When Li Shou was watching Vanilla, this guy was venting his anger on the surrounding rule monsters.

After being divided into three corpses, Vanilla is very powerful. In addition, its body evolved from the immortal weapon of a true immortal, so its combat effectiveness is extremely strong.

Photon shocks of various physical rules were flying all over the sky, blasting hundreds and thousands of kilometers around with flames.

Vanilla, stop it. This is the power of the rules that will come back to you soon. I believe you. I just said that if you want to take other paths someday in the future, we will still be friends.

Ha... Vanilla snorted coldly from a distance, but it still obeyed and stopped its hand.

Then everyone returned to Fenggu City.

After going back, Li Shou thought about it and immediately returned to the world of Kyushu to install the substitute planet on Kyushu to prevent this world from being targeted and destroyed.

I don't know how long it will last.

After doing this, Li Shou took out the Nuwa Yuanling Water from the Mustard Seed Space.

The pure bottle contains filthy muddy water.

Li Shou followed the method that other adventurers told him before, swallowing some mud and water into his belly, and then used his energy to combine it with his material energy body.

As his spiritual consciousness entered his body, Li Shou suddenly felt a sensation in his sea of ​​consciousness.

A feeling of understanding the way of life.

At this moment, Li Shou felt like he was a programmer who saw the code of his body, and he could change the data as he wanted.

Of course, it seems a bit exaggerated to say this, after all, he does not yet understand the nature of life at a higher level.

It is impossible to change oneself into the adult form of the Great Primordial Taoist Patriarch.

Muddy Water may not have such a strong ability.

But based on the existing foundation of his body, he really wants to change it however he wants.

“Elevate the material energy body to the extreme it can achieve.

Then in terms of appearance, I changed it to be a little more handsome.

Although he has reached the realm of immortals, it doesn't matter whether he is handsome or not, and he can also change his body shape, but after all, this is an essential change, and it is better to look more pleasing to the eye.

After Li Shou changed these things, the most important thing came.

Spiritual roots, aptitudes, bones... bring them all to the top for me!

The power of mud and water is really magical. Li Shou thought that he had not swallowed enough and wanted to add more, but just a little bit of mud and water seemed to be too much.

Li Shou directly raised his qualifications to a Way of Life level that surpassed Tianlinggen.

At this time, even if Li Shou's cultivation is completely useless, when he returns to the world of immortality, he will be the Taozi that various sects are competing for, the Taoist with the true innate Taoist body.

From this moment on, Li Shou's cultivation speed officially reached the peak of human beings.

It may just be weaker than those life forms born when the world first opened.

It is indeed the first epic reward.

The effect of these epic No. 1 rewards on Li Shou was shocking - everything was much better than he imagined.

Narcissus's extremely growth-promoting Heaven and Earth Chess Game, the Now Buddha's Blood that soared his combat power, and the Nuwa Yuanling Water that can reshape his body.

Which one is not at the level of Innate Dao Ancestor, Rule Incarnation or Great Sage?

Not to mention him, even Daluo Jinxian would have difficulty obtaining an item of this level.

After all, if you want to get the blood of the current Buddha, you have to be able to injure the current Buddha.

There are not many people in the world who have this ability!

It's so cheap! Looking at the little turtle who was still having an enlightenment not far away, Li Shou felt a little regretful in his heart.

If he had known that this thing was so powerful and humans couldn't use the six-eared macaque soul, he would have chosen the celestial ginseng fruit.

Forget it, there's no use regretting it.

After reshaping his physical body, Li Shou felt upward impulse all over his body, and he had a strong desire to practice and make breakthroughs.

First ask your classmates to come over and use the Yuanling Water, and then go to explore the wilderness.

While Li Shou was speaking, he returned to the main world, called all his classmates to the Kyushu World, and handed them the Yuan Ling Shui.

Juehuang, Narcissus, you use it first. There is a bottle of muddy water here, but each person should use an appropriate amount. Don't use too much, otherwise it will be wasted. One drop for each person is enough. If there is more than can be used, you can give it to Narcissus. People on the side.”

Li Shou was very good at distinguishing between close friends and close friends.

Use it first for yourself, then for new teammates.

Also, leave some for Vanilla. That guy already has a main body after being divided into three corpses. Since the body is composed of matter and energy, this Yuanling water should also be useful for it.

Why do you act like you're going to announce your funeral arrangements? Juehuang and Li Shou were most familiar with each other. He immediately sensed something was wrong, Are you going to the prehistoric world?

Yes. Let's explore the road first!

Let's go together, be safe.

It's safest for me to go by myself. I'll find a better teleportation point for you!

Wear protective gear, Qiankun Yiqi Mirror and Donghuang Bell... Narcissus came over and explained.

No, my defense is fine.

No, it is safer to stack defense when you meet a master. Even if you meet Taiyi Golden Immortal, he can break through your defense, but it is blocked by two artifacts. It's hard to say how much power he will have left. In addition, Your own defense is enough to deal with it.”

That artifact has already been refined by you, so there's no need for it.

What Li Shou didn't want to say was that with the existence of the deception crystal, he could come back at any time as long as he couldn't be killed instantly with one blow.

There is no need to be as fearful as ordinary adventurers.

After comforting the students for a while, Li Shou told the King of Urination to buy props to rescue Master Yuan Yifa when he had time, and then returned to the main world and came to the Mushroom Domain.

Here, Li Shoufei landed in the middle of the Mushroom Domain, and used his mind to connect to the rules of balance according to the method taught to him by other adventurers. He relied on Taoism and gradually followed the thin line of the rules to find the world of roots.

'so big. ’

Although Li Shou had seen the whole world view many times in the Deception Crystal.

But this time from a rules perspective, it’s still very shocking.

The shape of the World Tree is somewhat similar to that of ordinary trees.

For a normal tree, the roots are as big as the crown is.

And the countless worlds of branches and leaves, plus the vast and boundless space of the universe, plus the large barren areas in the universe, are only as big as the world of roots.

'The world is still solid, that's really...'

Without sighing too much, after Li Shou sensed the world of roots, he followed the guidance of the rules of the Tao Heart and opened his eyes again. He saw the mushroom in front of him opening the door.

The world inside this door looks countless times more bizarre than any world I have ever seen before.

Taking out the Tian Ji Cao prepared for sacrifice, Li Shou stepped into it.

When his feet left the ground of the main world, Li Shou opened his eyes again and found himself in the prehistoric world.

In the sky is a big roc that is bigger than the planet, covering the sky and the sun. Underfoot is the ground with glittering golden light, and there is a lot of people around.

Li Shou took a closer look.

An immortal is being tied to a copper pillar by people, who seem to be refining his body.

Weird and primitive.

Humans are better than immortals.

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