Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 380 Power, fairness, divided into three corpses

Li Shou flew at more than twenty times the speed of sound and soon arrived at the place where he last sprayed out a big crater.

Stay here and try your moves!

In the early days of the combination, one move could turn a three hundred-mile radius into a corner.

At this moment, Li Shou also used the Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique to spray out. This time the energy of the technique was more dense and the sound of the cicadas was several times noisier than before.

When casting the spell normally, the ice wind covers a radius of 700 miles!

In other words, if Li Shou returned to Earth now, he could make a country disappear with one mouthful. Even if he used the soul-burning technique, he might make a continent disappear.

This kind of disappearance is not the kind of disappearance after the explosion of countless nuclear bombs.

Nuclear bomb blasts actually cause very limited damage to the ground.

Even those high-rise buildings can leave ruins, and the land will not be seriously damaged.

There have been experiments where nuclear bombs were buried in the ground and then detonated, but they only created a crater dozens of meters deep.

The power is limited.

The disappearance that Li Shou's magic can cause is to turn everything into powder from the physical level, and the entire continent above the sea level is flattened.

This power is not at the same level as a nuclear bomb. Ten thousand nuclear bombs tied together are not as powerful as this one ten thousandth.

If you want to flatten the continent, even 100 million nuclear bombs may not be able to do it.

There is a fundamental difference in destructive power.

Just like the gap between firecrackers and nuclear bombs, no matter how many firecrackers are tied together, it will be difficult to compare with nuclear bombs.

Moreover, after entering the Mahayana stage, Li Shou still felt that he had stronger control over the spells when he cast spells.

If you want the spell to hit a wider range, you can adjust it with just a thought. If you want it to be more concentrated and more lethal per unit area, you can also compress the spell.

It feels like using an arm to move a finger, and no one needs to teach it at all.

Thinking of this, Li Shou cast another spell in the air. After compressing the energy to the extreme, Li Shou sprayed out the Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique.

The original killing range of hundreds of kilometers was instantly compressed to only a few thousand meters in diameter.

White columnar ice mist was sprayed out and disappeared directly into the sky.

It's like a shock wave. I don't know how it feels when sprayed on people. Li Shou looked at the icicles disappearing in the distance and felt that the effect was not fully achieved.

How about trying with Little Turtle?

On the way back, Li Shou had a bad idea.

Forget it, it doesn't have the ability to recover either!

After the Mahayana period, Li Shou celebrated himself.

After he returned to Lihun Peak, he called Huang Linsu and Lin Yudou, and also called thirty or forty Yulin Sect disciples to play with each other for two days.

Two days later.

Li Shou is ready to retreat again.

Hall Master Li, can I ask you something? Before leaving, Lin Yudou wrapped his body around Li Shou.


My little girl is going to break through to the state of becoming a god in the near future. Can I ask you for a Nascent Soul stage breaking pill? I also want, um... can you give me an elixir to stabilize my state. Lin Yudou has been here for many years. Yes, I naturally know how much inventory Li Shou has.

But the people in the team are very stingy. Although she got a lot of good things, it was because of this that she was able to reach Nascent Soul Dzogchen so smoothly.

But none of the real prehistoric secret treasures were obtained.

She asked other people, but half of the people here listened to Li Shou, and the other half listened to Li Shuixian.

Without their consent, she wouldn't be able to get any of the ancient treasures.

We have a lot of Nascent Soul Stage Breaking Pills, and we no longer need them. Recently, powerful people often come to exchange things, and Li Shou has a lot of various stocks.

But as for the elixir...

I have been with you for a long time, and I have never been touched by anyone else. Lin Yudou looked at Li Shou pitifully.

How many years have you been here?

It has been ten or twenty years, and I have never slacked off. I have raised all the spiritual birds and beasts in the mountains. I also learned cooking skills. Do you remember? Last time you came to see me, I gave you Stewed chicken and poultry soup.

Although these things are not worth mentioning to you, they can always change your taste and make them more interesting.

Well, it's been ten or twenty years. Li Shou nodded, Those disciples must have been here for ten or twenty years. So many years, indeed...

Others come here to serve everyone, that is, for the benefit of cultivating immortals.

Li Shou thought for a while and asked Lin Yudou to wait where he was before returning to the peak to discuss it with everyone.

After getting the agreement, Li Shou asked about the fairy grass again.

Don't ask, I know what you want to say. There is a surplus... we can't finish it, and we can't take it away. Vanilla responded, and also gave a few bottles of low-quality elixirs.

These are the dregs of the elixir that I have used up, but I have rolled it into balls. The potency of the medicine has been reduced, but it is still the elixir. Take it!

After getting the drug residue, Li Shou gave some of them to Lin Yudou, and then distributed the rest to everyone in the Yulin Sect.

Although it is drug residue, it is after all refined from the fairy grass in the ancient secret realm.

The effect is better than almost all elixirs in the world of immortality, and it does not hurt the body.

Most of those female disciples are in the Qi training stage and the foundation building stage. They can break through after taking the elixir, and it will also have countless benefits for their future cultivation.

With one or twenty years of life in exchange for one or two hundred years plus the benefits in the future, I don't owe you anything.

After doing all this, Li Shou went back to continue practicing.

After coming to the Mahayana stage, the first thing he did was to switch to other exercises.

This is also recommended by vanilla.

It studied many techniques and realms, and after collecting data, it was found that it would be more cost-effective to switch to cultivation after the Mahayana period.

Because in the Mahayana stage, all the chaotic skills previously practiced are gathered together, and the body's control of the spiritual power of the skills reaches its peak.

Not only does it not require you to lose part of your skills when you change cultivation, but you also don't have to face a complex power system, which is very easy.

Li Shou listened to the advice and began to practice the new technique according to the method.

Silent Sky is a set of ice-based immortality cultivation techniques developed by Zibai Buerong.

The second half is a chapter of immortal cultivation, and the first half cannot be completed in vain.

This technique can be practiced all the way to the realm of true immortals - the standards are very high.

The Silent Sky is taken from the meaning of the frozen silence of all things. Li Shou put his spiritual thoughts deep into the jade slips and experienced the artistic conception of the exercises.

Then a handful of elixir was poured into his throat to replenish his spiritual power.

In the practice after entering the Mahayana period, one is to continue to purify energy and cleanse the body of impurities.

The second is to start dividing the three corpses.

This is the first time Li Shou has come into contact with the realm of Three Corpses.

A few months later, as Li Shou's practice deepened and his energy became more and more refined, he discovered that his body began to divide into two parts.

The state of matter and energy began to become more and more distinct, as if there were two selves in the body.

After practicing for several more years, he found that his soul sensed the vague rules of heaven and earth.

There are a lot of rules and it’s very confusing.

There are not only the rules of heaven but also the rules of humanity. Just like the world of darkness in the main world, there is chaos and everything.

How the heaven and earth move, how vegetation grows, what emotions people have, why the sand and gravel on the ground are blown by the wind...

Everything is controlled by rules.

Among them, the one that Li Shou feels most strongly about is the balance rule.

He was born here and naturally has strong feelings.

Then, if he understood the Balance Rules carefully, he could vaguely see a monkey.

It seems to be shouting something like Heaven is unfair, and humanity is also unfair... The damage is not enough, but the reward is more than enough... and the like.

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