Avoid its edge first!

If the human race broke in, it would be a large number of people coming in together.

The remaining several hundred squads are not weak in combat effectiveness.

Many teams must have broken in with the sect, and the strength of the indigenous people should not be underestimated.

Moreover, there is a high probability that Tianmeng is also in it. The strength of the Guangtianmeng family is not weaker than that of the thirty-six cave demon kings combined.

This is a huge force that cannot be faced head-on.

Take a detour! Let's hunt again after the team disperses!


Everyone is very clear in their minds. There are many human races now, but many people are not of the same mind. The teams will soon fight with each other.

Even if they are not fighting, they will scatter in 360-degree directions in search of treasure.

Once they dispersed, they were no longer afraid.

The team took a detour and flew thousands of kilometers in the direction of the treasure concentration directed by Ye Muli, when everyone heard the sound of fighting.

After flying over, everyone saw a fairy mansion standing on a high mountain.

This is the Immortal Mansion of the real prehistoric immortal.

To be able to go to the prehistoric world, the minimum is for an earthly immortal to ascend. In other words, this immortal mansion is at least an immortal mansion for an earthly immortal or even a heavenly immortal.

Although it seems to be abandoned and the Immortal Formation has been damaged, the Immortal's belongings are left behind and they are extremely wealthy.

When Li Shou and others came over, they saw two very powerful monsters fighting in the sky outside the Immortal Mansion.

Both parties were moving extremely fast, accompanied by lightning and thunder, which made it difficult for everyone to see clearly from a distance.

It's King Hua Peng and a prehistoric spirit beast... The prehistoric spirit beast doesn't look as big as the ordinary prehistoric beast, only a few hundred meters, but it is more powerful than the ordinary prehistoric beast. It should be left behind by the immortals in the Immortal Mansion. Something like a guardian spirit pet.”

There are no immortals, right?

No. He is probably dead or ran away. According to what Brother Li said, this secret realm is just a scrap from the ancient roots chopped off by the great power. No matter how powerful the immortal is, he is just a minion compared to the person who sealed the monkey head. . Either he received the news in advance and ran away, or he was shocked to death...

The Immortal's things are just right for what we are using now. Let's touch them while they are fighting fiercely!

When everyone was preparing to do the sneaky thing, a light suddenly flashed in the sky, and then King Hua Peng was shot down from the air and hit a hole on the ground.

It hit a small crater at such a fast speed. If it were traveling at this speed on Earth, it would have hit the ground for more than ten kilometers!

King Hua Peng can't defeat that mountain guarding spirit beast...

It rocks!

Liu Teng saw from a distance that King Hua Peng used the demon token as he flew up.

It originally wanted to swallow the treasure for itself, but now it has more ambition than strength.

Not long after it used the token, several demon kings rushed over from a distance.

The demon kings are all masters. A distance of several thousand kilometers can be reached in an instant or within a short period of time.

The Demon King who came over didn't say anything when he saw the Immortal Mansion, and followed King Huapeng to besiege the mountain-protecting spiritual beasts.

Why is Caiyi here... Caiyi was among the first demon kings to fly over.

Li Shou originally didn't want to care about this matter and was going to fish in troubled waters with his classmates.

But with Caiyi's presence, the nature has changed.

It helped everyone for a year, but ended up getting angry and leaving without getting much benefit.

It would be bad to encounter danger again.

It's logical that it is there. When I did the divination before, it was there and knew which direction there was the treasure. After it left, it naturally looked this way, and since it is faster, it makes sense for us to get there first.

It’s not surprising that King Hua Peng is here, there will be someone with him in the future.

I suggest killing the other fortune teller first.

You're quite ruthless. You won't get any points if you kill him.

One fortune teller is enough.

While everyone was talking, there was still a fierce fight in the sky. With the continuous addition of the Demon King, Hua Peng King gradually restored the situation.

But as you come and go, no one can do anything to anyone.

You stay here first, while Dumpling and I go to see if there is any danger around the Immortal Mansion. There can't be only one guardian spirit beast. There should be some residual protection. Narcissus led people away as he spoke.

And the battle in the sky continues.

The guardian spirit beast was too powerful, and the first few demon kings couldn't do anything about it.

But the demon kings of the thirty-six caves all have contact information, and not long after, several more demon kings arrived.

After the sky became eight against one, the spiritual beasts gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Just when Li Shou thought the problem was not big, something changed again.

Perhaps the battle between the two sides took too long, or perhaps the indigenous monks of the human race also had special divination methods. After a while, someone actually found this place.

The faces of the demons changed drastically when they saw the coming person.

Qitianmen Kailu Mountain? Are there people from Sanyin Rakshasa Palace here too?

What a coincidence. I thought there was a chance here, but I didn't expect it to be a double chance!

Kailushan is the leading figure in forming the Tianmeng.

He is one of the strongest monks in Taiwu Kingdom.

The latter stage of the integration stage is only half a step away from reaching the Mahayana stage.

And coming with him were high-level monks from the Tianmeng.

After they arrived, they began to send signals to their companions. At the same time, without further ado, they just said opportunity and took action directly.

The three-party melee was fought in the sky until it was too late.

Because the Demon King was attacked from two sides, and Kailu Mountain was very cunning, he told people not to fight the spirit beasts yet.

The mountain-protecting spirit beasts didn't have much sanity, so they would naturally only fight back against the demon king who had attacked them before. Suddenly, the demon king's side fell into a disadvantage.

During the fight, Caiyi was shot down by Kailushan's thunder technique and fell to the ground.

I'm going to save people. You guys should stay in the dumpling technique and don't be exposed. The level of this battle is too high. If you go out rashly, you could easily die!

After Li Shou confessed, he flew towards the place where Cai Yi fell.

When he passed by, Kailu Mountain had already fallen not far away. He first locked Cai Yi's body with a spell, and then directed his flying sword to slash at Cai Yi.

The flower peng is too fast to catch, so let's kill you first, this disgusting poisonous spider!

The human race monks in the late stage of integration use flying swords completely differently from ordinary monks.

A slash of the sword was like the dawn coming from the sky.

A sword flies out to reach the sky and the earth. In the earthly immortal world, he can cut through 10,000-meter mountain peaks with just one sword.

Even in the prehistoric world, a gully more than ten meters deep can be cut into the ground.

Kailushan is worthy of being a great monk, and he is very strategic in fighting.

Among the demon kings present, King Hua Peng is naturally the first, but Caiyi is second. Moreover, specializing in poison spells poses a great threat to him, so he naturally takes care of him.

At this moment, this sword was made by him. In order to kill this demon king, he spared no effort to pour in spiritual power.

Caiyi was trapped in the spell, and she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. However, due to the gap between realm and strength, she could not escape for a while.

Seeing the dawn-like sword light slashing towards him, Caiyi was trying to save his life by being injured, but he saw a brighter golden light flying in front of it and blocked the sword with his body.

There was a ding sound.

In the late stage of integration, the great monk struck Li Shou with all his strength, making a crisp sound that resounded throughout the world.

The golden spirit energy poured into his body, trying to split him in two.

However, in the head-to-head collision between the golden spirit energy and the golden light of his body, he was defeated in the blink of an eye. Then the golden sword tip broke open and flew out directly.

What? The flying sword of his life was damaged, and Kailu Mountain took three steps back in shock. He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

He used the flying sword that had been refined for thousands of years and struck one person with the full force of the sharpest golden energy.

Not only was the opponent unscathed, but the tip of his sword was also broken.

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