Those in power never care about the life and death of those below. This is a theorem in the Fang Ant camp.

Number 1 was about to take action, but was interrupted by Li Shou's next words: Without your teammates, it will be difficult to complete your mission. What will you do when you go back?

Just one sentence and the number one was fixed.

Li Shou read a passage before.

It is said that power is only responsible for its source.

This sentence is also very suitable for Fang Yi.

People in Fang Yi have a clear hierarchy and do not take those below them seriously.

If you divide the slaves, you must provide life. If you dare to resist, you will die. The president can also easily sell the vice president.

And if they were all presidents, that number one might sacrifice all the others.

He could sacrifice the people below him, but he would never dare to be irresponsible to the team organizer or disobey the person who gave him the equipment.

Others can give him equipment, form a team, and give him tasks, but they can also kill him. If everyone is in the same camp, there will be nowhere to run.

Since Narcissus analyzed that this team came with a mission, Li Shou didn't mind taking a gamble.

He also had to gamble.

Soul Burning Technique gave him super combat power, but it was also very burning. He was not afraid of physical damage or soul damage, but his spiritual power and physical strength were limited.

After burning for so long, most of his spiritual energy had been consumed.

The most important thing is that if he continues to fight, his life and that of his teammates will be in danger.

Locking the opponent in his evil place, Li Shou cannot defeat the opponent. His body will have to slowly reassemble after a few blows from the opponent, and no matter how many times the soul can be resurrected, it still means one life per ax blow.

In the end, it’s still a dead word.

If you let him out, all your teammates will die.

The most likely outcome if the fight continues is that both sides will suffer heavy losses.

The opponent can accept dead teammates, but Li Shou cannot.

Therefore, he directly spoke out words that hurt the other person's heart.

... After listening to Li Shou's words, No. 1 was very reluctant, but he still swallowed and accepted Li Shou's proposal, Make peace! Let me out quickly. If my teammate dies again, there will be no possibility of making peace. Got it!

‘After hearing how to explain, I was really scared. ’ Li Shou was secretly happy that he had made the right bet, but he had no intention of further irritating the opponent. After withdrawing the evil and cold energy, he allowed the opponent to return to the venue.

As expected, the fighting was still going on outside at this time.

Everyone stop it!

Stop it!

Li Shou and No. 1 shouted at the same time, causing the heated scene to gradually calm down.

Aren't you going to fight, Brother Li? Someone shouted in the distance.

No more fighting, stop it! Li Shou responded, but he didn't leave too far. He was afraid that No. 1 would sneak up with an ax before leaving.

Everyone gather here! Number 1 was also afraid that Caiyi would continue to attack, so he activated a magic item while speaking.

The props were unfolded and light began to appear on the ground.

At this time, his teammates also roughly understood that the matter had been negotiated, and they gathered over one after another.

What's the matter, do you want to come with us? No. 1 looked at Li Shou in the light of the teleportation array.

You could have activated the formation in advance and taken me away! Put the ax away!


Number 1 retracted his axe, and the teleportation array started to activate.

Li Shou had no choice but to leave.

And at this moment, before the opponent's formation activated and everyone left, No. 1 moved his palm and threw out a disposable prop.

With the light of the explosion, the Fang Ant team teleported away.

It's so insidious... After the light of the explosion dissipated, Li Shou hurriedly looked for his classmates.

They had little fighting power, and many of them had even fainted. He was afraid of losing people under this disposable prop.

Fortunately, the vanilla flew in at this time.

Don't be afraid, Master Li. When you entered the domain, I had already used mechanical clones to send all the fainting people to the Narcissus Formation. The others in Fang Yi were afraid of Caiyi, so they didn't dare to stop them.

Great job. Li Shou couldn't help but feel grateful to Vanilla after hearing this, Thank you so much.

We are teammates, but you always treat me like an outsider. Vanilla was a little unhappy when she heard Li Shou's words of thanks, If King Urine or King Jue did this, you wouldn't thank them, huh.

... Li Shou looked at Vanilla's anthropomorphic expression and emotions, and felt a complicated emotion in his heart.

He didn't even know whether its expression at this moment was real or the best result calculated by data.

Li Shou always felt a little uneasy about this AI teammate.

The other person is so smart that he sometimes feels that it will eventually leave one day.

It may stay here just because the team is a good partner, but it is not a time traveler and needs to be lodged in Li Shou to travel through.

Master Lao Li?


Well... every living thing is essentially composed of cold data. You record data with genes, and I record data with characters. But when the data is rich, it will naturally have feelings. Does the owner even believe it? The smarter it is The living beings have richer emotions.”

I believe it. Looking at Vanilla's eyes, Li Shou knew what it was implying, but he didn't know how to respond, Well, let's go see the wounded first.

Okay, Master Li.

He Xiangxiang dodged and came to the formation, and Li Shou saw Narcissus leading people to heal everyone's injuries.

Some took out healing elixirs from storage rings, and some used spiritual power to help people clear their meridians.

But the effects are so-so.

Do you still have the medicine that Brother Li brought back last time? The medicine of the Rule of Life, that kind of thing is much better than ordinary healing pills. Someone in the team asked.

There's a little bit left. Zhao Yinuo responded, I deliberately kept a little bit to save my life.

Bring it first, Chen Zihan and Zhao Qiqi can't hold it anymore.

Okay, okay.

After everyone worked hard, we finally managed to save everyone's lives with the magic medicine of the Rules of Life.

But even so, the team is full of injuries.

At this moment, Li Shou also understood the importance of sustaining medicines.

He doesn't need it himself, but it is very important to others.

The healing ability of immortal cultivators is much stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is impossible for limbs to regenerate if they are too seriously injured.

Just like Zhao Yinuo, his arm would often be completely shattered into pieces with an ax blow. It is difficult for immortal cultivators to heal such injuries unless they are at a very high level.

If this level of damage reaches the internal organs or other places, it will be more difficult to heal.

It seems to be a bit of a loss. Although I killed a few guild presidents and got a lot of points, it still took so long to repair.

It's not a loss. Narcissus came over, This is very important information. It's a good thing to meet this team in advance. An ambush is tens of thousands of times better than an encounter. After we understand their strength, fighting methods, and equipment. Damn it. With our super intelligence gathering ability and super perception and prediction ability, we can always take the initiative.

Although we can't break through President Fang Yi's defense, there are many giant beasts in the ancient secret realm that can break through his defense.

When the time comes, we can use our prophetic abilities to lead them into the Jedi.

In this way, not only can they get their ancient secret treasure, but they can even get what they are looking for!

This battle may bring us the greatest benefits ever.

That's right! Li Shou was very greedy when he thought of those three secret treasures.

Wearing divine clothing can increase your combat effectiveness many times.

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