This is also reasonable.

Compared with their ability to fight head-on, the members of Li Shou's team were no match for this group of President Fang Yi.

After all, the opponents are all main combatants. The clairvoyance and shunfeng ears here are very useful when not fighting. But when fighting, they are useless except for choosing an escape route.

What's more, Li Shou's team usually bullies the smaller ones with more troops.

This time the opponent even had an advantage in numbers.

Li Shou solved one of them and rushed to the rescue.

But even so, they were still at a disadvantage due to their weak strength.

Fortunately, a spider jumped to the rescue at this time.

The demon clan is indeed more trustworthy than the human clan! The Colorful Spider King spared no effort to jump in the formation, constantly coming to the rescue everywhere.

After helping Li Shou's team out of the siege, he immediately used magic to disappear and went to several other places on the spot.

This all-out effort is visible to the naked eye.

Li Shou has also cooperated with humans many times. Humans generally do not use their full strength in such a cooperative relationship of interest, which happens by chance.

Good quality will contribute 70% of the effort, average quality will contribute half of the effort, and even bad quality will take advantage of the situation and stab you in the back.

But the demon clan seems to be different!

If we say one thing, we mean one thing, and if we cooperate, we will cooperate sincerely.

With Spider King's rescue, Li Shou's team stabilized the situation again.

Li Shou used the summoning technique to summon countless evil yakshas, ​​relying on their cold air and resentment to entangle his opponents and relieve the pressure on his teammates.

Then he himself took advantage of the bonus brought by Soul Burning Technique to constantly try to kill the next Fang Ant member.

The situation is moving in a good direction.

Although their overall strength is not as good as their opponent's, they have several strong points such as Li Shou, Spider King, Vanilla and Narcissus, plus the advantage of the formation, so winning this game is not a problem.

At this moment, Li Shou suddenly saw a golden light appearing not far away from the field.

Wherever the golden light passed, all the pollen mist dispersed, and the place suddenly became clear, and everyone regained their vision.

This is this? Li Shouchong looked at the source of the golden light and saw a square ant man holding an ax high.

The ax had an old-fashioned shape and even looked a bit tattered, like some kind of Stone Age artifact that had been unearthed.

But on the ax body, it seems that there are mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars imprinted on it.

If the golden light emanating from the whole body hadn't polluted the spirit of the axe, Li Shou would have thought it was a fake version of the Pangu Opening Sky Axe.

‘What magic weapon? Another ancient secret treasure? Is this team so rich? ’

As soon as Li Shou had doubts in his heart, the ax gave him the answer.

President No. 1 rounded the ax and struck out with it. Golden light instantly filled the whole place, and everyone suffered a heavy blow at this moment.

Li Shou is okay, let alone rough skin and thick flesh.

Caiyi was strong and could withstand it. Narcissus and her teammates were in the formation and suffered minor injuries. Vanilla immediately began to repair itself after being injured.

What Vanilla fears most is not physical attacks. After all, its body is data rather than machines. As long as there is an intelligent machine, it will not die in nature.

What it is afraid of is Taoist attacks...

So the ones who were most seriously injured this time were Li Shou's classmates. After the blow, the boys were all sluggish, and the girls couldn't bear it because they retained their appearance when they transformed their bodies. At that moment, almost all the girls fainted and fell to the ground. combat effectiveness.

This is just one blow.

And Guild Leader No. 1 will naturally not just swing one blow.


When he raised the ax again, Vanilla shot directly.

The light speed ray of the photon cannon hit his body at a speed much faster than No. 1's ax swing.

But there was a golden bell in front of him, and the golden bell's light quickly defused Vanilla's offensive, leaving only the explosion of the photon cannon to annihilate a piece of air.

This time Li Shou really saw what the equipment gap was.

Li Shou had seen a total of three ancient secret treasures, and only two of the combat-type ones, all of which were in that person's body.

At the critical moment, Li Shou activated the Void Escape Technique and stepped in front of the man, blocking his second swing.

The golden bell was very effective against energy spell attacks, but had no blocking effect on close attacks. Li Shou got into the golden light curtain and grabbed No. 1's body.

Is it just you? No. 1's ax rotated in the palm of his hand, from slashing around to slashing towards Li Shou.

He was hit in the front by the ancient secret treasure.

Even though his physical body was strong, it was like butter hitting a hot knife, and he was instantly cut in half.

Even the Nascent Soul inside the body was cut open directly.

Fortunately, Li Shou's Epic Recovery is similar to the Tao Method bonus, which has an effect on both the body and the Nascent Soul. At the moment, the spiritual power is running, and the body is glued together again.

Huh? This method shocked even No. 1. He was well-informed, but he had never seen this level of recovery ability even among adventurers. What trick?

After the first blow failed, he wanted to strike again, but at this time Spider King Caiyi also arrived, lay on him and took a bite directly.

Caiyi is the Demon King in the Fusion Stage, and his level of strength and means are first-rate. No matter how powerful No. 1 is, he is still far inferior in level. If he was hit by this blow, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

But when he was bitten, golden light came out of his body again. Li Shou got close and saw that it was a magic weapon like a heart mirror.


Li Shou's eyes widened.

A whole three ancient secret treasures are assembled on one person.

The golden bell can resist spells and energy attacks, the big ax is invincible in melee and is even more powerful in long range, and there is also a heart guard that can resist close damage.

All-round attack and defense without blind spots.

At this moment, Li Shou felt like a civilian player versus a krypton gold boss.

Obviously, my side has a higher level and better operations, but I can't stop others from making money!

Even more advanced than Krypton.

Prehistoric secret treasures are good things that cannot be bought in a lifetime - especially such complete sets, which are almost impossible to obtain through trade.

Caiyi ducked away after missing a hit - it was not afraid of No. 1, but it was afraid of the axe.

No matter how powerful it is, it doesn't have Li Shou's recovery ability. If it is hit from the front, it will still damage its origin.

How about we make peace? Li Shou saw that the situation had reached this point and took the initiative to speak: If we continue to fight, both sides will lose.

Both sides will suffer? You can break through my defense... No. 1 was obviously disdainful.

I can't break your defense, but I can hold you back. Peace through war is the best way.

As Li Shou spoke, cold air overflowed from his body, dragging President Fang Yi into his evil place.

If I hold you back, all your teammates will be killed outside! Who can beat that spider outside? And you can't kill me in a short time! Li Shou pressed forward step by step and looked at No. 1, No, Come and try?”

Just try it...

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