Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 353: Immortal Pill, Immortal Treasure, Immortal Technique

The Immortal Mansion looks a little different from the inside and the outside.

But no matter how you look at it, it has been abandoned for a long time.

Although it has been abandoned for a long time, it seems that the master left in a hurry and didn't have time to take away many things. Li Shou entered the courtyard and saw that there was nothing like that in the courtyard or the room of the Immortal Mansion. A feeling of moving.

Immortals also leave traces when they move.

Photographing objects from afar, capturing in the void, storing mustard seeds...

There are no traces of any of this. Many objects were placed in place, and some have even fallen to the ground. Judging from the situation at the scene, the owner left very quickly.

I didn't bring anything with me, as if I left a second late, I would be punished by God the next second.

Seeing this situation further confirmed Li Shou's previous guess.

It must have been when the monkey head was sealed, the master's family happened to be affected by Chiyu. Then he escaped from here before this area was interrupted and exiled to the outside world...

A truly top-notch version of gods fighting and mortals suffering.

In front of the prehistoric great master, the immortal has become an ant.

But I don’t know what level this immortal is.

How many good things have been left behind!

Although Li Shou obtained the Daluo Golden Pill, his defensive abilities were upgraded to an extremely high level in one fell swoop.

But in fact, he is still very weak in other aspects, with serious shortcomings. His overall strength is not comparable to that of immortals. Even Kailushan, whom he just fought against, can be controlled with magic.

Immortal things are still very attractive to him.

Hmm... Li Shou didn't hesitate when he thought of this, and went straight into the Immortal Mansion to collect things.

The structure of this immortal mansion is a bit like a small sect.

After walking inside for a while, Li Shou discovered that this immortal probably did not live alone, but also had some disciples and the like, because some daily necessities such as clothes and robes obviously did not belong to the same person.

I don't know how many years have passed. Li Shouxian took out a high-level Taoist robe. Although there were many traces of time on it, the Taoist robe was made of who knows what material, but it was not damaged at all.

The immortal-level robe is missing the formation. As for the material...

Li Shou pulled the Taoist robe hard and attacked several times with his own means, but the Taoist robe blocked his attacks.

A residual immortal-level defensive robe...

Remnant Immortal Apprentice Level Taoist Robes, two...

Li Shou didn't find anything particularly good in the first few rooms.

Until he came to an alchemy room.

It's good here. It's really nice here. There are so many medicinal materials grown outside. It's true that he is an immortal who likes to make elixirs...

In this small alchemy room, there are many hollow grooves in the stone walls. Inside the grooves are bottles made of jade. The bottles are sealed tightly. It is assumed that they are filled with elixirs refined by immortals.

This alchemy furnace should be very valuable...

No matter how big the alchemy furnace is, it is only as tall as two people, which is not big compared to the snake gallbladders and other treasures that are often as big as small buildings outside.

Li Shou didn't know how to make alchemy, and he didn't know the grade of the alchemy furnace, but that didn't stop him from searching.

He spit out a storage ring, put the alchemy furnace in it first, and then went to the elixir.

He excitedly opened the first bottle of elixir, but when he reached out and poured it out, only a small handful of lime-like fine sand came out.

It's been too long. Has the elixir become weathered? It's not like it's all gone. The material should be different, right?

Li Shou opened another bottle with anxiety.

This time he poured out a vermilion elixir. As soon as the elixir came out, it had a strong, bitter and fragrant smell.

And just like the legendary ginseng that can run and jump, it jumps up and down after coming out.

Fortunately, it's not all weathered!

Li Shou grabbed the elixir and stuffed it back, then put all the bottles into the storage ring regardless of the situation.

First, there is no time to check one by one.

Second, the small elixir bottles do not take up much space at all. There are only less than 40 bottles in total, and they do not take up much space in total.

Moreover, the bottle in which the immortal stored the elixir was probably a good thing, so there was no reason to keep it.

After searching the elixir store, Li Shou came to the practice venue again.

This area occupies the largest area, and there should have been a formation, but it has been damaged.

Here, Li Shou found several magic weapons used by immortals to practice martial arts, and also found a group of puppet figures used for sparring.

It should be something like a wooden puppet. Let Narcissus and Vanilla study it later. They like to study this kind of thing...

After searching the practice room for a while, Li Shou didn't see what he wanted most.

Don't you have any skills? Since you have disciples, you should have the skills to pass on, right?

Li Shou went back and searched again, and this time he finally found three jade slips between the gaps in the bed.

I didn't expect that immortals would have the same habit of storing things as old aunts.

As Li Shou spoke, his thoughts sank into the jade slip.

The first jade slip is called Lin Medicine King's Experience and Experience, the second jade slip is called The Three Methods of Alchemy: The Three Techniques of Wind, Fire and Ice, and the third jade slip is called The True Immortal Da Po's Experience in Refining Alchemy.

Li Shou took a deep look and found that the content recorded on this immortal-level jade slip was much richer than the content recorded on ordinary monks' skills in the earthly immortal world.

Moreover, there are fewer specific methods of practice, and more miscellaneous knowledge, especially insights.

Among the three pieces, Li Shou felt that the second jade slip was the most useful to him.

Although Three Techniques of Alchemy: Three Techniques of Wind, Ice and Fire talks about how to control fire to refine elixirs.

But mastering the three arts is also important.

Wind, ice, and fire are all tools for controlling fire, and the training methods are very long.

The immortal sky fire outside and the sunflower water and yin wind that finally separated Li Shou's skin and flesh were all derived from this technique.

After being trained by this immortal, he placed it in the formation outside.

After looking at the jade slips, Li Shou also knew what state this immortal was in, because there were annotations added by himself on the jade slips.

True Immortal Realm, it sounds like the realm is not low. At least based on the name, it should be stronger than the Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal. Naturally, the higher the standard of the technique, the better.

After searching for all the valuable things, Li Shou searched several times without giving up. After making sure that nothing was missing, he returned to the formation's death gate and left.

Stepping into the formation again, Li Shou thought that this time the formation was going to baptize him again.

Previously it was Fire, Thunder and Wind, this time it will become Wind, Thunder and Fire.

But it was obvious that this true immortal had no intention of guarding his apprentice. Even if he went out to a dead position, he did not touch the formation at all. He easily walked outside the immortal mansion.

The space changes...

When he went in, there was only Narcissus outside. When Li Shou came out, all his classmates were there, as well as a few demon kings.

It's really possible to come out! What's inside? When the Panshui Ox King saw Li Shou coming out, he immediately started asking.

There's nothing in there...


So what if I have it, so what if I don't have it? Do you still want to snatch it away? Whoever finds it as promised will be the one who finds it! Li Shou saw that the faces of several demon kings were wrong, and he immediately prepared for battle.

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