Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 395: Hot-blooded colleges recruit people to do tasks

How? Or students? Li Shou sighed: It's better to just pull adults!

This is not something you can decide, nor is it something I can decide. How to attract people has been decided long ago...

Who decided?

Who the hell knows this? It's been so many years. If you want to know, you can go to the root world and ask the top sanctified creatures. They might know. Besides, adults are not very malleable, and all the rules are up to them. You are not very old. This is a conventional rule, and it is useless if you are unhappy.

Can I decide the school then?

Yes, you can choose.

Then... Li Shousi thought about it and realized that the best way to improve his strength at present is to train balanced players in the Mushroom Realm. This way, not only does he not have to go to the Mushroom Realm, he does not have to face Mr. Yi, nor does he have to take risks in the root world.

Since it can improve strength, it can also return favors.

In this case, I accept this task! Let me tell you the specific operation method...

In the next period of time, Iwaizumi first took out a very strange mushroom body from his body, then penetrated it into Li Shou's body, and told him that this was the authority of the Mushroom City training ground.

Then comes the long and detailed operational stuff.

Li Shou barely remembered the outline after studying for a few hours.

I'll ask you if there are details later!

Then I'm leaving! Iwaizumi actually left the training ground as he spoke.

Leave now? There are still a bunch of students here!

I'll leave it to you. I've been stuck here for three fucking hundred years and I can't stand it any longer! From the moment Fenggu is handed over to you, you are the master of this place!

Iwaizumi's voice could be heard in the distance, and she had already ducked away.

Ahem... Li Shou unlocked the restraint and came to the playground.

Many students inside are being trained by instructors.

There seemed to be more than 2,000 students and dozens of instructors, most of whom had become strangers.

After all, it has been nearly two hundred years since Li Shou graduated from the third game.

Normal instructors are all time-travelers who have graduated from three games, and most of their strengths are between three and four. They are standard workers like Xu Qiushi.

The instructors are not very strong, so they generally cannot live very long. The life span of three hundred years is the limit.

After all, they may encounter various problems in three hundred years.

The main world was invaded, accidentally went out at night, ran out of life, encountered danger outside the city, or was hunted down by enemies...

Just like the former Shaxi instructor, in order to make money, he took a seemingly not very dangerous job, but at night the city of despair came, and he died inexplicably in the desert outside the city.

This kind of accident may not happen in ten or eight years, but as the timeline stretches, it will always happen.

Therefore, after three games, there are only theoretical immortals, and the actual immortals are only high-level adventurers.

The person who took over seemed a bit abrupt! I haven't had time to think about it carefully!

Li Shou looked at the students and instructors not far away, thought about it, and decided not to tell them about it yet.

He had to understand the entire process first, otherwise if he interfered rashly, it would only increase the mortality rate of the students.

‘Start with the first step and see how to bring people in. ’

When Li Shou thought of this, he left the scene and returned to Earth.

When I left the earth last time, I was in mid-air, and when I came back, I was still like this.

The only difference is that Liu Teng is missing.

Let's go check out a suitable school first. Li Shou flew slowly at high altitude, determining the location of the school below.

He has been away from the earth for so long, and many street buildings have been moved. Even if he is from Zhanzhou, he doesn't quite recognize the location of the school.

What's more, Terah doesn't necessarily have to be in Zhanzhou.

After a casual flight, Li Shou had no hope, but when he was about to leave Zhanzhou in the suburbs, he found a school that slightly met his standards.

It was a school full of graffiti, and the students inside were dressed weirdly and didn't look like normal students.

Is this a hot-blooded high school? Haha... Looking at the graffiti, Li Shou smiled.

If it were the earth before Li Shou left, such an out-of-the-ordinary school would never have appeared in a place like Zhanzhou.

But this place has been invaded by the Twisted Red Mist for a long time, and the world has long since changed.

Became more public and personal.

Go and have a look. As Li Shou spoke, he ducked into the school.

When he entered, two groups happened to be fighting in the playground. One was wearing clothes with crows on them, and the other was wearing clothes with black panthers on them.

The fight between the two sides was in full swing.

It's okay, I'm in good health.

Under the dust caused by the fight, Li Shou tested the physical fitness of both sides.

Better than the people in our school.

Hey, hey, hey, where are you from? Li Shou was watching the dust-filled War of Men, but not long after he became an audience, he was stared at by several people.

This is a competition for the talkers at Changxi High School. Those who are idle should get out of here.

Are you talking like that? Li Shou smiled, In our time, you would be laughed at if you talked like that!

It's shameless, isn't it? When several people saw that their persuasion failed, they immediately punched Li Shou in the face. Li Shou didn't want to hurt them, so he pushed them to the ground and continued to watch the fight.

The winner was quickly determined on the field.

The man wearing the black crow finally emerged victorious.

Li Shou also stood up and came to the leader who was obviously the fiercest in the fight just now and said: You are quite strong. What is your name?

Just call me Black Crow. Who are you? Where are Fanshu and the others? Aren't outsiders allowed to come in? Black Crow looked around and saw Fanshu and the others lying on the ground, being suppressed by the air current.

Then he turned back to look at Li Shou.

The man in front of him was wearing a strange Taoist robe, and his body was emitting strange fluorescence. When he stared into his pupils, Black Crow always had an indescribable feeling.

You don't seem to be easy to mess with. Black Crow seemed to have a strange instinct of a beast. At an age when he should be very arrogant and domineering, and having just experienced a moment of victory, he was surprisingly polite to Li Shou.

Of course I'm not easy to mess with. But I have a few questions. Where is your teacher? Don't you care about these?

Teacher? The teachers who can come to Changxi are all trash who have been punished. They don't care about anything, as long as we don't kill anyone, they just want to get their salary...

I see. The era was different, so Li Shou didn't delve into the details. The people in your school seem to be quite strong. Are there any twisters?

The Twisters have their own school!

Okay then, it's up to you.

Anyway, he had to pick someone. As he spoke, Li Shou flicked his fingers and sent a strange aura into the campus playground.

At the same time, he felt a hint of feedback.

There is a countdown in his mind. When the countdown ends, the next person to be pulled into the main world will be Changxi High School.

Although it seems a bit unfair, that's the rule. If I don't drag you, when the next wave of time comes, I will randomly drag others. You like fighting, then go to a more fun place to fight!

After saying this, Li Shou stepped away and left the place.

A place of stunned high school students was left behind.

What's going on? Teleportation?

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