Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 421 The unity of heaven and man, the art of injustice

Balance rules have really gained momentum recently.

In the past, the area around Fenggu City was a serious desert, like the kind of desert after nuclear radiation.

But now plants are beginning to appear on the desert, and many new species have grown. And I heard that the mushroom territory is also expanding, and mushrooms are beginning to grow in many places where mushrooms did not grow before.

As the Mushroom Domain spreads, new cities, new transmission points, and new source planets will slowly appear.

It's like playing Red Alert, with the base expanded.

With a larger territory, many things can be better performed and a virtuous cycle can be created.

But others would never want to see the way of balance become stronger, and the rules become stronger, affecting the roots, branches, and leaves of the world, and maybe even the prehistoric emperors would become weaker as a result.

This is equivalent to Li Shou poking a hornet's nest.

He has transformed too many planets recently, and with the events at the training camp, it is difficult not to notice.

He wanted to keep a low profile, but once he did this, he couldn't keep a low profile.

You can only take advantage of the fire and take risks.

Recently there have been rumors that other rules are preparing to form some adventurers to destroy this training camp.

How dare they do this in the Mushroom Territory? Are they not afraid of counterattacks according to the rules?

You must be afraid, so you have to plan slowly and find really powerful adventurers. Once you arrive, you can escape with one attack. Even if you are counterattacked by the rules, as long as you are strong enough, you will not be killed by the power of the rules.

What if I hold them back?

Then I don't know. Since they dare to come, they must have formed a reliable team. It's better if you don't show up by then. If you do, they may kill you together.

Although Xu Qiushi spoke rudely, he considered the issue from Li Shou's perspective.

How soon will they arrive?

I don't know. Those who dare to go to other rule areas to cause trouble are all desperadoes. The dual identity of desperadoes plus super powerful adventurers is not easy to find. And it is not known whether this is a test by letting the wind out. I I am only responsible for telling you the news, and you can only judge the rest by yourself.


After receiving the news from Xu Qiushi, Li Shou exchanged some necessary items at the club and left.

After returning to Kyushu world with Vanilla.

They came to the clearing in the middle of the mountains again.

Vanilla, you heard what happened just now. What do you think?

What I think is that the attack and killing is true, but it can also be true or false.

How to say?

For adventurers with other powerful rules, the most taboo is the sudden growth of the balance rule.


But the essential reason why the balance rules have become stronger in recent years is not the training camp, but the two of us.

That's right. After all, their fourth game has just begun, and it is a long process to dominate the planet and spread the way of balance. Without you, we couldn't do it for a long time. Those interest groups are working against the will and covertly, and they are overtly controlled by us. Control, secretly all for the benefit of the family... We might as well do it, but the new students can only do part of it, and the balance factor won't be too exaggerated.

So, my suggestion is that if your Tao Xing can already practice Unfair Warfare, then we can temporarily slow down the matter of transforming the planet.

They can stop if we stop?

Yes, at least we won't be so anxious to form a team. Didn't you listen? To cause trouble in a home stadium with other rules requires a very strong adventurer, and the risk factor is not low. As long as we temporarily slow down, they will feel our rules Becoming stronger is just a flash in the pan. It may even feel that it is not the reason of our training camp, but that something happened somewhere in the past.

For example, if I were them, I would most likely think of a monkey partially escaping from trouble!

After all, with no changes in the training camp, the speed at which the balance rules became stronger suddenly slowed down.

Using the control variable method, it is easy to know that it is not your fault.

With normal thinking, Stone Monkey was prevented from strengthening the seal, and then the rules suddenly became stronger.

The only thing I would think of is that it is about to get out of trouble.

This move is called——

The disaster is diverted to the east, and the monkey takes the blame.

Uh... Li Shou glanced at Vanilla, and what it said was indeed right, But will that bring trouble to Stone Monkey, such as if its seal is reinforced again?

Then I can't control it. Vanilla always only considers Li Shou himself, and treats others with a cold determination that is almost like treating tools.

There doesn't seem to be any other better way. To deal with them, we have to increase our strength first. Otherwise, we won't be able to take care of both ends! Li Shou thought for a while and made up his mind, I'll first take a look at the Taoism accumulated after so many years. , can you start practicing Unfair Warfare?

He did it as soon as he thought of it. Without any delay, Li Shou took out the stone book in the mustard seed space and opened it again, and at the same time, his spiritual thoughts entered it.

Same feeling as before.

As soon as you enter the book, there are countless stress scenarios and stress tests.

Then these overwhelming pressures penetrated into the soul and body from the book.

Because of Li Shou's indestructible body, although his body creaked under the pressure, he could still withstand it.

As for the soul, he faced overwhelming pressure from the beginning, and the layers of scenes that corroded his bones and corroded his heart were wearing away his will.

But this time, Li Shou caught a trace of a pattern.

A hint of this is not how the world should be pattern.

This pattern was brought about by Li Shou’s countless experiences...

He has seen so many planets.

In the world of the Celestial Dragons, if the oppression of the Celestial Dragons could be relaxed a little...

In the world of Kyushu, if the inner city family gives others a little way to survive...

In the cyber world, if big companies don't reach out to dead people and let dead people work for themselves and extract profits...

The world shouldn't be so twisted.

The pursuit of balance and shouldn't be are top-down perceptions of the way of heaven.

And When you encounter injustice, you must fight hard and wield the iron rod in your hand is a humanistic sentiment derived from oneself.

At this moment, Li Shou reached the state of harmony between man and nature.

Heaven and humanity merge together, fairness and unyielding burst out from the body.

“If there is injustice, we will take action to meet it…

Don’t be cowardly like a charm, don’t be twisted like a maggot, don’t be corroded by time and environment…

Throughout life, a living being only seeks to have clear thoughts.

Even if the body dies and the soul disappears, one cannot live in vain and be full of regrets when dying.

A large number of Unfair Warfare ideas first penetrated into Li Shou's soul through the stone book, and then countless Taoist techniques entered his mind.

Yes, it is Tao Shu, not tricks.

When swinging the stick, how to swing it, whether it is a horizontal sweep, a vertical slash, or a kill with the tip of the stick, these are the moves.

And when a stick is swung out to break the injustice, the injustice of heaven will be leveled, and the injustice of humanity will be wiped out.

This is Taoism.

Li Shou comprehended Unfair Warfare, and his aura was rising steadily. The vanilla beside him could no longer stand, and was blown away by the aura along the way.

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