Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 352 The demon king and the little demon from the lower realm forcefully break into the forma

Since we are our own people, we don't have to worry too much. The Immortal Mansion is right in front of us, and those Tianmeng monks from the Taiwu Kingdom won't go too far. Let's quickly go to the Immortal Mansion to get the things and leave.

King Hua Peng said something and was about to fly to the Immortal Mansion when Caiyi stopped him.

How do you divide things in the fairy mansion? After what happened last time, Caiyi became obsessed with how to divide things.

Since we are all in the same group, the old rules of the demon clan are that whoever gets it gets it! said a demon king who was like a bull demon.



Just use the old method!

Since everyone agrees, let's do it according to our abilities. King Hua Peng saw that everyone was willing to use the old rules, so naturally he didn't waste any words. After explaining a few more words, he turned into thunder and flew towards the immortal mansion.

Not to be outdone, Caiyi picked up the demonic wind and flew to the Immortal Mansion, picking up Li Shou.

Although Caiyi's speed was far less than that of King Hua Peng, he was still not slow, and he arrived around the Immortal Mansion in a moment.

As soon as he arrived at Fairy Mountain, Li Shou saw something good.

There are many elixirs grown on the mountain!

Li Shou looked around and saw that the mountain below the Immortal Mansion was filled with all kinds of elixirs planted by the former Immortal.

As soon as you arrive nearby, the aroma of medicine overflows.

Some of these elixirs are unknown varieties that are not found in the Earthly Immortal World.

Some medicinal materials are found in the Earthly Immortal Realm, but their age is particularly high.

Some precious medicinal materials are difficult to find in the immortal world for thousands of years, but here, they can be found everywhere for thousands of years.

For example, the Demon Blood Ganoderma that Li Shou knew was usually only the size of a fingertip in the immortal world, and was also called Thumb Ganoderma.

The Demon Blood Ganoderma that has grown for thousands of years is no more than the size of a palm, but Li Shou saw one the size of a small house here.

There are too many to collect. There are elixirs all over the mountains and plains. Li Shou picked some casually and looked around.

He was looking for where his teammates were.

While he was looking around, a tiny robot flew into his ear and made a vanilla sound.

Everyone is safe. When the lightning came, everyone hid and came here first. But there are too many things to take away... Also, Narcissus arrived first, and she arrived first. We're around the mansion but can't get in. There's still a little residual formation inside, so it's difficult to break through it in a short time.

Oh? Li Shou looked up at the Immortal Mansion on the top of the mountain. The level of the Immortal Formation that even Narcissus could not break must be very high.

When Li Shou raised his head, a scream came from the sky, and then King Hua Peng, who was on fire, fell from the sky.

After falling to the ground, King Hua Peng tried to extinguish the flames on his body, but no matter what method he used, the fire ball on the ground would not go out.

The flames wrapped around its body seemed to have spirituality. Even if King Hua Peng used a spell such as Golden Cicada Escape to shed his skin and feathers, the flames still clung to it like maggots on its tarsus.

Moreover, the flames are so destructive that even the Great Demon King in the middle stage of integration cannot bear it. Even if he uses his magic power to resist it, his body will be burnt to a crisp.

It turned into thunder and flew up and down, and the flames did not go out at all.

At this time, other demon kings had also arrived, and it could only call for help.

Snow Sculpture King, save me...

The Pan-Water Ox King...

Under King Hua Peng's call for help, the two demon kings sprayed two different spells of ice and water on his body.

After all, he is the Demon King, and the power of that technique is no less than Li Shou's Zen Wind and Ice Breath Technique. The cold air and water vapor spread at the foot of the mountain but did not extinguish the flames on King Hua Peng at all.

Even if King Hua Peng is soaked in water, the flames are still burning on it.

What a powerful flame.

Li Shou sighed and stopped looking at the scene below.

It was obvious that King Hua Peng wanted to break into the Immortal Mansion, but was counterattacked by the remaining formation.

Although the mountain-protecting formation around the Immortal Mansion has been damaged, there may be traps everywhere in the mansion. If you are not careful, the Demon King can also get his way.

After all, for immortals, there is no demon king, and all the demon kings present are just little demons from the lower world.

Not to mention breaking the formation, it is difficult for the little demon to discover the formation.

I'll go up and take a look. Be careful and don't touch the formation. Li Shou told Caiyi and then flew to the area around the Immortal Mansion on the top of the mountain.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Li Shuixian standing at the door of the Immortal Mansion.

The formation is too advanced, and the energy mechanism is connected to the earth veins. Even if I can see the clues, I can't break through the ancient earth veins... Narcissus said a little helplessly when he saw Li Shou.

This formation is too hard.

Does this formation have a magic formation or a trapping formation?

Yes, there is no life gate, only the death gate and the trapped gate... there is a time vortex in the trapped gate. Narcissus also thought of something, But the dead gate is in this direction. I don't know how many indestructible bodies you have. You know this best based on strength. If you want to try, you can only enter through the door of death.

Well. Li Shou weighed it again and again, and finally decided to go and have a look, I came here, but I feel bad when I leave. No matter how high the level of this fairy mansion is, it is still far behind the Hericium! I'll give it a try, and it won't work as well as Hua. King Peng can just escape with his body covered in flames. My defense is much stronger than it's. If it doesn't die, I won't die either.

This is the remaining storage ring I prepared. There is still some storage space in it. Open your mouth.


It's dangerous inside. The storage ring can't withstand the impact. Only by holding it in your mouth can you protect the ring.

Okay! After holding five or six storage rings in his mouth, Li Shou also put his own ring in his mouth, handed the broken pieces to Narcissus, and then stepped into the Death Door without saying a word. middle.

His front foot had just stepped into the Immortal Mansion.

In the next second, everything in front of him disappeared.

After entering the battle, Li Shou seemed to be in another space.

The space seemed to want to squeeze him out, but Li Shou insisted on moving forward. The next second, a sea of ​​​​fire swept through his body.

The high temperature was unknown, and the raging fire burned his body.

Is this the flame that almost burned King Hua Peng to death? It really hurts...

In the sea of ​​fire, Li Shou continued to move forward despite the pain.

Soon, the surrounding sea of ​​flames turned into a thunder prison.

Countless plasma thunders hit him, making him unsteady and his internal organs and bones seemed to be shattered.

But he still only felt pain but not hurt.

After moving forward for a while, the thunder disappeared and the surrounding area turned into a bone-eroding black wind.

This black wind is the strongest attack he has encountered so far. Li Shou has a feeling that if he did not have an indestructible body, this black wind would turn him into pus and blood in an instant.

Even though he now has an indestructible body, he still feels like his skin and flesh are separated.

Looking down, this time it felt right.

The flesh is really separated!

After obtaining the indestructible body, this was the first time Li Shou was injured...

But as soon as the skin and flesh cracked, it healed again.

What he has is not only defense, but also perfect recovery ability.

Walking at this black wind pass, Li Shou didn't know how much time had passed. Just when he was a little confused whether he could not get out, the next second his eyes suddenly opened up.

The sea of ​​fire, thunder, prison, and black wind all disappeared, and he came to the Immortal Mansion.

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