... Vanilla frowned in a very anthropomorphic manner, with a worried look on her little face.

After all, this Unfair Warfare is a unique skill at the semi-saint level or even the holy level.

Li Shou's strength was still far behind Stone Monkey's. If he was forced to practice such an advanced Taoist technique, he might be wiped out if he made one mistake.

So Vanilla was very worried, and even summoned the mechanical box in the mustard space, and began to be ready to help Li Shou at any time.

Vanilla is very strong now.

In the process of transforming the planet countless times, Li Shou was not the only one to improve his Taoism.

Li Shou promotes the way of balance, but the means of promotion are created by Vanilla and based on the rules of physics.

Its improvement is no less than that of Li Shou.

At this time, Vanilla blocked the space and was ready to use physical means to cut off the connection between Li Shou and Stone Book.

But everything is fine for now...

When Li Shou's momentum was rising steadily and his unyielding will reached a certain peak.

He suddenly took out the Pangu ax and struck the open space in front of him with the ax head like a stick.

Then the space of the entire Kyushu world shook.

Vanilla looked again and saw a scar appearing in the sky.

A scar that won't heal.

The scar was born in the air and stayed where Li Shou had struck it with his axe.

That piece of space seemed to have been torn open in the paper and could never be closed.

Vanilla curiously directed a machine to fly over to test it, but before it even got close to the opening, the machine completely turned into nothingness.

After striking this axe, Li Shou seemed to be quite exhausted, with golden sweat beads appearing on his body, and at the same time, the stone book also fell from the air.

He withdrew his spiritual thoughts and became completely awake.

How are you? Xiang Xiang saw that Li Shou was awake and asked with concern.

Fortunately, I just can't go any further. Unfair Warfare is extremely mysterious. Whether it's my body or Taoism, I can't glimpse a higher realm. But the Taoism I have learned so far is enough for me. I’ll bite off more than I can chew, so I’ll write down this realization first.”

After Li Shou said this, he began to meditate on the spot.

This sitting lasted another three years.

In the past three years, Li Shou engraved the Tao skills he had realized in his heart and captured the mysterious and mysterious feeling.

The moment he opened his eyes, his Unfair Warfare was officially introduced.

In the past three years, Vanilla has been guarding Li Shou all the time until he was completely awake.

Vanilla... The moment Li Shou woke up, he saw Vanilla's round little face.

Master Li, you're awake.


Are you OK?

It's okay, my combat power has improved a lot. This unfair fighting method is too powerful. If my body can keep up, I feel that my strength has improved dramatically this time. It's a pity that my level is too low, even if I learned such a powerful one I can’t even use Taoism for a few times.”

Li Shou thought of how three years ago, after one attack, he almost ran out of mana.

After all, he is only in the realm of immortals.

In the ancient times, in the realm of light theory, let alone being a miscellaneous fish, at most it could be regarded as the level of a small sect and a small protector.

Using this kind of magic power to control Unfair Warfare is like burning firewood and firing rockets. Exhaustion is normal.

What happened in the past few years?

Well, Sister Narcissus and your classmates have come here a few times to talk about the situation. The training camp is fine, because the speed of the balance rules becoming stronger has slowed down significantly recently, and those people have indeed turned their attention to the Stone Monkey.

In addition, there are actually dissatisfaction among the adventurers of each camp, so it is not that easy to form a team for adventure.

But the situation over there in Honghuang is not so good.

Wuzhuang Temple can't stand it anymore?

For the time being, we can withstand it. After all, the ancestors of the Earth Immortals are not vegetarians. As a half-saint, there are no truly powerful masters in the human world. Let alone a few years, it will be difficult to break through their protection even for hundreds of years. Mountain array.

But Zhen Yuanzi seemed to be unable to withstand the pressure and was about to surrender.


Even in the earth's mythology, he is not an immortal who is willing to fight others to the end. In addition, now that humanity is at its peak, the coming waves of human armies are becoming more and more powerful. He neither dares to kill, nor is he afraid of offending others. Emperor.

And this time it was said that Ksitigarbha will personally lead his army to attack.

Zhen Yuanzi can't stand the pressure and is about to vote!

Then what do we do?

Narcissus's argument is that it would be better to be absorbed by the Emperor of Humanity along with Wuzhuang Temple.

What's the meaning?

Now that the human race wants to dominate the ancient world, it is not safe to hide anywhere. Narcissus said that it is better to pretend to be included and make plans later. Anyway, for now, we have the super secret grass, and the identity will not be revealed. In addition, the method of transformation , staying within the power of the Human Emperor for the time being, is actually safe.

Okay, but doesn't that go against the grain of balance?

We will look for other places to make up for Daoxing's problem, but considering safety, we have to do this.

Okay, since you all agree, you must have thought about it carefully. Let's do what you said, but I also want to go and see the situation first.

Li Shou casually changed his appearance as he spoke, and then asked Vanilla to change a bit, and then the two of them came to the prehistoric world together.

The last time I left, it was Wuzhuang Temple, so this time I came back to this place.

And it was a coincidence that I came back this time.

As soon as Li Shou arrived, he saw a big man coming from the sky.

It was a great god who didn't know how high it was. The sky in the ancient world was already high, but Li Shou saw that it was like the sky and the earth, and it was as majestic as standing tall against the sky and the earth.

As soon as this great god appeared, a figure that looked like the law of the sky and the earth also appeared on the side of Wuzhuang Temple.

Li Shou raised his head. Needless to say, the figure appearing in Wuzhuang Temple was Zhen Yuanzi.

And another person Li Shou also met in the temple of the Humane City, he was Ksitigarbha.

In charge of the path of reincarnation.

Single-handedly build the underworld and establish reincarnation.

Human beings will not return to silence, nothingness, or dust after death.

Except for part of the twisted will taken away by the Lord of Weirdness.

After death, people belong to Ksitigarbha.

In Ksitigarbha's path of reincarnation, human beings are immortal and can be reincarnated and reborn - this is one of the reasons why human soldiers are not afraid of death.

As long as you perform meritorious deeds, not only will you not lose anything in your next life, you will also gain glory and strength, and enjoy health and happiness throughout your life.

After Ksitigarbha came, he fought with Zhen Yuanzi.

Li Shou couldn't understand the process of fighting.

I just felt like the world was spinning, and the entire nearby wild land was shaking.

But no one was injured, and no destructive spells were issued.

After a while, Zhen Yuanzi spoke.

“Humanity is at its peak, and all earth, fire, water, and wind should be under the control of the Human Emperor.

I, the Wuzhuang Temple, hold the lineage of ancient times and worship the Emperor of Humanity.

The Wuzhuang Temple is up and down, at the mercy of the Emperor!

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