Li Shou felt that with his current ability, it would not be difficult to intimidate a group of young people.

Then he went directly to the playground in front of the school and shouted bluntly: Everyone, come down. Come down quickly. If you don't go to the training ground after dark, you will die!

What are you barking at? As soon as Li Shou finished shouting, curses came from the classroom over there, followed by laughter.

Do you want me to kill him? Vanilla next to her was obviously a little unhappy when she heard someone scolding Li Shou.

No, no, no, you won't die if you get high. Li Shou felt a little funny when he heard someone yelling, so he continued to shout to the building: Everyone, get down quickly, or your teaching building will be demolished soon!

Take one apart and take a look!


Li Shou raised his hand and used the void capture method to break open the teaching building and crush it into pieces, and captured all the students inside to the front playground.

Then, he expected these students to be scared.

There are indeed some who are afraid, quite a few.

But there are still some teenagers whose brains are obviously not very normal.

Some feel like they are dreaming, and some even know that they are not dreaming but are not afraid. Instead, they excitedly say: I'll go, superhero!

Of course, there are still some people who are curious about where this place is and are looking around.

“It doesn’t look like Zhanzhou is outside the school gate!”

Where is that?

I don't know. But what I do know is that there are two pretty girls in front of me, one is like a royal sister, and the other is like a cute girl.

Haha, yes!

What did I say? Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes, and when he heard someone dared to tease him, he was about to kill someone immediately.

Hahaha, these people really don't know how terrifying Lao Yan is! Li Shou thought of the time when he first entered this world.

At the training ground, almost everyone is afraid of Iwaizumi—including the instructors and guards.

If nothing else, this woman has a bad temper, is very strong, and most importantly - she really knows how to kill.

Lei Lifengxing didn't say a word nonsense, he took out his gun and shot his head.

But now that I think about it, there may be an element of performance in it.

After all, with Iwaizumi's strength, there was no need to bring his men with him when he came to pick someone up, and there was no need to use a gun to kill someone.

But she knows the people on earth too well. For people on earth - when you suddenly come to a strange place and see a Super Saiyan-like person, you may not panic, but some good people will be excited.

But if you come to a place and see a group of heavily armed bandit-like people, you will probably be frightened.

And if the sand bandit kills people at the slightest disagreement, he will definitely behave.

“It’s so sunny here.”

I'm burned, what the hell is this place!

There were noisy students all around. Li Shou tried to calm them down, but no one listened. He didn't want to kill people and establish his power, so he could only catch everyone in mid-air with a spell.

It seems a bit annoying, let's take it back first and then talk about it. Li Shou turned around and prepared to leave.

But Iwaizumi sneered: I told you before, that's not how the brats take care of things.

“If it’s really difficult for me to manage myself, performing murder to establish authority is the most time-saving way.

But I have vanilla and you have no idea what it does!

Besides, as a time traveler, I can't kill people casually like you. You are an indigenous person, so it doesn't matter if you are less ethical. I kill people at will. If I kill too many people, not only will I be damaged, but I might even be invaded by Red Eyes who will find a loophole. Each person plays it one at a time, take it home and adjust it slowly!

After Li Shou said this, he used escape skills to lead everyone back to the training ground in the blink of an eye.

More than ten days have passed, and the training ground has been changed by vanilla and is different from before.

It turned into a building like a football field.

There are all kinds of exercise facilities inside, many of which Li Shou has never seen before.

In addition, there are many small clock-like robots.

When these clock robots saw the new arrivals, they quickly flew to them and started collecting data. Then all kinds of data were displayed on the electronic screens on the faces of their own clocks.

Everything from blood type to nerve reflex speed to strength index.

It saves the testing process, that's okay.

Li Shou glanced at everyone's situation and found that their physical fitness data did seem slightly better than that of the students of their current class.

But it's only slightly better, and overall it's still average.

After getting the personnel to the training ground, Li Shou felt something in his heart.

The mushroom in his body told him that in about a week, this group of people would be sent to do the first batch of tasks.

The first mission is always so urgent. Li Shou still remembered that when he first arrived, he was sent to the first mission not long after.

The first game is not difficult though.

But the death toll was high.

Most of the people who had no ability to survive died in the first battle.

No more joking, Vanilla. You will explain the situation to them later, and use the robot to explain the situation repeatedly. Then if there are any who are disobedient and run around, attack them directly with electric current, stimulate the pain nerves, and let them know they are afraid!

Okay Master Li!

After Li Shou said this, he let go of the students.

Sure enough, as soon as they were let down, this group of people started scurrying around like ants in an ant nest.

Vanilla didn't tolerate them this time, and directly asked the robot to follow and activate the current attack.

Professor Yang's signature skill is not something everyone can bear. The severe pain that directly stimulates the pain nerves makes these students twitch on the spot.

After just two rounds, everyone was honest.

But Vanilla focused on catching one person and shocking him crazily for several rounds.

Li Shou also heard from his screams that this person was the one who called him barking like a dog.

Heh, little Vanilla is quite vindictive.

The man was not released until he was shocked to the point of foaming at the mouth.

Li Shou then explained all the rules here to this group of people again, and then he didn't care whether they understood or believed it or not, and immediately let this group of people get into training without wasting any time.

With robots guarding them, no one would dare to disobey them if they were afraid of being shocked again.

In the following days, Li Shou did not leave the training ground.

For his long life, waiting for a few days is not a waste.

The next few days are training days.

On the first day, Vanilla arranged ordinary basic physical training for them.

This physical training is recovery training.

Some people have not been active enough for a long time, and their bodies are in a state of atrophy. A simple recovery of one or two days can sometimes improve their overall physical fitness by 20 to 30% - this physical fitness is not improved, but just restored, and then there will be no such good results. .

Vanilla then began to teach these people basic fighting knowledge.

Basic knowledge on the use of cold weapons.

Basic knowledge of thermal weapon usage.

After teaching, it’s time to practice!

It created relevant weapons and distributed them to everyone, started actual combat training at the training ground, and even set up robot opponents to fight them.

In fact, for most students, if it were not for Professor Vanilla, many methods of using hot weapons and cold weapons would be inappropriate.

In addition, Vanilla also focused on teaching everyone escape knowledge.

Escape is the most important thing in the first mission. Because everyone is a noob! That day in the center of the training ground, Vanilla stood on a high platform and talked. In the first mission, most of the dangers to you are There is no way to deal with it by using force to break the law. Most of the opponents you will not be able to defeat.

Although I don't know what type of tasks you will encounter.

But as far as your physical data is concerned, let alone a monster, any adult holding a sharp weapon can defeat most of you in a one-on-one situation.

Escape according to means.

The first is danger prediction, judging the situation by looking at the environment, looking at the terrain, looking at the location...

It's also useful to beg for mercy when you can't run away.

Don't feel like this is a game! All the people you face are real people, people with the same feelings as you...

There are only two days left! Vanilla said on the stage, and Li Shou confirmed the time below, I hope to survive longer.

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