Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 396 Li Shou’s First Batch of Time Travelers

After leaving Changxi High School, Li Shou did some searching and found the so-called Twister School.

After he arrived at the school, he walked around and saw a different scene.

Although the students in Changxi High School all look like hot people and dress up in exaggerated and bizarre ways, overall they are still normal people.

When fighting, I also use severity in my attacks, and I won't use my energy to hurt others.

But it's different here...

The Twisters are crazier, more extreme, and more vicious.

Li Shou casually walked around the campus and found that some people gathered to bully classmates, some secretly put laxatives in classmates' water cups, some deliberately snatched other people's things, and many used weapons to hurt others.

Jealousy, resentment, depression, distortion...

In short, although the people here are still young and not highly distorted, their overall behavior is no longer within the scope of normal people.

Li Shou naturally would not seek out twisters to enter his training camp.

Red Eyes is his enemy.

The Twister is vulnerable to Red Eye again.

He came here just to check out the situation. After all, the earth is a training camp back garden, which is a little different from ordinary planets. He wanted to see if there was any possibility of attracting people here after the invasion of warped rules.

It seems there is. But there is no need to clean it up directly... The twisted rules are so powerful that they should have their origins on many planets. And killing innocent people, or killing small crimes, is not in line with the principle of balance. But look at you guys After being a person with a twisted mind, I found that those at Changxi High School were much more pleasing to the eye.

After a few casual glances, Li Shougang wanted to leave, but he saw noise at the door. Many vehicles gathered at the school gate with sirens blaring, and then a large number of people came down from above. Some of them aimed their weapons at him, and some of them rushed directly at him. Come.

Come with us! Several people walked up to Li Shou and took out the handcuffs.

This is?

Twisted superpower, if you kill someone, you will be punished by law!

Kill... Li Shou thought of the Twister manager he killed at Sanguosha Company.

Although the earth has not developed much, it is still a modern society after all.

There must be cameras in the building. When he was flying slowly at low altitude just now, he had already been captured by street cameras.

It is normal for others to catch up.

Stop chasing me. It's a waste of time, really!

Li Shou is now in the realm of immortals.

Not to mention these ordinary law enforcement officers, even if the army comes, even if he swallows the entire global weapons arsenal and detonates it, it will not hurt him at all.

With the explosive power of a nuclear bomb, he could knock it off like a melon!

The defensive power is like this, and so is the offensive power - as long as he wants to, he can wipe out continents at will, and it is not impossible to even destroy the earth with one blow.

Finally, I would like to advise you, really don't look for me again! If you have this time to take so many people with you, do something else, maybe you can fight crime!

Li Shou left the scene while speaking.

This time he returned to the Kyushu world and found Vanilla.

Vanilla Machine's abilities should have also changed qualitatively after its ascension. Since Li Shou took over the job of the training center, he also wanted to do a good job.

Naturally, we have to discuss it with Vanilla.

He wanted to bring Vanilla to the training ground. First, he would renovate the old training ground, build equipment that would make it easier to improve physical fitness, and then formulate a more scientific training plan.

Isn't it possible to directly transform it through alchemy?

No, the rules of the game don't allow it. If we all play like this, wouldn't it be faster for the seniors to pass on the skills? We have all become immortals. If we give a little bit of immortal power in, those people can pass the third game casually. But this is not allowed Play.

One is to maintain the balance of the rules.

The second and most critical thing is, I think, people who grow up in this way will not be very good in the later stage.

If adventurers cannot be truly trained, the rules will only become weaker and weaker.

Therefore, they need people who can improve step by step on their own, so that they can reach the top.

In that case, please take me back and have a look!


Vanilla couldn't travel across the world by herself, so Li Shou took her away directly.

After returning to the main world, Vanilla first checked the conditions of the training ground, and then directly started the mechanical modification.

Its movement naturally attracted everyone's attention.

The students did not dare to come over, but the instructors and guards all rushed over.

What are you doing! Stop, this is a training ground!

While talking, a guard rushed over.

The speed is not slow either, reaching a speed of tens of meters per second.

The standard level of three games. Li Shou smiled and used a small spell to trap him, Let me declare first that I am now the manager of the training ground, and I will manage and operate this place from now on.

This... The instructors don't have the same concept of strength as the people on Earth.

Seeing that Li Shou could subdue a guard without even moving, none of them dared to take action.

Chief Instructor Iwaizumi didn't tell us!

She went crazy holding it in. After giving this to me, she turned around and ran away. Li Shou took out the mushroom in his body and showed it to everyone.

I didn’t know most of them.

But the senior guard still recognized this as the certificate of the manager of Fenggu City Training Center.

It's true.

We all saw it that day. He chatted with Chief Instructor Iwaizumi for a long time!

I guess what he said is true.

Whether it is true or not, you will be able to confirm it later when you see Iwaquan. Li Shou waved his hand, We are all our own people, so we can't afford any conflict.

After Li Shou's negotiation, he managed to temporarily take over the training center smoothly.

Although there will be instructors who are suspicious.

Some people even asked him questions about life span and salary, but he couldn't answer them.

But no matter what, most people recognized him in a short period of time.

As for your salary, I will ask Iwaizumi when I meet her. Should I pay it, the rules, or her... Let's do it step by step!

Li Shou is indeed coming step by step.

He first watched Vanilla gradually renovate the training center.

Then about ten days later, the center had just been renovated, and the first batch of students were transferred over.

On this day, Li Shou arrived at the school tomb area before the countdown ended.

Rarely, this day Yanquan finally contacted Li Shou and rushed to the scene.

This is your first time leading a team. I can still share some of my experience with you.

Okay, thank you then! Where have you been playing these days?

Don't worry about me! As for your classmates, just two of you can't control the situation! Iwaizumi glanced at Li Shou and Vanilla and curled his lips.

My classmates are still on Earth with their families. You have to rest for a month or two when you come back, right? Who is like you, who asked me to do things as soon as I came back? It's the same as Zhou Bapi. Also, with my current strength, I can't hold back the crowd. ?Are you kidding!

You'll know in a minute!

Before Iwaizumi finished speaking, a crack opened in the void, and then a high school covering a relatively small area was teleported over.

Just as Li Shougang was about to step forward, Iwaquan pulled him in, It's best to find a few radiation beasts and put them in first, so that they can see the blood and understand the seriousness of the matter. Otherwise, these young people of 16 or 17 years old will cause trouble!

Where can I go to make trouble?

Haha, I don't even listen to words of experience. Iwaizumi curled his lips again, folded his hands in front of his chest, and looked like he was waiting to see Li Shou's joke.

Go ahead and do it, I'll wait and see.

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