Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 413 The kindness of the giant spirit god, the great monk, Wuzhuang Temple

I want to go to...the area where the ancient human path is.


After the giant spirit god responded, vertical eyes appeared on the top of his head, shining at Li Shou.

Then, he gradually frowned.

At this moment, Li Shou discerned several expressions on his mountain-like face.

At first he was surprised, then he wanted to do something, then he figured something out, and finally he frowned and asked, Are you from the main world?

... Li Shou didn't know if the other party was testing, so he didn't respond and was always ready to fight.

Don't panic, it looks like he is a new person. The giant spirit god stretched out his big hand from behind the clouds, waving his hands repeatedly, stirring up the surrounding wind and clouds, You don't have the aura of distortion and order in you, you are not human. On the other side. And I didn’t prepare the Emperor’s money when I came here. In theory, I have to call for reinforcements to keep you here.

But fortunately you have Tianjicao on you, so I won't be discovered even if I don't call anyone.

When the Giant Spirit God spoke, his huge head looked left and right, as if he was extremely frightened.

Hurry up and leave. I can't send you to the Ancient Way. I'm just going to the Land of Paradise. Do you want to go? From there you can transfer to the Ancient Way!


Although the current Buddha in the Land of Paradise seems to have a grudge against the Stone Monkey, Li Shou still feels safer than here.

Moreover, he was really not familiar with various regions of the prehistoric world, so looking around, there didn't seem to be much of a problem.

Okay. Don't make any noise when you go there. Don't say I sent you away.

After confirming that no one around was safer, the Giant Spirit God started to activate the ancient magic circle.

The clouds in the sky began to roll, and after a while, the unbreakable space of the prehistoric era opened a hole under the ancient power.

Li Shou looked over and saw that there was a Buddha's light inside, which seemed to be the land of bliss.

Go ahead, things will change later!


Li Shou flew into the crack and experienced the feeling of space folding countless times.

After a period of bizarre experiences, when he was ejected from the crack, he had arrived in a Buddhist country.

The Buddha's light shines brightly above the clouds, and there is a faintly tall Buddha standing above the clouds.

As far as the eye can see below, there are magnificent temples on the ground.

The sound of chanting sutras from heaven and earth joined together, and the sounds of various Buddhist instruments also filled the sky.

It shouldn't be that dangerous here, right?

Just when Li Shou was about to rise and think about flying to the ground, his eyes suddenly blurred, and a fat monk suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man had a kind face and kind eyes, and his round belly was like dough. When he saw Li Shou, he smiled and said, Oh, my destiny, I smell the breath of cause and effect in you.

Who are you?

The sudden appearance of the person scared Li Shou and he retreated ten meters away.

He has met many masters so far, but after his cultivation reached this point, no one has ever appeared so suddenly one meter in front of him.

There was no warning or even momentum.

Based on this alone, Li Shou could tell that this person was the strongest person he had encountered so far.

It doesn't matter who I am. Telling you would be bad for both of us. The visitor patted his belly with a smile, and then took out a shining golden secret grass from the golden monk's robe. Here, I give you this thing, you can take it back to the main world... The secret grass in your hand is too ordinary. If you are targeted by a really powerful person, you can still calculate your location.

And, here’s this for you too.

There should be someone in your party who has learned the art of numerology.

Give it to him!

As the fat monk spoke, he held up two things and gave them to Li Shou with gentle Buddha light.

Li Shou took the things and inspected the Tianji Grass - it contained a very mysterious aura.

This aura is countless times more mysterious than the tree in his hand. Even when the Ye Muli of the future Taoist performs divination, it is far from such a mysterious feeling.

The other thing is a Buddhist amulet with words written on the front and back.

That text is very, very complicated.

When he looked at it for the first time, Li Shou saw the word ming on the front and the word luck on the back.

Look again, the front side becomes the character WEI, and the back side becomes the character LAI.

What do you mean? How does this work? What is your purpose? Li Shou raised his head and just made a sound, but saw that the fat monk had disappeared.

At the same time, the voice of the fat monk came to my ears.

I'm here to make a good connection with you. The Buddha cards can be used by those who are destined to be together. It's not safe for you here either. I'll send you to Zhen Yuanzi. It's in a remote place and can give you a place to settle down.

At the same time that the fat monk's voice disappeared, Li Shou's body was out of his control and was teleported out again.

‘Can you break through the ancient barrier and teleport through the void without using a magic circle? ’

Li Shou was surprised when he opened his eyes again and found himself in a huge Taoist temple.

I don't know how big the Taoist temple is, and I can't see the end at a glance.

The pillars of the Taoist temple are like pillars supporting the sky, with the words Heaven and Earth written on them.

Wuzhuang Temple?

Li Shou thought of the great immortal Zhenyuan in the earth's mythology.

Although the earth's mythological stories are not accurate, because it is the original world and the mythological system was brought from prehistoric times, it is still of great reference value.

Who are you? Why do you suddenly appear here?

While Li Shou was still in a daze, two Taoist boys flew out and saw Li Shou.

I am... who am I? I was just passing by. Li Shou was surprised along the journey and didn't know how to explain it.

Passing by? Can you break through the protective formation of my Wuzhuang Temple and enter the temple? And considering that your magic power is low and you are not in the realm of immortals, how can you enter my temple?

The two Taoist boys looked to be no more than ten years old.

But Li Shou swept away with his spiritual consciousness and found that their magic power was profound, and they were infinitely stronger than him.

You said you won't tell? If you don't tell, don't blame us for taking your soul and reading your memory. The two Taoist boys were about to take action as they spoke.

It's not that I didn't tell you, I really don't know how I got in.

He's talking nonsense, just wait and see.

While the two children were talking, one took out a Dao sword and flew towards him, while the other muttered words, causing the surrounding earth veins to surge with the mighty power of the earth, which was then added to Li Shou.

Earth Dragon Binding! the little Taoist boy shouted in a clear voice, and a khaki light spurted out from the ground. Li Shou wanted to hide, but the thing seemed to have a huge gravity, sucking him closer to the power of the earth veins. go.

After being pinned down by the earth dragon, Li Shou's bones rattled all over his body.

He was once crushed by a mountain weighing more than 100 million tons.

But compared to now, it's really like child's play.

Now Li Shou feels that he is not being pressed by a mountain, but by the entire earth, a planet.

Even if he was in the realm of immortals, he still couldn't breathe - even if he didn't have the indestructible Vajra body, his physical body would have turned into flesh and dust at this time.

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