The scope of the thunder tribulation is not large, only a few hundred miles. Please be careful not to be accidentally injured. After arriving here, Li Shou took a deep breath, and then took out all the things they had prepared previously.

There is the Tribulation Pill, the Three Corpse Grass exchanged with the Earth Immortal, and a series of other things such as the Measuring the Sky Ruler and the Calm Mind Ming Xing Clock that were exchanged later.

Li Shou and Shuixian first swallowed the Tribulation Pill, and then asked his classmates to take the other things not far away.

Finally, he distanced himself from Narcissus and let the students control the remaining tribulation items.

Most of you are already in the Mahayana stage at this time, and many of you know about things about transitional kalpas. You know how to use these things and don’t need to be taught.

In this way, after Li Shou and Narcissus were ready, they were ready to start the thunder tribulation.

Together, can these magic weapons survive the tribulation? Floating in the sky not far away, teammates were discussing.

These magic weapons are basically used to enter the Tao. There is no problem if they are used together. The most difficult part of overcoming the tribulation is the part of entering the Tao. According to records, there are not only no disadvantages, but also benefits for two people to join the Tao. At that time, the balance rules of this place , clearer and easier to understand.”

I understand. A group of people were floating in the sky below, looking up to the left and right.

Half of the people were more worried about Li Shou, and half were more worried about Narcissus.

Wang Jue, Emperor Ma Nanzheng and Li Shou have been living through life and death for so long, so their feelings for each other are naturally very deep.

People like Diaozi Yaoyao had their lives saved by Narcissus from the first mission, and they were cared for many times after that. They were even more worried about Narcissus as it should be.

But the person who looked most nervous at the scene was Vanilla.

As an intelligent machine, it showed the same anxious response as a human being. It flew back and forth in a short distance, like a relative outside the delivery room, and its uneasiness and insecurity were reflected in its body language.

At this time, Li Shou glanced at the crowd below. After receiving everyone's kindness, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes to calm down.

First, he felt the Tribulation Pill melting in his body.

As the power of the Tribulation Elixir Pill began to take effect, Li Shou experienced part of the feeling of practicing Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue.

Concentration, endurance, clarity of thinking, understanding, etc. have all improved.

The Tribulation Elixir Pill helps people overcome calamity in a way that makes them more awake.

After completing this step, Li Shou tried to continue practicing the technique and comprehend the three corpses.

Since he had reached the Great Perfection of the Mahayana period, when he continued to practice, his body and soul immediately sensed the three corpses.

The material body senses the catastrophe of mortal thunder.

The energy body senses - Ming Lei Heavenly Tribulation.

As he continued to practice, Li Shou clearly felt various discomforts in his body, like a caterpillar that had been cocooning for a long time, and the outside of his body was full of constraints.

If you want to fly into the sky and complete your transformation, you must break out of the cocoon.

At the same moment, Li Shou's soul also began to sense the rules of heaven and earth that filled the sky. The countless rules of the origin of the world were calling to him, calling him to enter his own way.

Li Shou lost himself in the complicated Tao, as if he had entered a maze.

Fortunately, the power of the Tribulation Elimination Pill made him sober. Li Shou gathered his mind and followed the methods passed down by his predecessors to calm his mind and prepare to overcome the thunder tribulation before entering the Tao.

Regardless of the corpse of the soul and the rules of the sky, first of all, he teared open his own cocoon bit by bit using his skills.

As the things that bound his body slowly broke apart, there began to be sensations around the world.

Li Shou was clearly in the Earthly Immortal World, but at this moment he could vaguely sense the huge energy of the Root World.

From humans to immortals is actually the way to find the most original power from among the billions of worlds in the universe.

The origin of energy and matter in this world comes from the root world, which is also the prehistoric world.

Roots provide nutrients and generate the world.

All worlds are generated by the energy supply of roots, and the root world is the singularity of the origin of the universe.

At this time, after Li Shou sensed the energy of the root world, he actively introduced the energy into his body according to the method to help him transform into an immortal.


When he introduced the first energy, a strong brilliance shot out from the void. From a distance, it looked like a huge thunder hitting his body.

The first one is Ming Lei. After Ming Lei pours into Li Shou's body, a massive amount of high-end energy is poured into it.

It made Li Shou feel like he had taken high-level elixirs that were beyond his body's ability to bear.

But this time it will be a hundred times more violent.

A large amount of high-level energy was forcibly poured into the pure energy part of his body, and it began to feel like it was exploding when it couldn't absorb it enough.

But it's just a feeling.

Li Shou's indestructible body emitted a pale golden light, leaving him unscathed.

Then the second thunder fell, this thunder was between energy and matter.

This caused the physical part of Li Shou's body to undergo essential changes.

Under the tempering of Tianlei, Li Shou's body gradually transformed from a dharma body to an immortal body.

This process of reinvention is undoubtedly extremely dangerous for others.

Regardless of whether you pour energy or deconstruct matter, if you are not careful, your body will explode and die, leaving no residue behind.

But Li Shou not only has an indestructible body, but also has an epic recovery ability that is almost Taoist. Not only is it difficult for the body to disintegrate, but it will start to reorganize as soon as it begins to disintegrate.

In this way, Li Shou survived several thunder disasters in a relatively safe situation.

In the process of constantly pouring energy into the tempering process of thunder and fire, Li Shou obviously felt that his body had become stronger.

After a normal tribulation, the fourth level of thunder tribulation is considered to have completed the first transformation of the immortal body.

Most immortal cultivators can only survive the fourth level of thunder tribulation.

But Li Shou didn't feel any danger after completing the fourth level of thunder tribulation, so he simply continued to use the thunder tribulation to temper his body while he could still sense the energy of the root world.

Then came the fifth level, the sixth level, the seventh level...

Ming Lei and Fan Lei hit him alternately, and Li Shou was like a hungry glutton, constantly eating away and absorbing the energy.

‘It turns out that giving the monkey to Daluo Jindan has this meaning. ’

During the thunderstorm, Li Shou thought that the golden elixir given by Hericium to him was not just as simple as making his body stronger.

‘It’s so easy to use when going through tribulations. How can ordinary people dare to play like this when going through tribulations! ’

After Li Shou tested his body's endurance, he continued to introduce thunder into his body.

With the continuous introduction of lightning disasters, the induction of the root world is getting stronger and stronger, and the thunder and fire are stronger than the last.

Li Shou didn't care about anything else and continued to temper.


Eighth level, nineth level, tenth level...fifteenth level, sixteenth level...twentyth level...

Brother Li is crazy!

Seeing the thunder and lightning surging across the sky, Juehuang opened the jade slip in his hand and took a look at it uncertainly.

The highest recorded record in this earthly immortal world is just to induce the ninefold thunder tribulation to enter the body. It was a demon clan named Xuanying Earth Dragon. It is said to be an earth dragon, but the picture recorded on the jade slip is more like an earthworm.

This Xuanying earth dragon was born with a body as hard as iron and a very strong recovery ability. It would not die even if its whole body was cut into nine sections.

Moreover, the demon clan's skills acquired the day after tomorrow are self-created skills similar to body training.

Even so, he could only resist the ninth level of thunder calamity.

Brother Li must be much harder than it. King Urin responded, Does Xuanying have the indestructible body? Brother Li will not die even if he is reduced to flesh, let alone cut into nine pieces.

I know this, but I'm worried that Brother Li is too greedy!

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