Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 339: Score Harvest and Meeting the Mushroom Man

After simply repairing things on the spot, the team left.

After moving to another place to recuperate for a few days, when everyone regained their mobility, everyone continued to hunt other teams.

Now, any team with more intelligence sources knows that many human sects are in Taolai Mountain. Li Shou is afraid that other strong teams will grab points, so he doesn't want to delay and drags the wounded to continue fighting.

Although there were wounded people in the team, the rest of the hunting trip went relatively smoothly.

After all, their team is also a top-level team, and most teams are no match for them.

Plus the presence of Ye Muli, Fan Biaobiao, Liu Teng, Vanilla and others.

From divination to hearing, smelling, vision, to large-scale search and other skills, they are unique among a thousand teams.

In fact, overall, the combat effectiveness of Li Shou's team is top-notch, but it cannot be said to be one of the best. But just looking at search capabilities, it should be number one among a thousand teams.

After all, there are too many people who have enhanced their sensory systems at the epic level.

Under constant searching, the team's hunt went very smoothly.

Didn't meet any decent resistance.

Most of the teams were actually of average level and had no chance of fighting against Li Shou's team. In addition, the help they received was also different. Spider King Caiyi was also one of the top ones in the entire Demon Kingdom.

In total, Li Shou successfully attacked eight teams in the next month, successfully seven times, and letting others escape the other time.

This Taolaishan Mountain Range is really big, bigger than the capital of Yue Kingdom. There must be a lot of teams hiding in it, and it will be enough for us to hunt for a long time. Brother Li, our points have reached 300,000. It seems that one million is not an imagination. It’s so difficult to win.” King Urine was walking in the team, feeling a little excited.

Because we are one of the strongest teams. Li Shou also became confident.

All the previous tasks and all the skills acquired have become the preparation for the final scene.

Indeed, this mission is very difficult. Not to mention a weak team, even a mid-level team, if they want to earn tens or even millions of points, it is really a fantasy.

And the weaker it is, the less likely it is to snowball.

Among the teams that Li Shou's team hunted this month, Li Shou found that those people were not very capable originally, and most of their immortal cultivation levels were only around the Golden Core stage - far lower than the average of Li Shou's team.

This is all because of their lack of strength.

From the early days, I couldn't act in a high-profile manner, couldn't be the regional hegemon, couldn't seize the Cave Paradise, and couldn't eat a lot of pills!

In the snowball rolling game, in addition to the skill of how to roll, it also depends on whether your initial snowball is big enough.

Here we go! Another team! While Li Shou and King Urin were talking, Liu Teng stopped and pointed forward, There is a team there with only three people and no native help. It is a team of pure time travellers. . They don’t seem to have many props on them, they look quite poor, and they look like a low-level team.”

Then Vanilla won't need you to ambush remotely this time. The points reward for the people you kill will be less. After all, you are not a real team member. The rules include you in my props, but not all of them.

Understood, Master, I will provide support from behind.

How are everyone's injuries? Li Shou looked at the girls who were most seriously injured.

It's almost done. It's been a month since we recovered. After all, our bodies have been modified by vanilla, so we won't be particularly weak. Chen Zihan responded.

Resilience is a very powerful skill. If a normal person falls down, it will take a hundred days to break the muscles and bones. It is difficult to recover from serious injuries, and injuries to the internal organs will last a lifetime.

But after all, everyone in the team had their bodies modified and they were immortal cultivators. Even if their internal organs were ruptured by the Ancient Tomahawk, most of them recovered within a month.

Old rules, Narcissus uses the formation to seal the space, Vanilla sweeps the formation, the others are on standby remotely, Wang Yifei, come with me!

Okay Brother Li!

Wang Yifei was very happy.

Because he got Sparta's body, he now became the main combat force like Li Shou.

Then just give me your body... Zhao Yinuo, who was full of fighting spirit, once again made an envious voice, I would rather not have epic power but also want defense. At least I can have a good fight, alas!

As Zhao Yinuo sighed, Narcissus quickly drew the ground-binding formation.

Li Shou and Wang Yifei rushed directly in the direction Liu Teng pointed.

Facing all teams, Li Shou would not be careless. On the way to charge, he had already released all his power and transformed into a monster.

The loud noise made by his feet on the ground also alarmed the people in the attacked team.

Sister, is there any noise?

Yes, there is a sound.

Run quickly.

The three people heard the sound and had no intention of fighting, so they directly activated the void teleportation stone. However, the stone was blocked by the formation as soon as it was activated, and the space energy was washed away, leaving them stranded on the spot.

The next second after their teleportation stone failed to activate, a monster rushed over.

Get ready to fight! The three of them hurriedly counterattacked. Two of them cast spells, and one of them jumped in front of Li Shou and stabbed his chest with his sword.

With a squeak sound, the tip of the sword lit up sparks on Li Shou's chest, and other spells also hit his body, but only caused very small damage.

You are so weak. If you don't count the ten or twenty years that you have grown here, you are not necessarily better than Bai Wuchang's team! Li Shou grabbed the melee officer as he spoke.

At the same time, Wang Yifei also rushed out of the pollen mist and directly knocked away the other two people with his powerful body.

I'm sorry, although we have no grievances, but the rules of the game are like this! As he spoke, Li Shou twisted the head of the melee soldier with his fingers, wanting to twist him to death.

At the critical moment, the other party howled loudly: Brother, are you a mushroom person? If so, you will get no points if you kill me, and you may even get points deducted!

Huh? Are you a mushroom person?

Li Shou has encountered dozens of teams since entering the fifth game, but he has never encountered a mushroom team.

Because the people of Fungus are too weak, it will take a long time for hundreds of cities in the Fungus Territory to produce even one adventurer.

Very few people attended Game 5.

Li Shou didn't know about the cities that were too far away, but in Fenggu City and Jingu City, he had never heard of several teams that were interested in participating in the fifth game.

Yes, if it's true, we are in the same camp. You should be able to sense it. After all, all the rules are to develop one's own tentacles and do not encourage killing each other. They all have feelings and marks...

Really? After Li Shou carefully sensed it, he felt that the scoreboard on his arm reacted slightly.

This kind of thing that directly affects the rules level cannot fool people.

Just as Li Shou was hesitating and dazed, his teammates' questions came from afar.

Brother Li, Lao Wang, why did you two stop? Were you attacked by an illusion?

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