Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 342 Hua Peng’s thoughts, the secret realm opens

The question caused all the monsters present to be silent for a moment.

Finally, a snake demon king asked: How strong is the Heavenly Alliance formed by Qitianmen this time?

The three sect masters, plus the Supreme Elder, have come for a total of five integration stages. Then dozens of elders from the Void Refining Stage have also come...the overall strength is similar to ours.

The three major demon kingdoms and the Taiwu Kingdom have been fighting back and forth for thousands of years. If they were not of similar strength, one of them would have been destroyed long ago.

I suggest that before going to the secret realm, kill those human monks first. The Black Tiger King expressed his opinion first, Those monks usually like to hide in the mountain gate formation, but they finally came to us this time. An You The reason for putting it back?

It's best to kill them. The Green Elephant King also seconded the Black Tiger King, Moreover, those human monks are proficient in magic and know how to seek good luck and avoid misfortune. However, there are many variables in the secret realm, and the dangers in the secret realm are harmful to us. Quite disadvantageous.

It is better to deal with them completely while we are outside.

On our territory, there are many big demons under the command of each demon king. Those low-level insect demons can also consume their spiritual power. This direct attack will definitely make them unable to come back.

I don't agree. After King Qingxiang finished speaking, an old lizard-like demon king responded, Those human monks from Qitianmen are not fools and will not let us find them so easily.

They may even be hiding somewhere, waiting for the secret realm to open before using formations to tear the void apart.

What's more, what if we find them? After the two sides really fight to the death, even if we can win, how many people here can survive?

And after the tragic victory, who still has the energy to go to the secret realm to get the secret treasure of the ancient immortal world?

In the end, it's just a loss-lose situation.

Hey, old guy, I think you're scared.

That's right, I heard that your life expectancy is approaching, so I'm waiting to go to the secret realm to find the thing that can extend your life!

You might as well take advantage of that little life span and blow yourself up to kill a few great human monks. You have lived enough anyway, and this business is not considered a loss.

All the demon kings were chattering in excitement.

There were those who objected to attacking the humans in advance, but most agreed to ambush them in advance.

For Li Shou personally, he did not want to get involved in this whirlpool.

It has no benefits and is extremely risky.

The hostility between the demon race and the human race has little to do with him as a time traveler, not to mention that the level of this battle is too high and there are too many people. Even if there is a hidden team of time travelers in the opposite Tianmeng, Li Shou would not dare to fight at this level. Take random shots in the melee.

It’s too easy to die!

And there are too many variables.

Instead of fighting such large-scale team battles, for Li Shou, it would be more stable to fight small-scale hunting battles.

Li Shou thought so, and obviously some people also thought so...

After everyone had finished their discussion, King Hua Peng roughly understood the meaning of the demons, and then used a spell to calm the demons down.

Can you find the human monks hidden by the Tianmeng? Hua Peng's question was posed to the person from the future.

The man pulled out a few hairs and performed a divination in a serious manner. Then he nodded and then shook his head, I can find it, but it can only be found in a certain area. A section of the river of future destiny has been muddied, and the secret of heaven has been obscured. .

After I pinched off the head and tail, I could find the turbid river section.

But where exactly the fish are hiding in the muddy water, the villain has no idea.

Then can you predict whether it will be good or bad if I go to ambush you on this trip?

Okay. The person from the future path continued to calculate, and he came up with the answer after a while, The hexagram here is more bad than good... Specifically, it means the coiled snake is trapped out. According to my interpretation, those human monks have already laid an ambush. , maybe a large formation has been drawn up, waiting for us to fall into the trap.

Oh? This hexagram made King Hua Peng retreat a little.

This monster doesn't know how long it has been cooperating with the person from the future, but it seems that it still trusts this person.

Later, it also used this hexagram to gradually propose objections to ambush in advance.

We are unable to find out the specific location of the people from the Tianmeng. There are only a few years left before the secret realm is opened. If we are trapped by their formations and those humans get there first, we monsters will lose our luck in the future... It seems It’s inappropriate!”

King Hua Peng, as the first demon king, retreated, so the original voice against the ambush naturally became louder.

After everyone discussed it, they finally decided to go to the secret realm to fight the humans again.

After deciding on this matter, King Hua Peng appeased several demon kings who had grudges against each other - such as Caiyi and the golden queen bee.

The meeting of the demon clan was much shorter than the meeting of the human clan. Such an important matter was discussed in only two hours, and then everyone dispersed on their own.

After leaving King Hua Peng's territory and flying to other areas, only then did everyone in the team dare to speak freely.

That person is lying. The first one to speak was Ye Muli.

As an expert in divination, he had long seen that another person from the future Tao was deceiving King Hua Peng with false hexagrams.

I just divined a hexagram, and the demon clan went to ambush it. It was obviously a lucky hexagram. The spells used by that person were not right. King Hua Peng trusted him too much. If he used a soul-searching technique casually, Hua Peng would With the king’s cultivation, it is easy to distinguish between true and false.”

So, he might not be the only one who lied. Maybe King Hua Peng was telling him to lie. Narcissus suddenly interjected.

There was a moment of silence.

Narcissus continued: A battle with high-level human monks is not only bad for us, but also bad for King Hua Peng. Although his cultivation level is high, there is no gap between him and the people of the Tianmeng, and his shots are still There will be danger.

But in the secret realm, after everyone breaks up the treasure hunt, this risk will be greatly reduced.

Because the most powerful thing about Hua Peng is speed. The strongest speed is not the combat bonus, but seizing the opportunity and escaping from the battlefield.

As long as it is not besieged, there are relics from the ancient times in the secret realm and there are many dangers, so that is where it can best perform.

Since it decided not to fight, why did it call us all here? Caiyi was a little confused. It is an upright monster, so naturally it doesn't understand these twists and turns.

In fact, let alone saying it doesn’t understand, many people in the team don’t understand either.

I won't fight, but I still have to express my position. After all, it is the strongest of the demon clan, and it is also the leader. After the secret realm, it will still rule the demon country. Not to mention that after the secret realm, if I don't give everyone a reasonable explanation, even when I enter the secret realm, , it cannot integrate the power of the demon clan for his use.

So acting is still necessary.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. I always thought that the demon clan was like Caiyi, but I didn't expect that Hua Peng has so many colorful intestines. But no matter what, we don't want to fight. It's a good thing for us. King Urine concluded and asked. Said: Then where should we go next?

There are still more than 300,000 points to meet the requirements for a return. Before going to the secret realm, earn 1 million points first, and then the secret realm will be opened, and then you can earn the next reward!


Within the next few months.

Li Shou's team turned into hunting monsters again.

But since we can no longer find human gathering places like Taolai Mountain, the hunting efficiency has become much lower.

Everyone needs to climb mountains and ridges to find the team hiding in the mountains.

But even so, Li Shou's team still completed the points before the secret realm opened.

And by coincidence, they were very lucky. On the day when they met the last team and collected the final points, the two worlds began to intersect, and the secret realm officially opened!

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