explained.

He didn't lie, after all, Sato Miwako is already twenty-eight years old this year.

Compared with their peers - except for the woman Yumi Miyamoto, basically all children can go to elementary school.

Thinking about it this way, Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto are indeed good best friends, even if they are single, they have to be single together.

he thought with great interest.

It turns out it's a girlfriend problem. Nakamori Ginzo nodded clearly, and then said with some sigh, Obviously your boy and my daughter are not much different in age...

Aoko Nakamori?

Kitahara Hao slightly raised his eyebrows.

He still has an impression of Nakamori Ginzo's daughter. It seems that she and Kuroba Kaito both studied at Ekoda High School.

However - compared to Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko, he cared more about the magical female high school student.

The name should be Koizumi Anko.

Kitahara Hao whispered the name softly, his brown eyes flashing slightly.

I don't know if there is any supernatural power in this world.

Forget it, I can't get in touch with it at the moment - it's useless to think about it that much.

It’s better to go and take a look in person when you have time.

Anyway, Ekoda is also in Tokyo, not very far from Mikka Town.

As the elevator door slowly opened, the two also ended their chat.

Goodbye, Nakamori-senpai.

After Kitahara Hao said hello, he walked out of the elevator slowly.

Kaitou Kidd.

Speaking of which... I wonder how Shiyu's light novel is going?

Since the date on the Ferris wheel, Kasumigaoka Shiyu sent him messages less often.

Recently, I seem to be discussing the publication of the first volume with Machida Enko.

Kitahara Hao was thinking as he walked towards the office not far away.

Search the office of Section 1.

Because I came earlier, I didn't meet Sato Miwako, who was responsible for checking attendance, at the door as usual.

Good morning, Takagi-senpai.

After entering the office, Kitahara Hajime immediately saw Wataru Takagi who was writing a case report, and then said hello with a smile.

Good morning.

Takagi Wataru answered subconsciously, but after looking up and seeing the familiar figure in front of him, he couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face.

Why did Kitahara come so early today?

There are still more than twenty minutes left before going to work.

By the way, senior, how was the Moon Shadow Island incident handled the day before yesterday?

Beihara Hao didn't pay attention to the expression on his face, and asked with interest.

Because he and Sato Miwako took leave, Megure Shisan could only take Takagi Wataru and others to investigate the murder case on Moon Shadow Island.

He remembered that when he got off work yesterday, he did not see the Memu Police Department in the Metropolitan Police Department.

This means that the case on Yueying Island lasted for two full days.

Fortunately, I asked Miyamoto Yumi to ask for leave at that time, otherwise he and Miwako would have to go to the island.

The murderer died in the flames last night, and the case is now considered closed.

Takagi Wataru thought of what happened on the island and sighed softly.

『;?,.:Aso really wanted to avenge his father, so he chose to kill those three scumbags who had committed unpardonable crimes...

But in the final analysis, the fact of murder cannot be concealed.

This case on Moon Shadow Island is really thanks to Mr. Maori. After sighing a little in his heart, Takagi Wataru said happily, If it weren't for his help, I'm afraid I would still be looking for the murderer on the island.

How could ordinary people imagine using a piano to cover up murders?

Mr. Mori?

After hearing this familiar title, Kitahara Hao raised his eyebrows in surprise, and gradually came up with a guess in his heart.

Isn't that kid named Conan also following him? he asked with half-squinted eyes.

Conan is indeed here, it seems he went there with Mr. Mori.

Sure enough, wherever a crime occurs - that guy is definitely there.

I don’t know how he got involved with Mouri Kogoro?

Xiaolan has obviously moved to Mihua Apartment...

After briefly chatting with Takagi Wataru about the details of the case, Kitahara returned to his desk.

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