Li Shou also became vigilant when he saw the person coming.

If Li Shou is not so afraid of the Mahayana period, he has a different attitude towards the Earth Immortal.

The Earth Immortal not only represents the highest level of combat power in this world.

The most important thing is that earthly immortals are essentially immortals, not immortal cultivators.

The gap is huge.

Even if earthly immortals were placed in the prehistoric world, they would still be out-and-out immortals.

Moreover, Li Shou came out without equipment this time, so he was even weaker in terms of strength.

What's the purpose of the Earth Immortal's arrival? Li Shou was worried in his heart, but Li Shou was relatively peaceful on the surface.

I also heard that my little friend has secret treasures from ancient times, especially fairy weapons. I came here to exchange for some self-defense fairy weapons. The Earth Immortal was also frank when he spoke, I am in this world. I have been staying for a long time, I have enjoyed what I should enjoy, and I have taken care of all the funeral matters that should be dealt with.

Moreover, this world always restricts the way forward for spiritual practice. When you have no trouble with yourself, you will eventually leave.

But the prehistoric fairyland is full of dangers, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to protect myself after I ascend.

After all, I can cover the sky with one hand here, but in the prehistoric times I will just be a piece of shit.

If there are immortal weapons to protect the body, and additional magical weapons, it can always increase the hope of early survival.

Even if it is not used, it can be replaced with money and used elsewhere.

Can the immortal weapon be brought over?

Sacrifice and refine the magic weapon of your own life, and you can naturally ascend. As the Earth Immortal spoke, he took out what he had prepared this time, Of course, in exchange, I also brought a gift! I heard that you need skills, I have several sets of immortal skills that I obtained in other ancient mystical realms when I was young. The skills originally only had the cultivation part of the immortal, but I have completed the immortal cultivation part, you can take it for inspection.

While speaking, the Earth Immortal threw the jade slip to Li Shou.

Did you complete it yourself?

Li Shou was on guard while using his spiritual sense to probe in.

Several sets of exercises include ice and fire.

The content recorded in it is not only extremely mysterious, but also very comprehensive, from the Qi training stage to the realm of true immortals.

The level of this technique far exceeds the level of ordinary immortal cultivation techniques.

Moreover, after Li Shou got it, he could practice all the way to the realm of true immortals without any hindrance, without having to look for techniques in the middle.

This is very important to him.

I made it up myself, and made it up so well, Zhang Sanfeng, this is it.

Zhang Sanfeng?

We have a local super genius who is good at completing and inventing exercises. It seems that the top people in any place can eventually embark on this path.

Inventing exercises is a hundred times more difficult than learning them.

This person can successfully overcome the tribulation and become an Earth Immortal. He is naturally a genius among geniuses.

Lin Shushu is a genius in a small country, Dian Daoren is a genius in a large country, and the man in front of him is a genius in the entire earthly and immortal world.

But why are there only two types, ice and fire?

Because I have the spiritual roots of water and fire. The Earth Immortal smiled. Even though he was dressed in white, he still looked like a teenager. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Bai Rong. Fewer people know me now. I used to. Very famous.”

How many immortal weapons do you want? I have to see if it's a good deal. Li Shou doesn't have many immortal weapons. He needs to use the alchemy furnace and Zhao Yinuo, the big sword.

I want to exchange for three immortal weapons.

Too much.

I can also give you this. This will increase your success rate in overcoming the tribulation a lot. This is also the treasure obtained in the prehistoric secret realm last time. What Bai Rong took out this time was not given directly to Li Shou.

Obviously this thing is also very precious to him.

It was a dead tree-like thing with three branches growing from it.

One is a real thing, one is fluorescent and shining like a soul, and the other is ethereal like a thin line of energy...

This is the three-corpse grass. According to the secret realm records, this thing is a first-class treasure even in the ancient secret realm. It can help people kill three corpses to become a saint, and it can also help people overcome tribulations. Do you know why people are so dead after tribulations? Is it much?

I don't know. Li Shou said.

It's because transcending the tribulation is the first transformation of immortals, the first process of dividing into three corpses. When a person becomes an immortal, he is one with the Tao. No matter which path you choose, you must first cut off the three corpses into one path. Then temper the physical body to survive the thunder tribulation, and then the soul and body can be truly separated for the first time.

These three major tribulations are not something you can survive safely no matter how high your cultivation level is.

If you choose the wrong path, go through the wrong calamity, everything will come to an end.

But the three corpse grass can help you overcome the disaster.

In this case, it's not impossible. It's difficult to overcome the tribulation. With so many teammates, I don't want to lose any of them.

But who can guarantee that we can survive the disaster safely?

There is nothing wrong with getting the Three Corpses Grass Rights as an insurance policy.

I want that axe, and...

Wait a minute, I won't change that one. Three pieces are fine, but I have to pick them.

Oh? There is no room for negotiation?


Okay, then don't blame me for being rude.

Bai Rong put away his smile and finally showed the intimidating power of an earthly immortal.

The cold air rolling over his body had the tendency to freeze everything around him.

Li Shou was the first to be frozen in place, and the blood in his body was directly frozen.

Fortunately, he had soul-condensing ice in his body. After the fairy-level ice was touched, it absorbed part of the ice vein breath and gave Li Shou some mobility.

But then the opponent's ice energy changed, forming a bone-cutting steel knife and slashed towards Li Shou.

Many people have experienced the feeling of cold wind like a knife. At this time, Li Shou knew that Bai Rong had integrated this feeling into his own moves.

The cold knife passed through Li Shou's body and drew a few sparks, but it did not hurt Li Shou at all.

Oh? Bai Rong's eyes widened when he saw this, and it was the first time he showed surprise, It is rumored that you are invulnerable, I only thought it was because of the immortal weapon protecting your body.

But at this time, you don't have any magic weapon with you, but you have such a body-protecting ability, which is really shocking.

At this point, Bai Rong actually stopped his move and said frankly: Originally, I thought the deal would not work out and I still wanted to snatch it away. However, you are so powerful, which makes me a little afraid.

Really? The other party stopped, but Li Shou didn't tolerate him. It's only fair that you hit me once and I hit you back!

As he spoke, Li Shou opened his face and aimed the Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique directly at Bai Rong's face.

And it’s a double-added version.

Soul-Condensing Ice and Kwai Shui Yinfeng came into battle together, and they were all poured into Bai Rong's face at close range.

The opponent couldn't dodge, so he used magic to resist for a while, then he held the seal on the spot and used an escape technique to fly to another place, but he was still unscathed.

After all, Li Shou's immortal skills were only achieved through cultivation of elixirs, and since the opponent was a real immortal, it was not easy to break through his defenses.

After one move, Li Shou became a little afraid.

The Immortal is so powerful. If the two sides really break up, they can only win by relying on teammates and Vanilla to attack together.

But even if we can win, it will be difficult to kill, and we may have to reduce our numbers.

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