Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 374: The Taoist, Fusion Stage, Earth Immortal

The people who came this time were different from last time.

This newcomer is much more polite.

Everyone from the first and third sects, I'm here to exchange medicines, so don't do anything!

The visitor was discovered by Vanilla before he came outside the mountain gate.

However, he always showed a kind attitude and had no intention of snatching, and Vanilla only gave a slight alarm.

After hearing the sound, Li Shoufei went out and saw a sloppy Taoist coming outside the mountain gate.

Li Shou didn't know him, but he could tell that his cultivation level was very high, no less than that of the former Taoist Devouring Heaven.

I've met my Taoist friend. The little old man is a Taoist from the Guiyuan Sect of Qianling Kingdom. I came here to exchange some medicine with my Taoist friend. The sloppy Taoist priest saluted Li Shouji.

Li Shou didn't know him.

I don’t even know where Qianling Kingdom is.

I guess it should be a country further away than Taiwu Kingdom.

But this was not what Li Shou cared about. He saw that the purpose of the other party's visit was very clear, so he asked: What do you want to change, and what can you offer?

Oh, I've long heard that fellow Taoists from the First and Third Sects are cheerful and happy, and they also love fair transactions.

If a Taoist dared to risk his life, he would naturally ask for a lot of information before coming here.

Although Li Shou didn't know him, he had a great background - he was a figure like the Overlord of the entire Qianling Kingdom.

Qianling State borders Taiwu State, and its population and area are no less than Taiwu State.

The Taoist leader has a high status and naturally has many subordinates.

Before he came, his subordinates had already found out all the clues.

They had seen the white fox, heard about what happened in Qingyi Square, and even inquired about the Nine-tailed Rat, and learned about the behavior style of Li Shou and others.

After confirming the information, he dared to visit.

Yes, we love fair deals. You name it, if the deal is a good deal for both parties, of course it can be done.

I heard that when your sect collected the Taiwu Kingdom's trophies, they mentioned that they needed some high-level skills, preferably those related to poison and ice. The little old man brought some... Of course, there are some other things. You can take a look. .”

The Taoist priest was very neat in his work. As he spoke, he shot more than a dozen jade slips towards Li Shou.

Li Shou took the jade slip and investigated it.

The category is indeed very suitable, and the skill level is also very high - giving everyone more choices.

In fact, the skills of some people in the team were not particularly suitable, but they had no choice but to passively slow down their training speed.

There are also these realm-breaking elixirs, which are very helpful for the later realms of breaking through and cultivating immortality.

The Taoist priest shot over dozens of bottles of pills.

Li Shou checked it out and found that they ranged from the Realm-Breaking Pill in the Transformation Stage to the Mirror-Breaking Pill in the Fusion Stage.

Even one of these elixirs can defeat countless high-level immortal cultivators outside, but for the top immortal cultivators, it is not difficult to collect it with the efforts of the whole country.

This elixir is more useful to Li Shou and others than the exercises.

Although they have elixirs, the elixirs left behind by the true immortals do not contain elixirs for breaking through the lower realms.

Sometimes, something that is too high-end is not as useful as something that is “just enough”.

This can indeed bring us a lot of help and save a lot of time. Tell me, what do you want to change?

Thumb Ganoderma lucidum from the ancient wonderland, Immortal Blessed Astragalus, ditch grass that is more than 10,000 years old... The Taoist priest mentioned several medicinal materials in one breath, all of which are medicines found in the secret realm.

How much?

You don't need many, just one of each kind will do. I will use it to refine the Tribulation Pill before I transcend the tribulation.

Give me the tribulation elixir recipe, and I'll give you two copies.

Fellow Taoist, be happy!

Then wait a moment.

Li Shou knew some of these medicinal materials, but he couldn't remember the names of many.

However, with the help of Vanilla and Caiyi, he quickly retrieved the relevant medicinal materials after returning.

Compared with the inventory piled up like a hill, this little thing is really a drop in the bucket, and Li Shou is not stingy.

If the exchange goes smoothly, he also wants more latecomers to exchange.

The world is so big, and the natives have a lot of inventory, so there is no guarantee that they will have what they want.

Here, that's all.

Thank you, fellow Taoist, for giving you this jade slip. I have already completed the seal engraving of the elixir. I will come to see you if I have any requests in the future.


After sending away the Taoist master, masters would come to exchange things from time to time in the days that followed.

Most of these people are in the Mahayana period, and some even received news and came from distant places to sit in the ancient teleportation array.

The Mahayana stage is one of the most anxious states among immortal cultivators.

One step further will lead to overcoming the tribulation.

And survive the tribulation and escape death.

If you don't survive the calamity, you can only slowly wait for old age and death. Although the lifespan of the Mahayana period is more than two thousand years, it will eventually be exhausted.

These Mahayana stage talents are from all over the world. They cherish their lives very much. Even if they have the slightest means to save their lives, they must spare no effort to advance.

So generally the things given are pretty good.

With the help of these people, the team's practice speed has once again increased to a higher level.

Three years later, Li Shou has broken through from the Void Refining Stage to the Fusion Stage.

After breaking through to the integration stage, Yuanying completely merges with the body.

The body has completely transformed into a Dharma body, which is fundamentally different from the physical body in terms of structure.

After the integration period, spell casting speed will be faster and more powerful...

The physical body has also become stronger, and great progress has been made in terms of recovery ability, defense or strength.

On the day he broke through the integration stage, Li Shou came to an uninhabited land outside the mountain. He used up enough mana and magic to spray out the Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique outside the wilderness.

Suddenly, within three to four hundred miles around, there was a strong wind, turbulent clouds, howling wind, and snow all over the sky...

In the entire uninhabited area, no matter the vegetation, rocks, or the hills and the ground, they all disintegrated under the Kwai Shui Yin Wind, and the disintegrated dust and sand were solidified into ice crystals by the cold wind.

Spray out in one breath, the mountain disappears, the ground disappears...

The entire ground turned into a bottomless pit.

This destructive power! When Li Shou stopped the spell, he felt a little amazed when he saw the power of the spell.

This is already a hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times more than ordinary nuclear bombs... A thousand nuclear bombs can't break Mount Everest, but if I take one bite, a mountain several thousand meters high can be sprayed into powder.

This is still the Earthly Immortal Realm, and the ground is solid. If it were on Earth, it would be even more powerful.

But yes.

When Fu Kai and the others went to invade the world of the Holy Wing Empire, several of Fu Kai's Five Thunder Talismans had the power of nuclear bombs.

The Five Thunder Talisman is just a talisman drawn by the Yuanying Stage, and its power may not be as powerful as the original one in the Yuanying Stage.

Now I am not only in the combined stage, but also taking into account various other cultivations. This spell also has the bonus of immortality.

It's not on the same level as a nuclear bomb at all...

Speaking of which, if you go back to Earth now, you have to be careful not to accidentally damage the planet.

After all, this is my hometown, so I can’t do anything casually.

After Li Shou sighed, he was ready to go back to practice.

He went out just to experiment with the physical changes after the integration period.

But just as he turned around and flew away, a fairy light came and blocked his way.

This escaping light really has the artistic conception of an immortal - Li Shou has been to the mansion of a true immortal, so he can naturally recognize it.

The person coming must be an Earth Immortal!

Little friendly spell! The visitor was also very polite. After blocking Li Shou's way, he bowed his head first.

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