When Li Shou came in, he saw this greedy scene.

Combining what he saw along the way, he also gained some understanding of this so-called peak of humanity.

Li Shou never understood what red eyes was before.

Even though I exchanged information with the people in the meeting, I still didn’t understand them at all.

But after arriving on the ground, he fully understood what had been his opponent and what had interfered with him.

The person in charge of bending the rules is the Human Emperor.

'No wonder the red-eyed man named Jin Hong killed all his classmates in the first two missions. No wonder he was ruthless and evil. No wonder the Kyushu world was infected by the power of distortion. No wonder humans in the Mori world will eventually become immortal. It's no wonder that in the world of the Holy Wing Empire, all the demons that dominated the world at the beginning were killed, leaving only a few who were extremely lucky. As a substitute, humans thrive in every corner of the universe...

The root lies here.

The humanity of the root world is strong, and the power of the rules it masters becomes even stronger.

The power of rules is strong, and the tentacles cultivated are also strong.

Humans are like locusts, being taken to various parts of the universe to multiply. No wonder the humans on every planet look similar.

It turns out they have the same root and species!

But even so, only those who practice the rules of distortion and order here are regarded as people of the Human Emperor.

Others are either regarded as immortals, monsters, or Buddhists.

Then it should be difficult to get along with people infected by twisted rules. ’

As soon as Li Shou walked to the edge of the giant beast's corpse, the villagers who were feasting on the meal discovered him.


They jumped down after discovering Li Shou.

He looked Li Shou up and down.

Especially looking at his waist.

I don't have a badge, so I'm not from the government. After seeing Li Shou's low status, the fear in their eyes disappeared, and their greed grew. What are you doing here? Don't you know we have to pay a fee to enter? Yes. Money?”

Money... This was the first time Li Shou heard that money circulated in Honghuang.

Even in the Earthly Immortal Realm, spiritual stones are used as equivalent exchange items.

‘There’s definitely something different about the money here. ’

While Li Shou was thinking, a villager from the prehistoric era rushed up and tried to snatch his belongings.

This kind of behavior is more greedy and unscrupulous than anyone in the world of branches and leaves.

No money, but I think you have a good axe.

Just as the man was about to snatch it, someone stopped him.

One person pretending to be white-faced and the other person pretending to be red-faced sang a double act with him.

Hurry up and give the things to him. He has a bad temper and is very powerful in this village. People will come soon and you won't be able to leave even if you want to.

As the two of them pulled and pulled, the surrounding villagers also gathered around and threatened them very strongly.

Moreover, several people cooperated, and the thoughts of being greedy, a little afraid, and testing Li Shou's strength and not dare to directly turn his back and snatch it away in the air were twisted together, forming a disgusting power.

Evil thoughts arose in Li Shou's heart, and he killed several of them with an axe, leaving only one alive.

Sir, please spare my life!

The man who was cruel and greedy just now, when he saw Li Shou's power, instantly twisted into a maggot-like shrinkage, and immediately begged for mercy.

Let me ask you a few questions.

Sir, you ask.

First, where is the teleportation array?

The teleportation array here is in the thirty-third heaven.

Give me your money.

Yes sir.

The man didn't have much money, so he touched his arms several times before taking out two coins and giving them to Li Shou.

Li Shou felt something was wrong when he took the coin, and felt that his moral conduct was being polluted.

Looking at the money, it is golden and red, and the round square hole is somewhat similar to ancient copper coins.

But the most eye-catching thing is the red eyes printed on the coins. The square holes overlap with the pupils of the eyes. If you look closely, you feel like your soul is being sucked in.

What a wicked money. Li Shou glanced at it with his spiritual mind and found that there was a strong twisted power in the coin.

If a person who practices this Tao has enough money, not only will his Taoism increase, but his cultivation will also increase.

This thing is more useful to people in the human realm than spiritual stones.

Is this coin made by Hongmu?

How dare you mention the name of the Emperor! The villagers who were still timid when hearing the word red eyes went crazy and pounced on Li Shou regardless.

Li Shou killed him with a backhand.

After everyone at the scene was dead, Li Shou felt another twisted force dragging the remaining souls of those people to an unknown place.

It's really full of evil. Li Shou showed a look of disgust on his face. He was about to use a spell to destroy the corpse and eliminate traces, but suddenly he felt that something was wrong with him.

I'm not a murderous person, so why did I face robbery and murder so neatly this time?

Moreover, seeing them will make you feel sick, but after killing them, you will feel inexplicable pleasure.

How long has it been...how long have I been infected?

Upon discovering this, Li Shou was more shocked and frightened than when he was surrounded in the city.

In less than a day, his behavior changed.

After too much time, the consequences will be disastrous.

You have to leave this place quickly. After destroying the corpses with magic, Li Shou flew up and wanted to see if there was really a teleportation array on the thirty-third heaven.

Of course, he didn't quite believe what the villagers said. His spiritual thoughts were always in the deception crystal, and he was ready to leave at any time in case of danger.

But as he flew into the air and kept flying upwards, Li Shou quickly discovered something was wrong.

The body is getting heavier and gravity is getting stronger.

When he came to the prehistoric world, he felt that the gravity here was very strong.

But after all, he is in the realm of immortals, and his body is tempered by forty-nine thunder fires, making him very powerful.

Ordinarily, tens or hundreds of times of gravity won't make you feel much.

But as he flew higher into the sky, the feeling was different, and the gravity on his body became stronger and stronger.

After flying to a certain height, Li Shou felt as if he was flying with a huge mountain on his back.

Then the mountains gradually became heavier, as if they were flying with a planet on their backs.

Moreover, the sky in this ancient world is extremely high, and normal planets will escape the atmosphere within a short time.

But it was different here. Only after Li Shoufei was exhausted did he see a cloud curtain composed of huge white clouds.

Is this the entrance to the Thirty-third Heaven? With my strength, I can barely reach it, which means that it is extremely difficult to obtain the qualification to teleport. Then the guards here should be very powerful, right?

Before Li Shou could finish his words, a giant spirit-like general looked down from behind the cloud curtain.

He looked at Li Shou with his huge eyes that covered the sky.

First, he shouted something like humanity will last forever and submit to the emperor.

Then he shouted something like Heaven surrenders to humanity.

Only later did he dare to ask Li Shou where he wanted to go.

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