Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 423 Everyone’s cultivation, sword cultivation

‘You’re going to vote now? So casual? ’

Although Li Shou couldn't understand the fighting skills of the semi-saint level.

But it was also obvious that neither side was using their full strength.

In the world of martial arts, at best everyone is trying out their skills, but it's not necessarily a level where they can test their skills against each other.

At this moment, Li Shou knew that the master of Wuzhuang Temple actually didn't have much will to resist.

But this is normal.

He is a semi-saint or quasi-sage. He is not an ant-like figure in the face of the general trend of humanity, and he has no ability to resist.

Coupled with the rules of the earth of spiritual practice, it is not so rigid.

Surrender is a matter of time.

'In this case, why did the fat monk send me here...'

While Li Shou was thinking about it, he suddenly felt the earth shaking.

Then he saw Zhen Yuanzi's huge body Fa Tian Xian Di stretched out his hand and pulled out a line of earth-yellow energy that was bigger than his body on the ground.

The energy was extremely powerful, and after being dragged out by Zhen Yuanzi, he handed it over to Ksitigarbha.

Ksitigarbha took over the earth vein and began to examine it: There is also your spiritual consciousness restriction on this ancient earth vein...

The trail will be removed right now.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his hand, and after a cracking sound, the earth veins turned into an earth dragon.

And without the primordial earth veins, the power of the origin of heaven and earth, Zhen Yuanzi's Dharma body of heaven and earth shrunk by half in an instant.

At the same time, Ksitigarbha had just obtained the unrestricted earth veins, and the latter grabbed a strange object from his robe.

Li Shou took a closer look - the mass looked very much like the earliest cold air that breeds evil spirits in the world of Kyushu.

It's just that the cold air in Ksitigarbha's hands is not at the same level as the Kyushu world in terms of quality and quantity.

If you have to compare, the cold air in the Kyushu world is like the light of a matchstick, while Ksitigarbha's ball is like the sun.

The cold air was quickly refined into the earth's veins by Ksitigarbha.

After that, Li Shou heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling wolves coming from the surrounding land for no reason.

Looking far into the distance, he saw that everything around him was slowly becoming twisted and sinister...

‘It’s pretty cool. ’

Seeing that the entire prehistoric land line had been transformed into a distorted state, although Li Shou felt extremely uncomfortable, there was nothing he could do about it.

At his current level, he is like an ant or a bright moon compared to Ksitigarbha, so he can only swallow his anger for the time being.

Very good. Taking the initiative to contribute to the earth lineage is the first sign of recognition for Wuzhuang Guanna.

But considering that Wuzhuang Guanming was stubborn at first, it cost our soldiers a lot of time.

Now if you want to keep your village safe, you need to unplug the many sects in the Sword Domain first.

Follow the army of humanity again to suppress the remnants of the rebellion in heaven!

I will obey the law. The shrunken Zhen Yuanzi bowed slightly and saluted Ksitigarbha.

When he got up again, Ksitigarbha had disappeared.

The humanitarian army was also taken away by it.

Seeing this, Li Shou hurriedly searched inside the temple and quickly found Narcissus and his teammates.

It was also a joy to meet teammates.

Brother Li, are you out of seclusion?

Yes, yes. How have you been over the years?

Li Shou feels in a good mood every time he sees his teammates.

We have been together for more than a hundred years and have shared life and death countless times. We have long been best partners.

Holy shit, I'm telling you, Brother Li, the Nuwa Yuanling Water you gave me last time is really easy to use. Once the mud and water get on my body, my spiritual roots can be easily squeezed. Now our cultivation speed is much faster than before. You know how many times, even those with Heavenly Spiritual Roots, and even those above the Heavenly Spiritual Roots who follow the rules of life, cannot advance as fast as our cultivation base.

Yes, it's really fast. It's so fast that I'm scared and it feels unbelievable. This is the speed of cultivation of a true genius among geniuses. King Urine and Liu Teng were excited there.

Although they are very old, they are always outgoing and more cheerful than the old men who like to exercise in the park. They are also talking with great joy at this time.

How fast?

It's been almost ten years since we broke up this time.

Absolutely. Li Shou calculated. It took him more than six years to transform the planet, and three years to realize Unfair Warfare. Including the messy time, it was close to ten years.

In ten years, not only have everyone reached the realm of heavenly immortals, but half of them have already reached the realm of mysterious immortals.

So fast?

Li Shou knew that the higher the level of immortality, the harder it would be to improve.

The requirements for various conditions will become more and more demanding, and the time consumption will also become greater and greater.

But I didn’t expect that in the past ten years, everyone’s level has really risen like a rocket.

This level of genius really surpasses all the immortal cultivators, and definitely surpasses the few people who have seen the rules of life.

It is indeed the first epic reward. I don't know if there are other rewards of this level in other rules.

Not necessarily. Yes, and only the strongest rules exist. This time it was Narcissus who answered, I recently checked the overlap between the earth's mythology and the real prehistoric world.

We found that the rewards we can get are all the ones Stone Monkey once got.

The stone monkey is transformed into the stone used by Nuwa to mend the sky.

It once fought with the present Buddha, and even injured the present Buddha.

He also fought with a six-eared macaque, and later the six-eared macaque died.

Among all the rules, although the Stone Monkey is not the most powerful, it is a fighting maniac. It has a high probability of obtaining very high-level items. And because it is sealed, these items will be included in the rules rewards. Within. So probably, our reward level is the highest.”

That's really good news, but what should we do next? Pretend to be disciples of Wuzhuang Temple and be recruited together?

Yes. This is the best way...

in the next period of time.

Li Shou and his teammates also discussed their future direction.

The Wuzhuangguan side seems to have a tacit understanding with this side.

After everyone discussed it, Qingfeng Mingyue sent Wuzhuang Temple's exclusive robes, and the people in this team officially joined Wuzhuang Temple.

Not long after everyone joined Wuzhuang Guan, the human race sent a general to integrate them here, and urged Wuzhuang Guan to set out and submit the certificate of submission as soon as possible.

Zhen Yuanzi was forced to obey orders.

Not long after everyone stayed at Wuzhuangguan Ansheng, the entire Wuzhuangguan was captured and held for thirty-three days.

Then relying on the ancient teleportation array, the whole thing moved to a new area.

Sword domain.

High in the sky, everyone looked at the numerous sword peaks.

This is the territory of the sword cultivators.

Narcissus knew that Li Shou had been doing other things these years and didn't know much about this place.

And she has been in Wuzhuang Temple for ten years. Although she goes out less often, she knows much more about the prehistoric forces than Li Shou.

Sword cultivators are not weak in combat power, but they prefer to bend rather than bend. A curved sword cannot be called a sword. Their character is related to the rules of their practice. The higher the moral practice of sword cultivators, the less likely they are to surrender to humanity.

The higher the sword cultivator is, the more he is in charge of each major sword sect.

Therefore, humanity cannot conquer the sword cultivators, it can only destroy them.

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