Well, that's awesome.

In fact, Kailushan was not the only one who was shocked.

Li Shou was quite shocked.

After all, the Daluo Jindan was given to him by the big boss of the ancient world. If the Hericium is really a mushroom, then it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the boss behind the entire team.

A boss of this level is probably close to the top even in the prehistoric world.

Li Shou never thought that the effect he gave him would be bad.

What's more, after he obtained the Great Luo Golden Pill, he warmed it in a sapphire amethyst bottle to increase its potency.

But no matter how you say it, it's just a pill.

And according to the monkey head, it is only the indestructible body of the entry-level vajra.

Li Shou had already thought very highly of what he was getting started with, thinking that even if he had a few more realms, he could resist the opponent's attacks.

But unexpectedly, he encountered a full-force blow from the great monk in the late stage of fusion, and his skin was not damaged.

‘I originally wanted to rely on my recovery power and the indestructible body to withstand this attack, but in the end I couldn’t use my recovery power at all. ’ Li Shou was secretly surprised and looked back at Cai Yi.

After Li Shou blocked it just now, Caiyi had escaped from the spell.

Although it is not as powerful as Kailu Mountain, it is at the same level after all, and the opponent cannot trap it for a long time.

When Caiyi saw that it was Li Shou who saved her, although she still felt a little uncomfortable, the demon clan's upright character still made her say: Thank you for saving me, but you are indeed greedy for me. We are barely even on the matter.

It's not a tie, what's yours is still yours, and what you got before will have your share of what you get later. It's just that the thing I got has a hidden secret and it has nothing to do with you...

You've become like this... Caiyi was originally shocked at how Li Shou became so powerful, but the enemy didn't say much even if it transmitted the message into the secret, because Caiyi saw Kailushan and his emotions changed. The reply came back.

Be careful.


Kailushan is a bit unbelieving. After all, even those with a higher level than him should not be able to resist his own attacks.

Is it possible that the body of the golden spirit is not afraid of flying swords? That's great!

No matter how you think about it, the other party should not be left unscathed.

In order to verify what he was thinking, Kailu Mountain flew several thousand meters on the spot, stretched out his hand, and thunder clouds covered a hundred miles in radius. Under the surging thunder, a golden thunder dragon was summoned by him, and it hit Li Shou squarely. location.

Caiyi had already fled when the opponent's spell started. Seeing that Li Shou had no intention of evading, Caiyi also wanted to see how strong this guy had become now.

Kailushan casts spells very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, the thousand-meter-long Brontosaurus fell.

The impact of Leifa directly detonated the ground.

The thunder method in the later stage of integration is much more powerful than a nuclear bomb.

Hundreds of kilometers of area were affected by the hurricane at this moment. Thunder surged hundreds of kilometers around Li Shou's place, and the metallic thunder method turned into a sharp blade and swept away everything in an instant.

If this move were used on Earth, it would probably turn a world-class city into dust in an instant.

But the prehistoric land was extremely strong, and the surrounding vegetation was extremely tenacious. After many vegetation was uprooted, dust filled the sky.

After a while, the flying soil and Leifa calmed down together.

Then everyone looked towards the field.

At first, no one saw anything. Just when some people thought that Li Shou had been turned into powder by the thunder method just now, a rotten blade of grass hundreds of meters long was poked with a hole, revealing Li Shouman. A golden body.

Still unscathed! Kailushan saw this scene and ran away without saying a word.

The other human monks who were besieging the demon clan saw that the leaders were running for their lives, so they did not hesitate and sped away directly.

Thankfully I'm gone.

Li Shou breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the high-level monks in the sky turning into arcs of light and fleeing.

After the two rounds of the battle just now, he also had the most intuitive feeling about his own strength. This Daluo Jindan was hundreds of times more powerful than he thought.

But the Vajra Indestructible Body is only a means of defense after all. If the fight continues, unless there is a chance to get close, he will definitely not be the opponent of the great monk in the late stage of integration.

The other party's realm is so much higher than his, so he can actually trap him with spells.

Using the method that trapped Cai Yi just now, it is not difficult to trap Li Shou. The spell that Cai Yi can unlock in ten seconds would take Li Shou several times or even dozens of times to break through.

This does not even mention the differences in speed, suppression and casting range.

No matter how aggressive he is, it is still very easy for the other party to hold him back.

But the good thing is that the great monks have lived for thousands of years. Each of them is older than the old turtles. When they encounter something that they cannot understand and may threaten themselves, their first reaction is to run for their lives.

Being too cautious gave Li Shou a chance.

All the monks from the Tianmeng are gone! Seeing Kailushan leave, Caiyi flew to Li Shou, Where are your friends?

Hiding it, it was too dangerous just now! Li Shou glanced at the sky above where the battle between the demon clan and the guardian spirit beast in the sky was still going on. Caiyi, please return to the team. There will definitely be no shortage of treasures in the future. It's yours. Moreover, you didn't take the spiritual fruit you obtained earlier...

I'll think about it again. After being saved by Li Shou, and with time diluting some of his anger, Cai Yi's attitude softened a lot.

It had just seen Li Shou's change, and understood that what could bring about such a degree of change was definitely not something that ordinary ancient secret treasures such as spiritual fruit and snake gallbladder could achieve.

This level of improvement requires great opportunity and good fortune...

It makes sense that there is another hidden meaning.

Even if there was no secret, Caiyi would not share this opportunity with others, let alone the human race.

After thinking about this, Cai Yi felt much better. After reaching the sky, he and other demon kings continued to besiege the mountain guardian spirit beast.

Not long after, relying on the strength of the crowd, the spiritual beast was finally besieged by the eight demon kings and fell.

Originally, everyone wanted to snatch the objects from the spirit beast, but after the spirit beast died, it just turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

Such a powerful spiritual beast is actually something condensed from some kind of magic? In that case, the things in the Immortal Mansion are much higher than imagined!

While Li Shou was thinking about it, a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and King Huapeng fell in front of Li Shou.

Thank you, human monk, for your help. After King Hua Peng landed in front of Li Shou, he carefully identified his appearance, with a flash of light in his eyes, as if he wanted to see if Li Shou was disguised as a well-known monk from Taiwu Kingdom.

But after identifying him, he didn't notice Li Shou's disguise, but he looked very familiar.

My friend, it looks familiar. The thirty-sixth demon king met that day...

Yes, I am here. Caiyi and I are friends.

Before Li Shou finished speaking, Caiyi and six other demon kings also arrived at the scene.

There's no problem with him, he's one of my own. After Cai Yi fell, he immediately clarified Li Shou's identity, saying that he was one of our own.

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