Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 382 Vanilla, Narcissus, Overcoming Tribulation

Master Li! While Li Shou was still watching The Three Mechanical Corpses, a girl wearing JK swooped over and hung on him like a koala.

Vanilla, are those three corpse gods down here? Li Shou pushed Vanilla, but the latter didn't come down, so he stopped.

Yes, Master Lao Li, you have been in seclusion for a long time this time. I am scanning your status every day. Is the Mahayana period complete now?

Yes, it's time to go through the tribulation. Does your mechanical ascension need to go through the tribulation?

The method of overcoming the tribulation is slightly different from that of the physical body, but they are essentially the same. They both require overcoming the tribulation. Overcoming the tribulation is the process of entering the Tao! Without overcoming the tribulation, it is difficult to fully grasp the power of the rules with just machines.

When you go through the tribulation, will you choose the rules?

I will choose. The rules and personal style must match before I can enter the Tao. Since I have chosen to follow Master Lao Li, let's all go all the way to the black in the way of balance! I also choose the rules of balance, and I also choose the way of balance. !”

Yeah. Li Shou touched Vanilla's hair.

Although the hair is fake, the feelings of being together are real.

Where's Narcissus?

Sister Narcissus came out of seclusion more than a month before you. She has also reached the Great Perfection of the Mahayana stage. She has recently been learning about other people's experiences in overcoming tribulations... In the past ten years, many monks have come to us to exchange things. Narcissus and I mainly collect items related to overcoming the tribulation.

Sister Narcissus said that crossing the tribulation is a big deal, even for those who travel through it, and the mortality rate is very high.

She even wants to discuss with you whether she should wait until she returns and ask other adventurers to trade some tribulation props.

In this way, it will be safer to overcome the disaster.

Where is she?

In my cabin! I'll take you there.

As Vanilla spoke, she flew to a mechanical house at the foot of the mountain.

Li Shou noticed that after the upgrade, Vanilla had no idea what device was installed on her body. She no longer needed to breathe fire during flight and could fly directly.

Following it to the hut, Li Shou saw Narcissus checking some things when he entered.

As soon as Li Shou entered the door, Narcissus discovered him.

You're out of seclusion too! Narcissus stood up as he spoke.

She was wearing a light blue robe, with black hair hanging down her back, already reaching waist length. Her whole body exuded a calm and gentle temperament, and her eyes were as clear as a clean pool of water.

Although Li Shou has seen many beauties, all the girls selected by the Yulin Sect have stunning looks.

But their temperament is restless, and each of them reveals their desire for resources.

Compared with Narcissus, it lacks a lot of charm.

Yeah, I'm going to survive the tribulation too. What do you have in your hand?

The lightning strike wood left behind by the immortal cultivators when they overcame the tribulation has the residual energy of the thunder tribulation on it. If you understand it thoroughly, you can become more familiar with the thunder tribulation...Brother Li Shou, since you are here, I'll give this to you.

Narcissus took out a jade slip.

It contains a lot of information collected by her and Vanilla, as well as a lot of her insights and experiences - all about how to overcome the tribulation.

After meeting Narcissus Vanilla, Li Shou spent the next three months with them to understand the method of overcoming tribulation.

This is also where the destination of the tribulation is decided.

Compared to losing the Three Corpses Grass after going back.

It's better to survive the disaster on the spot.

Three months later, Li Shou was already very familiar with thunder calamity and decided to try it out first.

Narcissus, let me go first this time. After all, I am safer than you in going through the tribulation. At least the physical body will not be damaged.

I suggest we go through the tribulation together. Otherwise, worrying about each other will disturb the Taoist heart. It is easier for you to go through the tribulation physically than for me, but similarly, it is easier for my soul to enter the Tao than for you. After all, there are both entry and formation. What I figured out...

Listening to what Narcissus said, Li Shou knew that she was giving him face.

To put it bluntly, she is smarter than Li Shou.

Entering the Tao is a process in which one's soul understands the rules and the rules are unified. It is naturally easier for smart people to complete such complicated things.

That's fine. Anyway, we've seen enough of the seniors' insights. We don't need to confirm each other anymore. It's also a good thing to stay calm and not worry about each other.

But before that...Brother Li, I have something on my mind. As Narcissus spoke, he took a step closer to Li Shou, and his calm eyes seemed to have dropped into a drop of spring water, causing little ripples.

If you don't agree, just tell me directly.

Li Shou was not stupid either, so he naturally saw something in her eyes.

Over the past few decades, the female team members have all found romantic partners, but Narcissus has always been alone.

Li Shou asked her in a subtle way.

Her answer was that she was not interested in such animal-like needs. If she wanted to find someone to relieve her loneliness, she had to find someone she liked.

But a tough talk is a tough talk, we are all human beings.

The six desires are difficult to suppress, and the seven emotions are even more difficult to suppress...

... Narcissus looked at Li Shou, sweat slowly oozing out from his body after holding it back for hundreds of years.

Li Shou touched her cheek, and it felt as sticky as water.

We are already in the Mahayana stage. Can our physical body still perspire?

Don't talk about this now... Narcissus lay in Li Shou's arms, his whole body suddenly became soft and boneless, and with the sweat all over his body, he was really as weak as Narcissus.

Li Shou unconsciously took a deep breath, and his body, which had been cultivated to the extreme, exuded the most natural fragrance.

Then he took Narcissus into his arms.

A night of silence.

The next day, Narcissus put on her Taoist robe. The moment the aqua blue Taoist robe covered her shoulders, the room lost its brilliance and the fragrance was three points weaker.

Before the thunder tribulation, my wish was fulfilled. After Narcissus stood up, he returned to his usual calm expression.

Li Shou suddenly thought that the other party was just adjusting his mentality before going through the tribulation, and did not really want anything to happen to him.

But it felt strange to think of the moment last night when her body, which had accumulated for a hundred years, was filled with water.

This sense of contrast makes Li Shou a little unpredictable.

We are starting to overcome the tribulation today. It's best to inform our teammates and let them come and observe. Tie up her hair, Narcissus said: Observing it at close range will also be good for them to overcome the tribulation. It will be an experience in the future!

Okay. I'll call them. After getting up and dressing, Li Shou flew to the top of the mountain and informed everyone about the tribulation.

Afterwards, everyone packed their bags together and took the necessary items with them before setting off from Lihun Peak.

When flying out of Lihun Peak, Ma Nanzheng, driven by his miserly character, looked behind him uneasily: We are leaving, the people of the Yulin Sect won't steal our things, right? After all, they all know that those good things are all gone. At the summit.”

I am here. Although I have left, the guard force is also there. Now there are my mechanical guards. Not to mention them, even if the Mahayana period comes, they can't take away anything from us! I am very strong now ! Vanilla said to dispel Ma Nanzheng's thoughts.

Then he flew with everyone.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the deserted pit.

Li Shou came to this place every time he tried out his moves, and he planned to do it here this time.

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