The area where Fang Ant is located is now filled with earth, fire, water and wind, and energy formations are impacting together...

When Li Shou's team attacks with all their strength, and in a sneak attack state, the average team simply cannot bear it.

Let alone an ordinary team, even a high-level team like the Samsara Dao had to lose most of its members in an instant.

Sometimes the auxiliary skills are used well to get the upper hand.

The team has early warning, foresight and super-enhanced sense of smell and hearing. Only we can ambush others, and there is no possibility of others hitting us.

It goes without saying how important it is to have the upper hand in a battle between masters.

Even if Li Shou's team was attacked by an attack of this level, many people would be injured - after all, many students' physical strength was not very high.

Normally someone would die if attacked.

But Fang Yi didn’t…

In Liu Teng's sight, the moment Fang Yi and others were attacked, a super magical golden bell floated out of their bodies. The big bell was an innate spiritual treasure. It took the initiative to defend before everyone else, first blocking the impact of the photon cannon, and even more Then blocked the attack from behind.

How's it going? Li Shou couldn't see the situation over there, so he could only ask Liu Teng.

There is an automatic defense type magic weapon that helped them block most of the attacks.

What magic weapon is so awesome?

Li Shou has seen many local magic weapons.

Although I have never seen a higher level one, which one I have encountered before has not been penetrated by vanilla?

Almost no one can block a shot.

What's more, vanilla has been upgraded so many times now, and with the new knowledge absorbed, it should be even more powerful than before.

And this ambush is not just attacking it, all team members are attacking.

If this can be blocked...

It should be a prehistoric magic weapon, right? Liu Teng guessed.

Another one? But that's right. It's hard to say who is the most powerful among all the teams, but they are definitely the richest.

Fang Yi's team has always been wealthy.

This is all a team composed of presidents.

And according to Narcissus' analysis, they came with a mission. The person who could give them the mission must have a high status. It was reasonable to hand over a prehistoric secret treasure to them to ensure the completion of the mission.

The team's attacks continued, and even the prehistoric secret treasure could not always block attacks of this level.

As the power of Vanilla further increased, and as the Narcissus Formation took shape, it began to borrow the destructive power of the Terminal Fragments, and the light mask composed of the golden bell began to produce ripples.

And although Fang Yi's team was caught off guard, they were all masters after all, and they were immediately ready to counterattack.

The biggest sources of threats come from those two directions. Although we can't see clearly what they are, we need to kill them first! No. 1 issued an order.

Since this team is composed of all presidents, and they were not very familiar with each other before forming the team, when the team was formed, they were all called by numbers.

Those with strong strength are numbered at the front, and those with weak strength are numbered at the back.

Even if they are all presidents, there is still a strict hierarchy.

Under the command of No. 1, the forty long-range spells of the Fang Ant team were thrown out, hitting the area where Vanilla and Narcissus were. There was lightning and thunder for a while, and the fire and water flashed together.

The realm where Li Shou was located was not far from Vanilla, and his body was washed away by the edge of more than a dozen spells. The powerful spells immediately rushed him thousands of meters away.

They are all very strong individually! Li Shou immediately felt something different from this confrontation.

Unlike our own side, everyone on the other side is the main combat force, and no one is an auxiliary.

The weakest among them are close to the level of Li Xingtian, and the strongest, Li Shou, feels that he is not much weaker than himself.

Throwing forty spells from a person of this level is equivalent to releasing forty Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique at the level of the God Transformation at the same time, disrupting the surrounding formation at once.

After Li Shou's team formation was broken up, they immediately broke through. Dozens of people in groups of ten attacked in four directions.

Due to the poor surrounding visibility, Li Shou couldn't see clearly what was going on in the distance, so he could only turn back and hit anyone he saw.

After the transformation, Li Shou first bumped into the front of a group of ten people when he returned. He reached out and grabbed one of the other people, just as he was about to squeeze them to death.

Who knew that the other party was actually stronger than him. Under the golden light, he first opened Li Shou's clenched fist and then threw him to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw.

Huh? Li Shou fell to the ground, and immediately several Fang Ant members gathered around him.

Some took out charms to immobilize Li Shou's body, some chopped off Li Shou's head with a knife, and some directed spells to Li Shou's heart...

These are all main combatants, some are good at spells, some are good at close combat, and some are good at spells.

Li Shou was no match for one against ten.

Fortunately, Vanilla and his teammates arrived at this time, and Li Shou had a chance to breathe under the bombardment of various spells.

The head returned to its original position under the guidance of the spell, and he stood up again.

Each one is more perverted than the last.

At this point, Li Shou didn't care so much and started the Soul Burning Technique directly.

In an instant, Li Shou Yuanying, his body, and all the spiritual energy in his body burned.

Soul Burning Technique is essentially a high-end version of Boiling Blood Secret Technique. It has all the functions of Boiling Blood Secret Technique, plus the functions of soul burning and spiritual power burning.

After the Soul Burning Technique was activated, Li Shou's strength and spiritual power reached a new level.

He dodged, grabbed the person who had just thrown him down again, and tore his body directly.

This time the two of them were wrestling, and Li Shou had the upper hand. The latter couldn't see what he was doing, and he didn't know what skills he had activated. His whole body began to grow like a giant spirit god, and he grew to a height of twenty meters, breaking Li Shou's restraints.

But even so, his power was still at a disadvantage.

The two strong men were constantly wrestling. After Li Shou gained the advantage, he twisted the opponent's arm and knocked the opponent down. After that, he pressed his knees on the opponent's chest and opened his mouth with both hands.


Ha... Bah! A mouthful of Cicada Wind Ice Breath Technique was poured directly into the other person's mouth, making that person full of skills.

After using the Soul Burning Technique, this blow was several times more powerful than before. In addition, the ice wind poured into the abdominal cavity, directly feeding the president Fang Yi.

The icy wind filled his belly, and the defense president's body twitched. His belly continued to bulge to the limit and then burst open with a bang. Ice shards rose into the sky and tore his body into two pieces.

He himself convulsed on the ground and died.

Hehe, he's also a crispy one!

Li Shou's strongest strength was always his vitality. Others were cut in two and died, but his head was cut off and put back on again with a wave of his hand.

But he had just made a contribution here. When he looked up, he saw that the classmates who came to rescue him had been killed in the surrounding area, and they were all running away in confusion.

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