No, come here, these are the people from Fungus! Li Shou thought for a while and called all his classmates over.

He didn't know how to deal with this when he met someone with the same rules.

At his signal, dozens of people huffed and puffed through the pollen fog and gathered around.

This trio was stunned.

No...Brother, these are all your people? So many?


Why are you bringing so many? It's difficult to pass the level with so many people. Or are you all very strong?

Why does he talk so much nonsense? King Urine came over and looked at the three of them, and then learned about the situation with Li Shou and Wang Yifei.

Everyone was silent for a moment after hearing this.

How about trying to kill one? Ma Nanzheng suggested first. He said there are no points for killing those with the same rules, but we don't know. I suggest killing one. If there are no points, use the waste and let them use the equipment. Take off all your clothes and get out!

No matter how many years have passed, Ma Nanzheng is still the same Ma Nanzheng.

Uh... let me interject. Ye Muli heard this, What they said is true. There is no reward for killing each other under the same rules. So, it is better for me to kill these three people, so as to maximize their use. Their value.”

That's right. Ma Nanzheng nodded, I even forgot that we have an ally with other rules. In this work, both people and equipment are used. What does Brother Li think?

Well... it's indeed the best way, and it doesn't affect the balance rules. Li Shou looked at the others.

No one else said anything, probably acquiescing to this approach.

No relatives, no reason, and benefits, no one wants to show mercy.

Under the rules of the battle royale, no one has too much compassion for people from other teams.

After countless battles and countless lives and deaths, even a warm-hearted person like Wang Yanna became indifferent to outsiders.

Wait, wait, wait, brother, wait... I have something to say. Seeing the appearance of the team, several people hurriedly sought a way out for themselves, That's it, maybe if you don't kill us, it will be more valuable.

tell me the story.

Look, our team is weak, right?

Yes. Most of the mushrooms are weak.

But why can we survive until now?

Do you have any special skills?

No, no, no, it's not a skill. Well, it can be considered a skill. It's a passive skill. We are very lucky. The man caught by Li Shou told his secret with a smile on his face, Really, this skill is very special. It’s easy to use. So no one has attacked us for more than ten years. Now we meet you, and the rules are the same. I think this time we can not only save the day, but maybe you can lead our team to pass the level together!

Luck, very good?

Li Shougang wanted to ask something, and the team continued to explain: Because during the third mission, in the magical world we went to, a very high-level secret treasure fell there, and it happened to be obtained by our team. It was red and yellow. There were three small beads in green, and then the three living members of our team absorbed one each under a strange combination of circumstances.

Since then, we have been extremely lucky in everything we do.

Despite our virtues, the mushrooms are still very well developed.

It's just that we were lucky, our planning was too poor, and we didn't lay a good foundation in the first few games.

Brother, I don’t mean anything by saying this. You let us cooperate with your team. If you don’t say anything else, just stand there and be the mascot. With our luck and your strength, you can’t earn all kinds of secret treasures in the secret realm. To take off?

Yeah. Li Shou nodded after listening to this man's words, How to prove it?

He didn't mind letting this team go.

After all, for such a weak team, you can only earn a few thousand points by killing them.

But if it is really effective, just a little luck bonus can improve the team a lot.

You know, when playing games, explosion rate is an epic attribute.

In reality, the luck attribute is actually ten times stronger than the explosion rate. After all, luck is more diverse.

Master Li, let me test it. When Li Shou didn't know what to do, Vanilla jumped out.

He decomposed the photon cannon module into many small modules, then combined it into a photon cannon Gatling and aimed it at the man from a distance.

Then the muzzle began to rotate...

While spinning the vanilla, he explained, I set each barrel to a completely random number with a 50% hit rate. This kind of random probabilistic shooting is very simple for me to set up. Now I launch his gun If the cannon hits, what he said is false; if it misses, it is true.

Simple and clear. Li Shou praised. Probabilistic shooting is completely impossible for humans, but it couldn't be easier for AI.

As soon as Vanilla finished speaking, Photon Gatling aimed at the man and fired continuously.

Then, all shooting trajectories are completely offset.

Vanilla didn't believe it and tried twice more. All the rays of light passed by the man's body, but not a single shot hit him.

Needless to say this time, everyone knew that what this person said was true.

What are the names of you three?

Light waves.

Lin Xiaoke.


Three people responded.

Okay, keep them all.

You won't suffer any loss if you leave three lucky stars.

But after all, they were outsiders, so Li Shou was worried and still asked Narcissus and Vanilla to place restrictions on them.

With the three people joining in, the subsequent hunting was indeed much luckier.

Over the next month, the team found a total of sixteen teams, twice as many as the previous month.

Forget it, the sixteen teams are all medium-sized teams that are neither strong nor weak, and have no special escape ability. All members are hunted. So after one month, the team’s income has more than doubled compared to last month.

In this way, for a long period of time, Li Shou's team continued to hunt other teams in Taolai Mountain and gained a lot of points.

But similarly, as the hunt progressed and the news gradually spread, some teams received the news and left here.

After all, we are not NPCs and will not sit still and wait for death.

I hide here because I am afraid of being discovered by the demon clan. If Taolai Mountain was more dangerous than other places, no one would still be here.

As the hunting efficiency of the team became lower and lower, everyone was about to change places.

Someone sent a message to Caiyi Qianli.

The secret realm is about to open. King Hua Peng is meeting with the Demon King of Thirty-Six Cave. Are you going? Caiyi jumped out and floated in front of Li Shou.

After several months of getting along, it also knew that this person was the leader of the team.

Is it dangerous?

It's just that the demon kings gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Many demon kings have human slaves. You will not be in danger. If you are worried, let the fortune teller tell you.

In that case. Let's go...

In the past few months, Li Shou learned that the two largest forces heading to the secret realm were the alliance formed by the thirty-six cave demon kings, and the second was the alliance of high-level sects in the Taiwu Kingdom.

It’s not a bad thing to get some information before entering a secret realm.

Moreover, Caiyi has helped the team a lot in the past few months, so to be fair, it's time to repay him.

After some discussion, everyone had no objection.

When Caiyi saw this, she didn't waste any more nonsense, and took off with everyone in her demonic wind.

After Caiyi let go of his hands and feet, his flying speed was infinitely faster than the others. In the evil wind, Li Shou reached an altitude of 10,000 meters in a blink of an eye, and disappeared into the horizon in the blink of an eye.

I have to go on a business trip in the past few days, and it is inconvenient to type while outside. I will clean up and bow after a while. I will update twice from today on for a few days, and I will reply to three updates when I get settled.

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