While Li Shou's thoughts were wandering around, Bai Rong exchanged a few polite words with everyone and left with the immortal weapon.

He didn't have any friendship with anyone, and he only came to exchange things this time. Now that he was defeated and couldn't exchange for what he wanted most, he naturally wouldn't stay for too long.

Let's go back quickly. After Bai Rong left, Narcissus reminded: Although Bai Rong's first transaction with us seemed good, he must be on guard against others. He will definitely repair the immortal weapon when he takes it back. Sacrifice and refine your own magic weapon.

When all the magic weapons in his body are replaced by ordinary magic weapons for cultivating immortals, his strength may be more than doubled.

If we don't enter the country, I'm afraid there will be danger.

Yeah. Li Shou nodded, But don't be too afraid of him. We have so many ancient secret treasures, and our cultivation is growing very fast. By the time he doubles, we may have more than doubled. But we really can't delay it recently. ”

While everyone was talking, they packed their bags and returned to Lihun Peak.

After returning, Li Shou unblocked the Rules of Life trio and allowed them to continue repairing the big man's body.

They've been doing this for several years.

But rebuilding the body is not an easy task, and Li Shou doesn't care about them.

After all, they are more urgent than themselves - the longer they delay, the harder it will be for them to find points.

Now there are not many teams and scores left, and some are trapped in the ancient secret realm forever. The scores in the secret realm cannot be obtained by anyone except the people inside them.

However, Li Shou and others have reserves and are not afraid.

After returning, everyone continued to practice in seclusion.

Another year and a half later, the people with the rules of life completed the physical remodeling of the big man.

Now that the big man has a physical body and a broken soul, he is already alive.

But due to the lack of memory and the damage to the soul, his state was very wooden. Not only did he have no memory, he was still in a daze most of the time.

However, after reshaping his body, the traveler mark was still there. After teaching him the simplest language, Vanilla confirmed that he still had a life countdown on his arm.

After completing the mission, the Rules of Life trio will naturally leave.

Let's go. The three of them were still a little unsure when they left, You won't go back on your word, right?

No. We're settled.

Sending the trio away.

Li Shou went back and spent some time with the big man.

Although the two are still good friends, firstly, so many years have passed, and secondly, the big man is now confused, and it is boring to spend time together.

After Li Shou stayed for a while, he handed the big man over to Vanilla's robot to take care of him.

He still went back to practice.

Then several more years passed.

Although there are ancient secret treasures and various low-quality elixirs to help him, the path of cultivation does become more difficult the further he goes, and this time Li Shou stayed in the integration stage for a long time.

Moreover, he found that after the students reached the integration stage, their cultivation speed also began to slow down greatly.

The first reason is that the integration period is a process of shaping the legal body. To completely integrate the Yuanying into the body and transform it from a physical body into a half-energy, half-material body requires a little bit of shaping.

The second reason is that everyone can tolerate loneliness in retreat at the beginning, but later on it becomes less and less efficient.

There are always only two people in the team who have the ability to practice in seclusion for a long time, Li Shou and Zhao Yinuo.

The two of them didn't feel bored at all during the retreat. It didn't matter if they sat in meditation every day for decades, not to mention several years.

But freaks like them are in the minority after all.

In desperation, Li Shou went to Yulin Sect to invite the person back.

Of course, I brought a lot of gifts with me when I went there.

Although Li Shou didn't like Lin Shushu's style of doing things, fairness was fairness, and if you asked people for help, you had to give something in return.

The people of the Yulin Sect were naturally happy to go over after receiving the magic weapon and spiritual medicine.

For practitioners, any love between a man and a woman is a kind of entertainment, and the most important thing is the state.

Only when the realm improves can one have longevity. The young female disciples below can live at least a hundred more years every time their realm is improved. The elders in the Nascent Soul stage above can live an extra four hundred years with each realm improvement.

This does not include the various benefits that can be brought about by improving one's skills.

The return of Yu Linzong has improved the efficiency of the male teammates, but the female players are still boring. Then the people from the Yulin Sect discovered the clues and called in the men supported by the sect. Their arrival increased the efficiency of the female team members.

Another ten years have passed.

With the addition of ancient secret treasures and various magic weapons, Li Shou finally reached the state of perfect union.

On this day, he swallowed the Combined Stage Breakthrough Pill exchanged from the Taoist Master and began to try to break through.

The transformation from integration to Mahayana, according to Vanilla's analysis and statement, is essentially a kind of purification and purification.

After merging, the body becomes half matter and half energy, but there are many impurities in the matter and the energy is not pure enough.

The condition for entering the Mahayana is to refine energy to a certain level and remove some of the impurities from matter.

After swallowing the realm-breaking pill, black water began to appear on Li Shou's body as soon as he performed his exercises.

The whole grains that people eat contain impurities in nature.

Even the various pills and spiritual fruits he eats now contain impurities.

Li Shou has been practicing all the way and has eaten countless pills and drank countless zombie viruses. Naturally, there are a lot of impurities in his body.

At this time, he broke through the realm, and black water like gelatin continued to pour out from his body.

At the same time, the energy purification process is also very complicated.

Li Shou had practiced hundreds of techniques along the way, from martial arts techniques to demonic body-refining techniques to ordering object techniques. At this time, they were all brought together for energy purification.

This process may only take a month for others, but it took Li Shou a full nine months to complete it.

After completing the first step, he struck while the iron was hot and swallowed the elixir refined from vanilla, and completed the test in one go.

Under the blessing of the elixir, the energy and matter in his body were integrated, and the channels of countless blood vessels and meridians were reshaped and then connected.

Finally got it all figured out!

A stream of fresh air arose from the body and circled around the whole body.

Finally Mahayana!

After coming to the Mahayana stage, Li Shou's biggest feeling was not like he felt like he had suddenly become stronger like he had come to the combined stage.

But there is a feeling of returning to nature.

The power of hundreds of exercises throughout the body merges into a purer force. It feels like the energy is more concentrated and the penetration is stronger.

There is also a very refreshing feeling on the body.

Hmm... Li Shoufu soared directly into the sky and flew away from Lihun Peak.

Flying all the way away, the speed was more than twice as fast as in the early stage of integration, and the speed exceeded Mach 20.

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