Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 411 Escape from Trouble, the Scene of the Wilderness

Huh? When the golden-armored general was talking, he suddenly saw that Li Shou was unharmed.

He was still very confident in his own strength, and he was surprised that Li Shou didn't get hurt with one punch.

Seeing as your aura is not strong, why...

He doesn't believe in evil and wants to kill the general again.

Li Shou, on the other hand, was communicating his spiritual thoughts with the Deception Crystal while scanning around.

Now he is a trapped beast.

In terms of absolute strength, the golden-armored general in front of him was stronger than him.

Compared with the number of people, it is even more incomparable.

The crowd below gathered more and more, and the twisted energy was connected together. The strength of the crowd began to break through the Mahayana, and gradually reached the realm of earthly immortals.

Moreover, there are some soldiers in golden armor surrounding the general, who are also difficult to deal with.

Li Shou can run now.

But once the deception crystal is used, it will be exposed to so many people. The next time he or his teammates teleport to the location, it will be this humane city.

The danger will still exist at that time.

The purpose of his coming here is, firstly, to explore the path, and secondly, to give his teammates a relatively safe birth point.

It would be best if we could break through the encirclement and leave here.

When Li Shou thought of this, he reached out and took out the Pangu Ax from the Mustard Seed Space, and while the opponent was still hesitating, he struck the light screen of the city-protecting formation behind him with the axe.

The sound of 呲呲 rubs against the light curtain, but there is no feeling of cutting at all.

‘What a powerful magic circle, worthy of being a prehistoric one! ’ Li Shou thought that just after giving birth, the golden-armored general came over to kill him again.

He struck with a punch, and this time Li Shou was prepared to see his fist clearly and feel the intention of his punch.

Law, law, order, dignity!

This fist intention contains the most original rules of order.

This is one of the most famous boxing techniques in humanity - Daluling Boxing.

Punch out.

Li Shou couldn't dodge even if he wanted to.

There is a feeling of being bound by the law and can only move in a small area.

You can only move if I let you move. You can only be where I let you be.

This is the power of Dalulingquan.

Since he couldn't dodge, Li Shou naturally struck him with his axe.

The fist and ax were exchanged. Li Shou's strength was far inferior to that of his opponent, and he was directly knocked away. His arms were almost dislocated due to the huge reaction force.

But at the same time, the opponent's fist exploded directly under this blow.

What weapon is so powerful? The golden armor general looked at his disappeared fist, and a golden-red light glowed above the broken forearm - but because his material body had been tempered to a very strong level, there was no blood. outflow.

The golden-armored general made no achievements in two consecutive attacks. Instead, he was injured, and the look of fear in his eyes became even heavier.

In the subsequent battles, he no longer faced Li Shou head-on. Instead, he directed the soldiers and people below to besiege Li Shou while emitting light as if calling for reinforcements.

Don't stay for a long time. Li Shou made up his mind and at the same time, a golden light came out of his body and summoned the Buddha's hand.

The golden light of his Buddha's hand enveloped his real arm, and now the Buddha's power blessed him, and at this moment infinite power rose.

Li Shou's mind moved, Seize the moment and struck the light curtain with an axe.

The force of this swing was countless times heavier than the last time, and a gap was opened in the light curtain in an instant.

Li Shou quickly got out while the gap was not closed, and then escaped quickly.

Naturally, the pursuers behind him would not let him go.

The light screen worked for him, but it didn't do much against the pursuers.

Seeing the pursuers behind him, Li Shou responded with a palm.

After the huge Buddha's hand stretched out, it became as huge as covering the sky and the sun. With just one palm, it covered the land area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius, directly suppressing everyone below.

Li Shou also took advantage of this opportunity to escape quickly.

A Buddhist? Standing up from the huge handprints on the ground, General Jin Jia looked at the direction Li Shou left with a twisted look on his face.

Beside him were many ordinary people who had been crushed into pulp by the Buddha's hands.

When did Buddhists dare to come and cause trouble? Are the three Buddhas tired of living? If you dare to disturb my human city, I will report it to the Human Emperor and let your pure land of bliss flow like a river of blood!

After Li Shou flew away, he looked back and found that there were no more pursuers.

Then he relaxed a little.

He has the Heaven's Secret Grass and is not afraid of being hunted by people for the time being.

Sure enough, there are dangers everywhere in this prehistoric city. I can't stand any city. I don't dare to enter the city anymore. Li Shou looked around after landing.

This wild wilderness looks very bizarre.

The surrounding trees, mountains and rocks are like landscape paintings, and also like the records in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. The trees are simple and the mountains and rocks are rugged, giving you the feeling of being in an ink landscape painting.

Along the way, Li Shou also encountered some monsters.

These monsters and monsters are similar to those in the Primordial Secret Realm. The small ones are thousands of meters long, and the big ones are like the golden-winged roc, covering the sky and the sun as huge as a planet.

But the giant beasts and monsters around this human city are obviously afraid of human beings.

I saw Li Shou flying by from a distance, and everyone ran away as if they had seen a monster.

Humanity has prospered so far. I don't know whether I should be happy or sad. I remember that the giant beast in the secret realm is not so afraid of humans. Is it because time has forgotten the memory of fear, or did it come from other regions before it was interrupted?

The prehistoric era was huge, as big as the entire universe.

And the roots are complex.

The area that was interrupted does not necessarily come from humanity.

Well, before I came here, people in the meeting told me that there are several places that are relatively friendly to immortal cultivators and balance rules, at least not so hostile.

There is an ancient saying.

There is the realm of earthly immortals.

There is heaven...

The friendliest side is the demon clan.

But if you want to go that far away, you must first find the teleportation circle.

There must be someone guarding the area around the circle.

Li Shou thought for a while, and the safest way was to get the most basic information here first.

He continued to fly for tens of millions of kilometers along the surrounding area, and also saw some human gathering places along the way.

Those gathering places include villages, small towns, and cities...

Li Shou watched from a distance at first, not daring to disturb him. After discovering some patterns, he finally came to a mountain village.

Because he found that there were not so many people in the village, so it would not be able to form a strong distortion force.

Moreover, there is a lack of rules and regulations.

We hunted another giant beast today. The most delicious parts of Xiaowei cattle must be paid as tribute. The more valuable parts in the middle must be distributed to the people in the city, and the rest will not be added with immortal energy. But the belly steak is still okay. , it’s quite delicious, here’s it for you.”

When Li Shou entered the village, a group of prehistoric villagers were cutting up a giant beast.

They were very strong, and they were greedily eating the flesh and blood of the giant beast while cutting them apart.

The little people are only over one meter tall, but when they devour pieces of meat, their greedy and twisted power makes them like gluttons. Their mouths can grow even more exaggeratedly than snakes, and their stomachs are like bottomless pits, and they can't get enough no matter how much they eat. .

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