Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 392 Return to the world of Kyushu and see Yan Linger again

They have been friends with each other for such a long time, and it is impossible for his teammates to hide it and tell all their rewards.

Li Shou checked the situation of his teammates.

The team rewards are the same for everyone: 10,000 years of cultivation plus 100,000 years of life and Taoist enlightenment.

However, after achieving ten thousand years of cultivation, most of the teammates have not reached the realm of immortals, but are half-step to the realm of immortals, just shy of the threshold.

Li Shou can also understand this.

Li Shou was the first to break through. After his breakthrough, he took a lot of elixirs and increased his cultivation level a lot. He was already higher than his classmates.

However, everyone is still short of a layer of window paper, which can be considered a good breakthrough.

In terms of personal rewards, everyone is far behind Li Shou.

After all, Li Shou himself contributed close to 20%, and there were nearly 30 people who left the mission alive. The contribution of everyone else, excluding Narcissus, was mostly between two and three percentage points.

Although the things given were good, they were not on the level of Tathagata Blood.

In addition, everyone can also bring a possession back as a prop.

Many people choose something that suits them. For example, Zhao Yinuo chose the fairy sword.

However, since they did not participate in the rescue of the monkey head, there were no special rewards.

While Li Shou was chatting with his classmates, all his teammates came out, including Narcissus.

The other teammates received similar rewards, Narcissus was better, but there was only one super reward.

What she chose was something like a formation connecting heaven and earth to gain insights.

Let's stop here for today! Let's talk about it later, let's talk about it later.

Yeah, we've been together for almost a hundred years, and I'm going to throw up when I see you now.

Hahaha, me too. I almost feel sick when I see you every day.

The main reason is that I miss home.

I want to go back to Earth and see my family. I don't know how they are doing...

After returning, no one could stay for a moment.

Then let's separate first, but keep in touch. After all, we have offended someone.

I know.

Everyone shouted something, and after comparing their profits, everyone couldn't wait to start the time to go home.

Li Shou did not return to Earth immediately. He thought about it, said goodbye to Narcissus, and returned to the world of Kyushu.

Come back after decades.

The Kyushu world has become the Super Gintama world.

It is still a combination of ancient architecture and technology.

But the development of high technology has already resembled the cyber world.

Fortunately, vanilla does not have much computing power left, and it has not developed too much over the past few decades.

I feel like I'm home. Li Shou looked at the world with emotion in his heart.

I also feel like I'm home. Vanilla added next to her.

Because Vanilla's body has been turned into a prop, as long as Li Shou carries it, he can travel through the world like a prop.

I know who you want to see, so I won't bother you.

It was rare that Vanilla took the initiative to leave this time.

Li Shou took a deep breath and arrived at the gate of Tongkang County in a flash.

After being promoted to the Immortal Realm, his speed easily exceeded Mach 1,000.

What is the concept of Mach 1000, 340 kilometers per second.

The entire Kyushu world that has not been destroyed is only the size of Australia. Li Shou can appear anywhere in Kyushu within ten seconds.

The city gate hasn't changed yet. Is it because the computing power left by Vanilla was intentional? After looking at the city gate tower, Li Shou entered the city.

The city has been expanded, but toward the rear.

Along the way, the outer city is still called Heishuifang.

But now Heishuifang is full of high-rise buildings, and there are occasionally many travelers.

Due to the development of science and technology, people born in the past 20 years look no different from people on earth.

He was holding snacks in one hand, a camera in the other, a flight bag on his back, and he was also dressed in flashy clothes.

Li Shou was dressed in a Taoist robe and was not conspicuous here.

When things change, do people remain the same?

Without staying here longer, Li Shou disappeared in a flash and came to the place where the Yan family's house was in his memory.

There are high-rise buildings all around here.

But the Yan family mansion maintains its original appearance.

Even because the antique building is relatively well preserved, there are many tourists taking photos around it.

It's only been over a hundred years in total, so it's become an antique. But it's also true that the Qing Dynasty was only a hundred years old when I left the earth, and everything has changed. The well-preserved mansions of the Qing Dynasty are also It’s become an antique.”

Li Shou looked at the Yan family compound in a daze.

After Li Shou left, the Yan family was definitely the most powerful family in the entire continent.

After all, Li Shou specifically told her to take special care of the vanilla.

But Yan Ling'er obviously didn't violate the principle of balance too much. Although she still occupied the courtyard, she didn't mark a restricted area in front of the door.

At this time, people were coming and going, just like a famous scenic spot.

Li Shou's sudden appearance also attracted the attention of several people around him.

He seemed to appear suddenly?

real or fake?

They were several young men, wearing Kyushu-style and cyber-style tights.

Girls wear striped knee socks.

I was very close, and he suddenly appeared next to me. I'm not going to lie to you.

Are you dazzled?


Do not believe.

Several young people looked at Li Shou talking and laughing, and then the next second he disappeared from the place with a whoosh.

Fortunately, he has now learned the Space Dividing Technique, otherwise the storm he brought out after activating it would turn everyone around him into pulp.

Arriving inside the Yan family compound, Li Shou felt Yan Ling'er's aura from a distance.

Senior sister! I'm back! he shouted.

The surrounding machine guards initially scanned for someone to enter and took a defensive posture, but quickly disarmed after the scan.

Then there was a moment of silence.

There was a sound of ding bells coming from the house.

Afterwards, a middle-aged and elderly woman hurriedly walked out of the house.

There were already wrinkles around her eyes, and her body was a little shriveled.

When she saw Li Shou, her eyes first showed disbelief and then surprise. Then her eyes turned red and her eyes turned away. Finally, she covered her face with her sleeves and robe, as if she didn't want Li Shou to see her current appearance.


Li Shou didn't take it seriously.

For him, feelings will not change just because the skin decays.

The most important thing is that Li Shou has now reached the realm of immortals and has a lot of understanding of the material body. The decay of skin cells is nothing to him.

Junior brother, don't come here... Yan Ling'er spoke with a trembling voice, Junior brother is still the same as when we first met him, even more charming than then, and I am like this now. But I am satisfied if I can still see my junior brother. ”

Haha, senior sister, this is not your character! I remember that when I first met you, you were very enthusiastic and unrestrained! Do you want to change back to the way you were when we first met? As Li spoke, a very gentle kiss came from his hand Immortal energy is played.

He was afraid that Yan Ling'er could not absorb the advanced energy of Xianyuanli, so he used his Yuanli to circulate around her for a week, emitting a nourishing aura.

In just a short while, Yan Linger's dry and wrinkled skin quickly regained its plumpness under the nourishment of fairy energy.

At the same time, all the cells in her body, including her bones and internal organs, rejuvenated.

The rickety body slowly stood upright, and the muscles slowly swelled.

Looking again, Yan Linger had returned to the same look as when she first met Li Shou in her twenties.

Sister, look at yourself again!

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