Following the monkey's words, Li Shou sensed more details.

Fairness means that only by giving something can you get something.

It cannot be inherited, it cannot be born, it cannot be that one thing is naturally superior to another...

Efforts will be rewarded.

The way of heaven no longer crushes everything ruthlessly.

Humanity should not be compromised and left with more than enough.

After sensing the monkey's ambition, Li Shou continued to comprehend and discovered that there was something else to this rule of balance, or the way of balance.

The monkey is said to be the master of the balance rules, but in fact it is better to say that it is the most important and powerful force in the balance rules.

Everyone who fulfills the rules of balance is part of the balance.

For example, mortals who pursue fairness, such as Li Shou, such as monkeys.

It's just that the monkey's role in promoting the way of balance is much higher than that of Li Shou, and Li Shou is much higher than that of an ordinary person.

This is due to ability.

In addition to the human way, balance also has a part of the heavenly way, such as the dynamic balance of heaven and earth and all things.

In other words, before the monkeys, the balance between heaven and earth was born.

Li Shou went back to the source to understand.

I found that the way of balance was not so weak before, and everything in the world was relatively balanced. Until a certain point, the great rise of humanity destroyed the balance of nature, and during the great rise of humanity, Li Shou saw red eyes again...

After realizing this, Li Shou tried to understand more details, but everything became foggy and blurry.

But the moment he opened his eyes, he knew that if he entered the path of balance, the stronger the path of balance would be, the more powerful the various bonuses would be for him...

The reward from the mission is just the most intuitive feedback given to him by the Tao of Balance.

So that's it. What the rules give back to me was originally created by me. After Li Shou opened his eyes, he had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Taking this realization as a node...

For a long time after that, Li Shou could always sense the three corpses while practicing.

Then divide the body into three and practice the Mahayana stage.

The material body is constantly expelling impurities;

The energy body is constantly purified and strengthened;

The spirit continues to enter the Tao and understand the rules.

Time passed so little by little.

Another ten years later.

When Li Shou continued to practice that day, the moment he further understood the rules of heaven and earth, he suddenly had a strange feeling. His soul was being sucked in by the rules, and he had a tendency to enter the Tao.

At the moment when he was about to enter the Tao, the sky was full of flowers and the illusion suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the energy of the physical body and heaven and earth is also sensed, and it seems that it is about to trigger the thunder and calamity tempering.

The moment he realized this, Li Shou quickly stopped.

He knew that this was a precursor to a catastrophe.

Is my Mahayana period complete? In the last ten years of seclusion, Li Shou hardly opened his eyes except for taking elixirs.

He just kept practicing, immersed in a mysterious and mysterious realm, forgetting everything, forgetting himself and forgetting the passage of time.

He didn't stop practicing until the illusion suddenly occurred.

We can't survive the tribulation now!

Li Shou got up after taking a break from practice.

Overcoming the tribulation is definitely not a trivial matter. It is okay for his body to be tempered by thunder and fire. After all, he has an indestructible body. To others, the thunder and fire that divides into three corpses is nothing.

But it is not so easy to follow the rules and enter the Tao.

If your soul is accidentally damaged, it will be irreversible!

He has to prepare well.

Go to Vanilla to learn more about the information and techniques for overcoming the tribulation. There are also things like the tribulation pill and three corpse grass that were prepared earlier. These stocks will also come in handy...

After getting up, Li Shou looked around and found that some students were practicing and some were resting.

Everyone uses the same resources, so entry is naturally not too slow.

Li Shou scanned everyone's cultivation with his spiritual consciousness. A few were in the late stage of integration, and most were in the early stages of the Mahayana stage - much worse than him.

After all, although everyone has similar resources, many people are unable to remain in seclusion all the time. They are unable to calm down and lose their temper. They can spend more than ten hours a day cultivating with all their strength and they use up all their energy and energy.

But Li Shou could practice non-stop throughout the day and year-round.

He knew this when he was in Kyushu World and couldn't force it.

Zhao Yinuo is better.

After walking around the scene, Li Shou wanted to see what state Narcissus had reached, but he couldn't find her.

The one with the highest cultivation level at the scene was Zhao Yinuo, who had reached the middle of the Mahayana stage.

This guy always had a smile on his face when he was meditating. It was obvious that practicing this kind of thing was more interesting to him than communicating with the junior sisters of the Yulin Sect.

Looking at Zhao Yinuo's happy expression, Li Shou somehow remembered that not long after he met him, that is, during the second mission, he defeated Chen Zihan's team, and then prepared to let Zhao Yinuo and others enter. Team.

The condition for joining the team is that they need to be a support team.

Chen Zihan and Guo Pengfei directly agreed, but Zhao Yinuo would rather die than surrender.

It is said that it is better to let him play support than to let him die directly.

At that time, Li Shou felt that he had a reckless personality like Olaf, but after spending more than a hundred years together, he found that he still underestimated him - not only was his personality more Olaf than Olaf, he was also a martial arts idiot.

After checking the cultivation of his teammates and chatting with the resting classmates, Li Shou flew down from the top of the mountain.

Along the way from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, he saw that there were many people from the Yulin Sect living in the middle of the mountain.

Not only have these people not left, but there are even more and more of them, with many new faces appearing in the past ten years.

What he didn't know was that in the Yulin Sect, people were fighting to get to Lihun Peak.

In order to change the taste of the people in the team, Lin Yudou would select people from time to time.

Her selection criteria are very strict, and even so, the number of applicants is far more than the number of people selected each time.

Nothing else.

For the middle and lower classes, cultivation resources are too rare.

For those who are in the realm of Qi training or foundation building, they do not need ancient secret medicine or remnant elixirs. Li Shou and others cannot use those from the masters of the integration stage of the big sects of Taiwu Kingdom. Cultivation items are all heavenly items to them.

It can help them quickly break through the golden elixir and enjoy a long life of four hundred years.

If you are lucky enough to marry a Nascent Soul, not only will you have a lifespan of eight hundred years, but you will also be able to go wherever you want within the Yue Kingdom, be respected by others, and even be able to explore other regions, enjoying endless benefits.

Skipping the middle peak, Li Shou came to the foot of the mountain.

Back this time, a total of thirty years have passed, and vanilla has evolved again.

It has created something at the foot of the mountain that far exceeds the technology of the cyber world.

Li Shou couldn't understand those technologies, but he vaguely saw something that had the same goal as the way of cultivation.

As a hub world on par with the Earthly Immortal Realm, the Mechanical God Kingdom will naturally be able to come into contact with the most fundamental things in the world - rules, matter, and energy - when technology develops.

Li Shou was floating in the air and looked down. The Micro Mechanical God Kingdom established by Vanilla at the foot of the mountain was also divided into three major areas. One side was full of machinery, and the other side was full of various types of reactors making energy collisions. Various red, yellow and blue energies were on the scene. The balls are like stars, extremely bright.

The third area is the most mysterious, where weird thin lines of non-matter and non-energy are created, causing the entire space to become distorted, normal, and collapsed like a black hole.

Are these three areas the three corpses of Vanilla? Is the technology of the Mechanical God Kingdom ultimately a mechanical ascension?

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