Li Shou was worried.

Isn't it Bai Rong?

He also collected information before coming here and knew that the person in front of him had a companion.

Moreover, the companions are very powerful. It is said that the spell formations are all top-notch, and they are also blessed by fairy weapons.

If the man in front of him is not unworthy of his reputation and is even more powerful than the rumors, then his companions must be more difficult than the rumors say.

Although Bai Rong boasts that he has been in the world for thousands of years and has not encountered many opponents.

But he is proud and his mind is very normal.

He came here to exchange for survival capital after his ascension, not to fight for his life with others.

If you can't win, you will get nothing. If you win, everyone will not die, and you won't hand over your things without saying anything, and you will have a deadly feud.

We have a fight, and we can't decide who will win or lose. It will not be beneficial to both sides if we continue to fight. So, how about we make a bet?

Bai Rong proposed first.

How to play?

You take your magical weapon and call your teammates. We will do it as long as we can without killing anyone. If you can beat me, then exchange items as you said. If you can't win, just do as I say. How, how?

How do I know what you said is true? Besides, your strength has greatly increased after getting the immortal weapon, which is actually detrimental to us!

We can make an oath of heaven. My three corpses have been separated and have entered the heaven. The oath of heaven has greater restrictions on me than on you. If you don't believe this, you can check it out. Anyway, my life span is long, I'm not afraid to wait for you for a year and a half. And if I had bad intentions from the beginning, I could agree to your first transaction plan and then come back to snatch it.

It's just that such a villain's behavior may not be too petty.

Those who achieve enlightenment and become immortals are all generous people.

I also like to be straightforward.

My friend, what do you think of my proposal?

It's okay. The other party's things are also very important to Li Shou, and he really doesn't want to quarrel.

After finally discussing the details with Bai Rong, he turned back.

Returning to Lihun Peak, he told his teammates what he saw and heard outside.

After everyone discussed it, they felt that this was indeed a relatively fair and stable plan, and finally got verification from Caiyi that the oath of heaven does have a greater restraint on immortals.

Finally everyone came out to challenge.

This time, since everyone was dispatched, before the dispatch, Li Shoubing blocked the Rule of Life Trio, drove away Yulin Sect and others and asked Narcissus to reinforce the mountain protection formation.

After doing all the preparations.

They found Bai Rong.

We might as well go to the Tailing Mountains to fight in an uninhabited area. Seeing that all the opponents were in place, Bai Rong said: If the immortals fight, the entire Yue Kingdom may be destroyed. The way I cultivate is not suitable for excessive killing.

This is what we came out for.

Li Shou just sprayed a three-hundred-mile radius into nothingness.

This immortal's magic is even more powerful.

Li Hun Peak is not far from here. It would not be good to break it again. Moreover, the population of Yue country is quite large, and death would not be in line with the principle of balance.

I know a barren mountain.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Bai Rengong directly used a technique to capture everyone, and then used his escape technique like light, and disappeared with a swish.

After Li Shou's cultivation has reached the integration stage, his speed has exceeded Mach 10, which is not considered slow.

But compared to the Earthly Immortal, they are like heaven and earth.

During Li Shou's escape technique, everything around him looked like small points of light that could disappear in an instant.

Although he knew that the speed of the Earth Immortal was definitely not as fast as the speed of light, he really felt like he was walking on the light when he was in it.

Not long after, everyone had traveled tens of thousands of miles and arrived at a stretch of barren mountain area in the Tailing Mountains.

I don’t know if it’s because of the geographical environment or because there were powerful battles in the past.

They are all stone mountains with broken walls and ruins. The ground is also stone. There are no living things, not even weeds.

This is a good place for a battle of wits. My friends, please come first!


Since the fight was arranged, everyone stopped talking nonsense.

Vanilla first flew far away and began to arrange the mechanical army. Narcissus also led everyone to land not far from Vanilla and began to form an array.

While everyone was preparing, Li Shou suddenly felt that everything in front of him had slowed down - Guo Pengfei had connected his vision.

He knows his power and has also specially practiced the Lihun Sect's soul chain spell. After practicing the spell, the distance between his eyesight has greatly increased.

It can also be used from a distance.

Li Shou, on his side, was already holding the Pangu Ax and the Donghuang Bell, fully armed and ready to fight.

Bai Rongrong was the first to make the move. He had already given enough face by waiting for his opponent to set up their formation.

It would be bad for him to wait any longer.

Little friend, be careful! As Bai Rong spoke, he directly used his sword to kill Li Shou.

Those are two flying swords.

One was burning with blazing fire, and the other was glowing with cold light.

Although it is not an immortal weapon, it is already the top magical weapon in this world.

Sensing the flying swords coming towards Li Shou, the Donghuang Bell on Li Shou emitted golden light and directly blocked the two flying swords. At the same time, he waved his big ax continuously, and the golden light overflowed.

However, the golden light that had always been invincible in the past was blocked by Bai Rong. The opponent then used an escape technique to come to Li Shou's back and fired another spell.

He first summoned ice to attack the golden light around Li Shou's body, but to no avail.

But then he flipped the technique, and the ice suddenly turned into fire.

The instantaneous switching between extreme cold and extreme heat caused an annihilation effect similar to a black hole in the field. The air creaked and the surrounding space cracked.

The golden light surrounding Li Shou's body was instantly broken into a gap.

Bai Rong was very experienced in fighting. When he saw a gap in the golden light of the body protection, he used the ice and fire swords to get into Li Shou's body to harass and attack. On the other hand, he made a seal with his hand and photographed the Pangu ax in Li Shou's hand. Walk.

The power of the Immortal Seal is terrifying.

Even though Li Shou's physical body was extremely powerful and his strength was much stronger than during the normal integration stage, his hands still trembled when holding the axe. In addition, the two swords of ice and fire kept stabbing his wrists, causing him to be unable to hold the weapon immediately. trend.

If it were a one-on-one fight, Li Shou would have his weapon taken away from him before long.

But fortunately, this is a battle of one more.

When Li Shou was in trouble, Vanilla's heavy artillery, Narcissus' Immortal Sky Fire, and Wang Zheng's Poison Soul all attacked.

Bai Rong didn't want to interrupt the spell at first, so he used magic weapons and protective immortal energy to resist, but no matter it was Vanilla's heavy artillery or Immortal Sky Fire and Poison Soul.

In essence, they all have immortal-level power, and even an immortal cannot resist them when they attack together.

Seeing that Bai Rong couldn't hold on any longer, he immediately gave up his attack on Li Shou.

There was a flash of light on his body, and he arrived at the place where Vanilla and others were in an instant.

I heard that there is only one person with an extremely hard body. What should you do?

After arriving in front of the formation, Bai Rong stretched out his hand and made a move, and the sky was swept by wind and snow.

Narcissus used the formation to resist only a few breathing formations before completely collapsing. The wind and snow were swept into the formation, freezing many people on the spot.

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