What? Yan Ling'er was about to respond after hearing Li Shou's words, but after speaking, she suddenly found that her originally hoarse voice had become as crisp as when she was young.

She subconsciously put down the hand covering her face and found that the wrinkled skin on the back of her palm had become plump and white again.

Then Yan Linger checked other places in disbelief.

As far as I can see, everything is back to the way it was in youth.

She came to the pool of the mansion and saw what she looked like when she was young.

Junior brother, how did you do this? She was surprised and happy.

It's not difficult for me now. Li Shou smiled. Although he wasn't very knowledgeable, he could still handle some material and energy things easily.

Thank you, junior brother. Yan Linger, who had regained her youthful appearance, seemed to have regained a little confidence.

She ran over and hugged Li Shou - just like she had just met.

It's just that she had a purpose at the time and wanted to use the charm of the female body to attract people with sex.

But now this hug is more like a family member reunited after a long absence, and the emotion accommodates everything.

a long time……

It was Li Shou who broke the silence first.

Master, are you okay?

It's not good. He was almost dying for a while, but he froze himself up.

Oh, freezing technology. It's available in my hometown. It's not surprising that it's also available here. Master is indeed too old. Even after transformation, he can't stop the aging of his body. I'll get you some life-extending elixirs in a while. medicine.

Li Shou's current strength boasts that he is at the top of Fenggu City and even the entire Guguyu 280 City. It is still easy to get something.

He believed that except for those veteran adventurers, basically no one could be his opponent.

After all, there should be three, six or nine levels of adventurers.

Normally, most of the people who used the mushrooms in the fifth mission were the ones who made it to the end.

For example, when he fought with Fang Yi's people in the secret realm, it wasn't like no one escaped.

As long as you are smart enough, lucky enough, and have similar strength, there is still a glimmer of hope.

But the mushroom adventurer who came out in that way was far, far behind Li Shou.

Not only are those people not strong, they also have a small team - because the number of people in the team is large, the points needed to complete the task are more, and they must be a dominant team to pass the test with a large team.

Even if people in a small team manage to get through, their strength will generally not increase again between the Void Refining Stage and the Integrated Stage.

So Li Shou will not compete with new adventurers.

Li Shou is recognized by Guyu as the most successful finisher of the fifth game in history.

Of course, adventurers will continue to improve themselves after returning to the main world.

As for how strong those veteran adventurers are, you will only know after getting in touch with them.

At present, there are only two adventurers that Li Shou has come into contact with. One is Dou Fufu, who does not know whether he really existed, and the other is the woman in red whom he met in Fenggu City.

The woman got him a blood-split konjac, and then gave him a favor in exchange.

Now this favor has sharply increased in value.

Speaking of favors, I still owe Chief Instructor Iwaizumi a favor...


It's nothing. I just came back and there may be a lot of things to deal with.

Then you go do your work first, I'll wait for you here. Yan Linger said understandingly.

It's okay. I'll rest for two days. I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to be with you...

In the next two days, Li Shou and Yan Linger traveled together in Kyushu and experienced the customs and customs of the Kyushu world.

Now the population of Kyushu World is very large, and there are also many new cities and towns.

Because of the existence of the vanilla surveillance system, the distribution here is very fair, and there are no officials who are full of fat. Although there are relatively wealthy people, they are the result of more hard work and more rewards.

Moreover, the inherited wealth must be redistributed at a large discount, without bloated capital accumulation to the extreme.

When Li Shou went to any city or town, he saw that the expressions on people's faces were very natural and peaceful, relaxed and happy.

This is true between people.

The same goes for people and nature.

There are many wild native animals and plants on the country roads, and people live peacefully together, achieving a dynamic natural balance.

It is no exaggeration to say that Kyushu is a pure land.

This is the edge of the world.

Li Shou and Yan Linger arrived at the edge of Kyushu that day.

At this time, the edge has been built with a high wall of vanilla.

Outside the wall is a world polluted by evil spirits, where evil spirits are everywhere and everything cannot grow easily.

After Li Shou arrived, he took out the Yin Gathering Jar, flew to the outside of the wall, and used the Wind Catching Technique of Void Capture on the gray-white mist around him.

Suddenly, storms began to appear on the entire planet, everywhere except Kyushu.

A large amount of evil energy surged towards Li Shou.

His outstretched palms were like the eye of a storm, constantly absorbing evil spirits from all over the planet.

After the evil energy was absorbed and captured by him, he began to compress the evil energy using immortal magic, and finally slowly introduced the compressed evil energy into the Yin Gathering Tank.

At this point, he easily solved the biggest problem that had plagued the entire world for thousands of years.

Although the outside is still very desolate, without the evil spirit, the ecology will slowly recover, and the area where people and animals can move will be much larger.

After doing this, Li Shou was ready to leave.

Senior sister, I've been here for two days. I still have a lot of things to do, so I'll leave for a while. But this time it's not like I left for decades to do things before. This time it's quick, and from time to time I will Came back and had a look.”

Okay junior brother. Yan Linger raised her head and looked at Li Shou in the sky.

She is not a fool. Li Shou has grown to this point now, which is beyond her ability to understand.

She also guessed something, but every time she thought about it, her mind was like a blur.

But no matter what, she knew that Li Shou was so tall that she seemed to be out of reach.

Senior sister, your eyes are so melancholy! Hahaha, don't distinguish between high and low, that's what our enemies think. Li Shou guessed what Yan Ling'er was thinking, comforted her a few words, and said goodbye to Yan Ling'er properly. After that, he finally walked away.

After leaving the world of Kyushu, Li Shou went to the earth.

After all, it was his real hometown, and he still wanted to come and see it.


Li Shou had just appeared and found himself in a building.

The place where he ducked out was surrounded by workstations, and the sudden appearance of a man in a monk's robe startled the people around him.


Someone suddenly appeared!

Leader, there is a man dressed as a Taoist priest!

People around him were talking a lot, while Li Shou glanced around.

'I remember I was at home when I left! If the transmission is correct, was my house demolished? ’ Li Shou looked around, and finally walked to a work station, “Is this Wenqian Street?”

Yes, it's Wenqian Street!

Oh, that's right. Wenqian Street is where Li Shou's family is located.

But it used to be an area of ​​low-rise bungalows, but now it has been built into office buildings.

But he also knew that it was normal for things to change in a hundred years after being away for such a long time and with no one at home.

I just don't know what happened to the red-eye invasion? Li Shou didn't care much about the house being bulldozed. When he was about to leave, a somewhat twisted supervisor came over.

Who are you? Are you someone sent by another company? Looking at your costume and glowing flesh and blood, are you a twister? The man was full of fat, weighed more than 400 kilograms, and had blood-red hair on his face. of tumors.

You are the twister, right? Li Shou approached curiously.

But just as he got closer to the other party, the other party suddenly took out a short stick and hit Li Shou on the head.

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