The giant collapses very quickly. It can disintegrate more than ten meters in almost a blink of an eye. But the giant is also big enough. Even if it collapses more than ten meters in one second, it can still last for more than half a minute, which is enough for several good hits. 's fought back.

The last monk on the path of reincarnation no longer cares about the critical moment. He keeps trying to swat the little spiders that fall on him with his huge palms - just like swatting mosquitoes.

But with a few bang bang bang palms, the little spider couldn't be photographed at all, not to mention being bitten a few more times.

Spiders are too small to handle.

Later, he tried to use magic to restrict the little spider's movements, but there was a big level gap between the two sides. His magic was quickly broken and could not trap the spider at all.

Why doesn't he use Taoism? Seeing this, Vanilla showed an anthropomorphic frown on her face.

What it feared most more than ten years ago was the giant's Taoism.

That technique directly messed up its database, causing it to go down for a long time.

He can't. We have been forced into a desperate situation, and there is no way we can have any backup. If we stay any longer, we will leave it in the coffin shop. Just as Li Shou finished speaking, the giant over there had already entered the coffin shop.

The whole body completely disintegrated, and the three-eyed monk inside wanted to use magic to escape, but the little spider cast a spell, and countless dense colorful threads appeared in the sky, and a dragnet shrouded it, directly blocking all possible escape paths for the three-eyed monk. He was immediately blocked on the spot.

After locking the monk, the little spider jumped on his forehead.

Hmph, I want to see which sect from Taiwu Kingdom dares to act wild in my demon cave...

The little spider directly used some kind of soul-moving technique while speaking. After quickly confusing the last three-eyed monk, he began to ask questions.

Where are you from?

The main world, the rules of reincarnation, the tree of reincarnation...

The three-eyed monk stuttered and said the truth, but the more truthful he was, the harder it was for the demon king to understand.

Even if its cultivation level reaches the sky, it still has to be suppressed by the rules.

In fact, let alone it, even the earth immortal who is the ceiling of this world cannot escape the suppression of rules.

It is already very powerful to be able to understand some things as well as the former Hui Lingjun. To do so, one must have a very strong understanding of the way of heaven and rules.

Under normal circumstances, only the powerful people in the prehistoric world may be able to resist the rules. They can completely know the identity of the time traveler and use powerful means to kill him.

But the experts in this world can't do it.

What nonsense are you talking about? The little spider couldn't understand the other party's language, so it used a more advanced soul search technique, but no matter how it asked, it couldn't understand what the other party said.

On the contrary, Li Shou and others listened to something useful.

People in this world don't know that time travelers exist, and there are no records of them even.

Well, it should be impossible to record. Otherwise, there are so many time-travelers in this world, and they may have been here before. Records of people who 'talk nonsense' should have been left long ago. The suppression of rules is comprehensive...

While Li Shou and his classmates were still discussing rules and suppression, Li Shuixian kept staring at the little spider.

Is this the Colorful Spider King among the thirty-six cave demon kings?

Before she came, she collected information about the three major demon kingdoms from Vanilla.

When Li Shou'an was in seclusion, she and Vanilla had already analyzed the intelligence thoroughly.

But she had never seen the Demon King before, so she asked the white fox next to her for confirmation.

Yes. There are thirty-six cave demon kings in the three major demon kingdoms, but King Huapeng, King Qingxiang, and King Black Tiger are the most respected.

The demon kingdom is also quite complicated.

There is no sect inheritance in the practice of the demon clan, only population inheritance.

The Monster Clan is said to be a clan, but it is better to say that it is a loose alliance composed of countless ethnic groups that jointly fight against humans.

They are different species, have different body structures, and naturally have different cultivation methods.

If a tiger and a caterpillar have completely different body structures, how can they use the same cultivation method?

But in order to fight against mankind together, everyone can only gather together.

It is only natural that all kinds of high-level demon clans should appear in this vast area of ​​the Tailing Mountains.

These demon kings are like the kings of vassal states divided by the three demon kings, each having their own areas and territories where they like to move.

This colorful spider king is one of the thirty-six cave demon kings.

Moreover, he is the most powerful among the thirty-six cave demon kings, and is the high-ranking demon king...

It is rumored that it once fought with the Blue Elephant King, but was only slightly inferior, ranking fifth among the thirty-six cave demon kings.

Wang Yanna, Juehuang, when you go to translate for Miss Colorful Spider King, just say that those people are from the Three-Eyed Sect and that they are here for the secret realm.

The demon king knows how to transfer souls. Remember, except for things that cannot be said due to rules, tell the truth in everything.

Also remember to activate all epic charm attributes before going.

Isn't this... a bit risky? King Urine couldn't bear to say: On weekdays, let my brother seduce women, but this is directly delivered to the mouth of the Demon King. That spider is not a good man and a believer in women. If he doesn't pay attention, he will be killed. Eat my brother.

The chance is very small. Before coming here, Vanilla and I collected the character information of thirty-six demon kings. The spider king is not a cruel and murderous demon clan. And after coming here to see the strength of the demon king, everyone thinks that we Can you escape unscathed in the secret realm just by relying on your own strength?

And even if we don’t take advantage of the situation.

Other teams will also take advantage of the situation.

Harnessing the power of the natives is very important in every mission!

But... King Urine wanted to say something else.

But Juehuang knew that the opportunity was too good to miss, and immediately interrupted him, Epic-level charm attributes are not just about the charm of the opposite sex. In that case, you will underestimate the three words of epic level. Brother will not die, don't worry. Bar.

Yes, if you don't take risks now, you will face ten times more danger when entering the secret realm.

Wang Yanna gritted her teeth and took the lead in flying towards the Colorful Spider King.

While flying, he shouted: Your Majesty, this man speaks the human dialect. If you don't understand, let me explain to you what he said...

Yes, yes! Juehuang also hurriedly followed.

Two humans? When the Spider King saw someone flying towards him, he jumped directly onto Wang Yanna's neck. His sharp fangs were less than one centimeter away from her throat. It rubbed against Wang Yanna's body. It seemed a little impatient at first, but As the two of them interacted for a longer time, it gradually calmed down and said, Come on, tell me. If you speak well, you will be rewarded!

It's... great. After walking in front of death, Wang Yanna's back was already wet with sweat.

She had seen the strength of the Spider King. Even if its fangs scratched her skin, she would be furious on the spot.

After all, not everyone has Li Shou's ability to recover. For most time travellers, life is very fragile.

Crisis resolved. In the following time, Wang Yanna and Juehuang helped the Colorful Spider King translate the situation.

The Colorful Spider King also used spells such as Soul Searching Technique and Soul Moving Technique on them.

Then I immediately realized something was wrong.

Are you here for the secret realm?

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