Caiyi Tengyun drove dozens of people in the fog, and in just over half a day, they crossed countless mountain peaks and traveled tens of thousands of kilometers to arrive at an area.

The Tianhe River pours into this area, and the colorful rays surround the mountains. All kinds of giant trees grow on them. All kinds of monster birds in the surrounding area spread their wings and fly high. There is a big one that can reach a hundred meters with its wings spread. With a little effort, Soaring above the sky.

There are so many bird monsters, they should have reached King Hua Peng's territory.

This King Huapeng seems to be quite tasteful. The birds and flowers here are singing, and he is much more tasteful than Caiyi.

This is mainly due to the difference between species. Caiyi is a spider and naturally likes dark and humid places. Hua Peng is a bird and prefers grass, trees and sunlight. These all belong to...

When you guys are talking about me, can you use the method of transmitting sounds into secrets? Caiyi jumped out immediately when he saw the team talking about it.

Haha, I forgot.

Everyone was joking with Caiyi and were not afraid of it.

In fact, everyone has gotten along well with Caiyi in the past few months.

This monster is not a violent monster as the rumors say. On the contrary, it looks arrogant, but in fact it has a pretty good temper. After everyone has been together for a long time, they naturally don't shy away from joking with it.

It's okay for you to talk nonsense here, but when it comes to the alliance meeting, if you dare to talk nonsense again and expose your words that are not worthy of a servant, I'm afraid even I won't be able to protect you.

Don't worry, Sister Caiyi, we are not fools, and we won't talk nonsense there. I heard that there are a few demon kings with very bad tempers...

It's good to know.

As Cai Yi spoke, he took the lead and led people into the mountain.

When in Taolai Mountain, Caiyi spent most of the time hidden in the emperor's sleeves and would not take charge - he would only show up to take action when he encountered a powerful team or powerful natives.

But once it gets here, it immediately takes over.

After all, this is the meeting of the demon kings of the Thirty-Six Cave, and the demon clan is the ruler here.

Everyone followed Caiyi and slowly flew to a place surrounded by mountains.

When he first arrived here, Li Shou immediately felt the difference.

The aura is very strong.

Although Jufeng Cave and Lihun Peak are both above the spiritual veins, they are much worse than here.

‘Spiritual veins also have levels. ’

When Li Shou was thinking, a group of demon birds flew in front of Caiyi.

Although the demon tribe does not have so many red tapes, each ethnic group is different and the etiquette is not common.

But the demon bird still circled around Caiyi for a while, showing enough respect.

Welcome Demon King Caiyi, please come in and take a seat.

Yeah. Caiyi responded with a calm voice, then flew down and came to the place surrounded by mountains.

Arriving in the valley, Li Shou saw that potholes had been prepared.

These potholes are actually human seats, but many monsters, such as the bird monsters, don't like to sit on the bench with their butts at all, so most of them are just potholes.

In front of the pit, just like the human side, there was a table with various spiritual fruits and blood food on it.

It's just that these tables are too big. The largest one is 200 meters long, which is four times longer than the track on the school playground.

After Caiyi fell down, she picked up a small pothole and sat down.

Because of its small size, it looks inconspicuous and even funny on the edges.

However, no one like Li Shou dared to laugh at this time. Instead, they all served Cai Yi respectfully. Even the white fox stood aside, acting like slaves.

After Caiyi took his seat, Li Shou looked around and saw that seven or eight demon kings had already taken their seats.

There were snakes entrenched in potholes, strange trees covered with walnuts, and various animals that Li Shou had never seen before.

I don't know if there is any quarrel between these demon kings, and they don't communicate with each other.

Until a demon arrives.

It was a wasp-like monster. Unlike most monster kings, it was not large in size.

After it arrived, it went straight to Caiyi, and then it started yelling at Caiyi indiscriminately. The content of the scolding was a bit monotonous compared to humans. Without the vocabulary of its parents, its language skills are indeed much worse than humans. few.

The demon clan's scolding highlights a straightforward, even elementary school student's feeling of scolding. The core idea is sooner or later, I will kill you to ashes.

Only then did Li Shou realize that it wasn't that the previous demon kings had a bad relationship, it was just that they didn't like to talk - it was the one in front of him who had a bad relationship with Caiyi.

Just when the scolding was about to escalate into a fight, there was a flash of thunder in the sky, and a pair of huge wings covered the light above everyone's heads. Li Shou looked up and saw a man with countless spots on his body, a bit like a hybrid golden-winged roc The demon king has arrived.

If his guess was correct, Li Shou thought this was King Hua Peng.

It is really a very fast demon king.

It was also a demon king that Li Shou didn't see coming.

King Hua Peng is best at speed. He boasts that he can travel thousands of miles with just one breath. Now it seems that he is indeed fast.

After King Hua Peng arrived, the wasp-like Golden Queen Bee said Be careful in the secret realm and then found a seat to sit down.

After King Hua Peng fell, waterfalls began to fall from the surrounding mountains. The sound of water hitting the ground and the scene of water falling from the mountains gave Li Shou the illusion that he had arrived at Water Curtain Cave in Huaguo Mountain.

They are now performing the sworn vows of the Seven Holy Saints.

However, after taking a brief look at the surrounding scene, Li Shou focused his attention on the top combat force of the three demon kingdoms.

There's nothing strange about the Hua Peng King. He's just a spotted roc. He doesn't even look mighty because of the spots all over his body.

The only thing that made people fearful was the aura emanating from him.

The combined-stage monster with prehistoric bloodline, its aura alone made Li Shou's breathing quicken unconsciously.

Brother Li, there is a person under the roc. After Liu Teng's sharp eyes transmitted the message into the secret, Li Shou saw that there was a human figure hidden under the huge body of the roc.

That person is the one we will teach in the future. Just as Li Shou saw it clearly, Ye Muli also sent a message into the secret.

‘Seek the skin of a tiger! ’ Li Shou sighed.

The people from the future Taoism actually found the number one demon king in the Three Kingdoms.

But Li Shou felt that this was not necessarily a good thing.

Although the man hugged a thick thigh, after all, the other party was not a small team and did not have the task of earning points. Moreover, King Hua Peng was not known to have a gentle personality. It was also dangerous to get benefits from it.

Shortly after King Hua Peng came down, the other two great demon kings of the demon kingdom, the Green Elephant King and the Black Tiger King, also came one after another.

Then the demon kings from the other thirty-six holes came and took their seats one by one.

There was no prelude, and there were not as many red tapes as the human race. King Hua Peng saw that all thirty-six holes had arrived, and went straight to the topic: I have called everyone here this time to discuss the secret realm.

This time Kailushan from the Qitianmen of the Taiwu Kingdom also came. Not only did he come, he also formed a heavenly alliance with the Tianxing Sect and the Sanyin Rakshasa Palace, and won over many powerful monks from the human race.

I came to you just to ask, before the secret realm opens, should we kill them, the people of the Heavenly Alliance, first, or should we wait until the secret realm opens and then compete?

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