Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 394 Stagnant hometown, training ground manager

What do you mean? Li Shou looked at the supervisor.

Of course he could avoid this.

But he didn't hide, and there was no need to hide.

Now the twisters can be managed? Didn't people like you get shot before? Li Shou didn't understand the current rules of the earth.

The last time he came back, Twister was shot dead in the street.

This time, not only has he achieved a normal identity, he even has more power than ordinary people.

Where did you come from? Only people from Sanguosha Company are allowed to enter here! The twister was still trying to attack Li Shou.

Other ordinary employees also gathered around.

Li Shou pushed the other party's fat body to the ground, then lowered his head and asked: I'll ask you a few questions. If you answer them, you'll let me go. If you don't answer, you just hit me on the head with a short stick. If I were a normal person, Most likely, people will not be able to bear this.

You are so big and powerful, and the Twister is more powerful than ordinary people.

It can definitely knock someone's brains out in one blow.

Come on, let me ask, when were the twisters considered legal citizens?

We always have! But it's you who invaded someone else's company, isn't it...

wrong answer.

As Li Shou spoke, a trace of energy overflowed, completely vaporizing the man and turning him into nothingness.

Then he turned to look at the others, Who can answer my question?

Li Shou's behavior naturally caused some chaos in the venue.

Some people wanted to call the police, some wanted to escape, but some people answered his questions.

Amidst the commotion, Li Shou also roughly understood the changes in the earth in recent decades.

At first, the Twisted were indeed being hunted everywhere, but then the red mist became much thinner, and the Twisted were no longer as dangerous as they were at first.

On the contrary, because they have great desire, super strong execution ability, and are not afraid of death by any means, they are more likely to succeed than ordinary people.

Some large companies even like to hire such twisted people as managers.

Over the past two to three decades, their social status has actually increased instead of falling.

The red mist has become thinner...well, I have an impression. Li Shou remembered that the last time he walked, mushrooms grew on the walls of the street, and other rules related to drawing people in on the earth were also resisting.

But at that time the effect was not as strong as it is now.

As for the reason why the red mist became thinner, he didn't know.

After inquiring about the basic situation, Li Shou walked out of the building.

But as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by the law enforcement officers who came over after hearing the news. Li Shou did not think of the conflict and flew into the air in a flash.

Looking down from the air, there is still a faint red mist below, but it is indeed not as strong anymore.

Then in the thin mist, he saw that the development of the earth, or Zhanzhou City, was not as good as he thought.

After so many decades, the changes here are far less dramatic than those in the world of Kyushu.

Originally, Li Shou thought that the earth itself was a modern society. In the past few decades, not to mention that it had developed into as technologically advanced a world as the cyber world, but it should have gotten a lot closer.

But what he didn't expect was that human society is not only limited to the word development - it also has stagnation and even regression.

War will cause stagnation and regression, and the twisting red mist can naturally have a similar effect.

Desire fills society, and everyone is a little twisted. How can we develop?

Brother Li. While Li Shou was still observing below, a person flashed beside him.

Liu Teng, why are you here?

Haha, I have good eyesight. I saw you when you flew into the sky. How about it, the earth hasn't changed much.

Yes, it's really not big.

Darcissus said it's our fault that the changes aren't big, otherwise this place will only become more declining.

What do you mean, you met Narcissus?

Well, for us, this small earth can go anywhere in the blink of an eye. But I met her for other reasons. She notified us and asked us to tell you when she saw you, Iwaizumi is looking for you.

What do you want from me?

She has already heard that you have completed the fifth game. The people from Narcissus' team have returned to the training ground in the past two days. Iwaizumi specifically said that he wanted to find you and asked you to return the favor and inherit the training ground...

Inherited? What do you mean?

You go and ask her, I don't know anymore.

Okay. Li Shou thought for a while. Anyway, he could go wherever he wanted now, so he returned directly from the earth to the main world.

He ducked out of the mushroom area and arrived at the training ground the next second.

There are still many new people training here - there is always an endless supply of students.

But as soon as Li Shou appeared, Iwaquan, who was training people, walked over quickly.

She was still as domineering as before, but her eyes were much kinder when she looked at Li Shou.

Hey, boy, long time no see!

haven't seen you for a long time.

After saying hello, Iwaizumi placed a soundproof barrier.

I thought that you and Narcissus might be able to pass the fifth game, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I heard that you brought a lot of people out, and they were all very strong. Even the people from the original garbage group and the waiting group could pass It has never happened before that I took them through the fifth game and became adventurers. To be honest, I have never seen these two groups survive the third game. When the news spreads, I guess many adventurers will come looking for them. you.

I hope it won't spread for the time being. I have enemies.

Is it the way of balance?


Then don't be afraid. There is a mushroom guarding our territory. Even if he is ten times more powerful than you, he won't get any advantage!

Is there such a thing? Li Shou was delighted.

Otherwise, what do you think those things are at night? Otherwise, why do you think the Mushroom Territory was not destroyed?

Really? Li Shou felt it unbelievingly.

Sure enough, he was not a particularly advanced Taoist, but now he could clearly feel the power of the rules of balance.

He can even use the power of these rules at his fingertips to bless himself, allowing him to exert his strength far beyond normal.

Back to business, you owe me a favor, and now you have repaid it. From now on, you will take over this training ground, and the adventurers in Fenggu City will also be handed over to you for management.

What's the meaning?

There are benefits, benefits that others cannot ask for. You are now an adventurer, and there are only two ways to improve your strength. One is to practice Taoism, and the other is to go to the root world.

Although you are powerful now, if you really go to the root world, you will still have a narrow escape.

It is better to improve your Taoism first.

The way for adventurers to improve their Taoism is to use star maps to promote the Tao of Balance in various worlds.

But how can it be faster to do it yourself than to become a capitalist?

Students at the training ground, every student you train successfully will bring you a share.

The more you add up, the faster you will improve!

Why give it to me?

No reason, I'm just helping. As a person born in the main world, I have long since stopped wanting to do this. But the training ground in Fenggu City can only be left to the people of Fenggu City. The previous adventurers were either too weak. Either you are not familiar with me, or you are unwilling to take over. You owe me a favor, and you are very capable, so here it is! Don’t say that you won’t do it either, you owe me a favor, this is not a very difficult and life-threatening task, I owe you Not paying back the money will harm your moral conduct.

Then what should I do if I take over?

Pull people from your hometown. Your hometown is called Earth, right? Pull people from Earth to train!

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