Why are immortals higher than humans?

Cultivating immortals is nothing more than becoming immortals in heaven and earth.

It is better to be a human being than to become an immortal.

Man can conquer heaven!

Following the noisy sounds, Li Shou saw that the immortal on the copper pillar had been ripped open.

Li Shou swept his mind slightly and found that the immortal's cultivation level was not weak. He was in the same realm as him, and they were all immortals in the realm of heavenly immortals.

But at this time, his condition was about the same as the beef and mutton hanging in the vegetable market.

‘Why don’t you have the strength to resist? Are these people so powerful? ’ Li Shou looked around in surprise.

This is his first time in Honghuang.

Naturally, it was also the first time to see the aboriginal people of the ancient times.

He originally thought that people in the prehistoric times were taller, stronger, or had natural supernatural powers, or had higher moral standards.

But now it seems that the people around him are neither tall nor strong, and overall they look similar to ordinary people in the world of branches and leaves.

Only by distinguishing carefully can you feel the difference.

These people either have a red light in their eyes, or their souls are very strange, or they exude a feeling of orderly superiority and inferiority similar to the Fang Ant team members.

‘I was born with a profound spiritual path and possesses some kind of protective power? Then this force gathered together, even stronger than the immortal? What kind of gameplay is this? Also, why are the several power of rules mixed together on the human race? ’

When Li Shougang came to Honghuang, he naturally had countless questions in his mind.

But for the time being, he didn't dare to ask questions at will, let alone arrest people at will.

He was prepared to keep a low profile until he found out the details.

Li Shou approached the crowd and looked at the field.

After the immortal was verbally punished by the crowd, his Taoism from other laws of heaven and earth slowly weakened, and then a large amount of twisted power began to infect his body.

After being infected by the power of distortion, the immortal's eyes turned red and he began to gradually go crazy.

Finally, the body gradually melted, and the soul was split into two. One half turned red and flew into the sky, while the other side disappeared into the void and was absorbed by something unknown.

‘It should be the Red-Eyed Human Emperor and the Lord of Weirdness. I heard that there are two saints in the world of humanity, and they should be them. ’ It’s not like Li Shou didn’t know any information before he came.

Seeing this this time also confirms the correctness of the information.

After the immortal was executed verbally, some soldiers wearing golden armor flew from the sky.

After these soldiers arrived, they shouted to the crowd of onlookers: It's over, do whatever you have to do, otherwise the law will serve you!

As the soldiers shouted, the crowd quickly dispersed like frightened rats.

I was so arrogant when I faced the immortal just now, but now I am so timid when facing the superior people.

How strong people are when they gather together, how weak they are when they are spread out.

‘What is the situation? Are Fang Yi’s rules of order also in the humane camp? ’

Although Li Shou didn't know why, he still followed the crowd and dispersed.

For a while, Li Shou wandered around the city.

With the existence of Tian Ji Cao, his identity is not in question for the time being.

After walking around, Li Shou sighed, this is really a place where humanity flourishes.

In the temple, there are statues of immortals worshiping people.

In the temple, the top ones are the Red-Eyed Human Emperor, The Lord of Weirdness and Dalu Lingsi, which respectively correspond to the distorted rules and ordered rules before and after life.

Standing side by side but in a slightly inferior position are the Tai Shang Lao Jun and Nu Wa Empress from the Ancient Way.

Represents the standards and birth of ancient people.

Then below, the Ksitigarbha of the Reincarnation Path and the Three Thousand Extraterrestrial Demons of the Mortal Path.

Then there are the Taoist ancestors of small rules belonging to human nature such as war and pain.

But no matter what, the sculptures may be large or small, but they are all standing.

And there were more people kneeling below.

All the gods and Buddhas in the sky knelt down before the Human Emperor.

There are some that Li Shou is familiar with, some that he is not familiar with, and there are even rules that he belongs to.

‘I’ve only heard of humanity’s prosperity, but I didn’t expect it to reach this level. There are so many quasi-sages, no wonder people dare to judge immortals! ’

After staying in the temple for a while, Li Shou felt something was wrong and hurried out.

After all, the statues here are not just sculptures. Each statue has a trace of the power of rules in it. Li Shou was afraid that the Human Emperor and other saints would find out his identity, so he went to another place.

In addition to the temples, this city is naturally different from the branches and leaves world.

In the city full of palaces, the physical rules of artificial intelligence seem to have been captured here, performing what they are best at.

The whole city feels like a combination of Asgard and Super Cyber ​​City.

The suspended palaces and flying vehicles, coupled with the twisted rules, make this place look very weird.

When Li Shou still wanted to continue to understand humanity, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky, and a human officer suddenly appeared and killed the roc bird in the sky that blocked the sun with one punch.

Hmph, even monsters dare to cause trouble!

That thing was 90,000 miles long and looked very powerful. At this time, it was killed by a punch. Li Shou knew that this person must be stronger than him.

Any human officer you pull out at random has such strength, which is much more difficult to deal with than the Heavenly Palace in Journey to the West. The stone monkey can cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, but not in the human city.

Li Shou thought for a while and finally decided to leave the human city.

But when he came to the city gate, he found that the management here was extremely strict - just like the Qing Kingdom.

All kinds of strange instruments were flying from the sky.

Thin lines like power of rules emitted from those instruments shuttled through everyone who wanted to go out.

If these people have twisted rules, order rules or even red dust rules, war rules and other humane rules, they can pass at will.

If not...

Li Shou saw a transformed monster being captured with his own eyes, and thought that it would not be long before he would end up like the immortal.

It's over, I'm stuck here!

Li Shou wanted to leave the city gate.

But when he flew to a place, he found that the entire space in the city seemed to be blocked by a magic circle.

There is no place to hide in the sky or on the ground, and there is no way out.

Just when he didn't know what to do, a strong force of rules suddenly emitted from the sky. After that, the whole city resonated, and Li Shou suddenly emitted a dazzling light.

There's a spy!

You can get a reward if you catch it, hahaha!

Li Shou naturally couldn't hide his appearance from the people around him, and countless people immediately attacked him.

These people were not very powerful at the beginning. When fighting alone, they were at the level of ordinary Void Refining Stage.

But as the number of people increased, their individual combat effectiveness increased sharply, and their twisted auras quickly reached the level of the Mahayana Stage when connected together.

Of course, this naturally doesn't help Li Shou.

He dispersed the crowd and was about to fly out when a sudden wind blew up behind his head. He was shocked and turned around to resist. A huge fist was stamped on his shoulder, sending him flying for dozens of kilometers and impacting on the ground. Only then did the city's large array of light curtains stabilize.

Li Shou's shoulder immediately shattered. He looked up and saw that the one who hit him was the officer who had previously punched the roc.

As the officer arrived, a group of soldiers in golden armor also flew behind the officer.

You little immortal, dare to come to the human city to cause trouble?

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