In excitement, hundreds of monsters from the surrounding area surged over. Seeing that they could not disguise themselves, a few people directly fought with the monsters.

These few people are still very powerful. They melted the surrounding monsters into ashes with a single strike. After burning hundreds of monsters to death with a wave of their hands, a few people flew into the air and drove their magic weapons towards the outside of the Jufeng Cave.

After taking off his disguise, Li Shou saw that each member of the team had three eyes.

Three-eyed monks, but they all have strange faces. They seem to be another team from the reincarnation path!

Li Shou followed the team out.

Arriving outside Jufeng Cave, after the battle just now, the sound came out, and the howling of Ma Nanzheng and others added fuel to the flames. The news of killing the demon clan had already spread, and all the cave entrances were flying out. Young demon clan.

But even on the demon clan side, Nascent Soul is still in the minority.

Most of the Zerg monsters with the largest number are below the level of Golden Core, that is, they have rough skin and thick flesh or have venom on their bodies, which can cause some trouble for the fleeing team.

But there is one good thing about these monsters - they are much less fearful than humans.

Before spiritual wisdom was developed, the demon clan was not so afraid of death.

Therefore, although these monsters are not powerful, they fly out of different mountain caves with overwhelming momentum.

The big demon hasn't come out yet, so he probably hasn't reacted. The little demon can't fly as fast as those people!

As soon as the team came out, they noticed something was wrong.

what to do?

We can't let them escape!

Dumpling, help cover up your breath!

When everyone was a little anxious, Narcissus put a yellow talisman on Li Shou, and then his body slowly became invisible.

Li Shou and Narcissus had cooperated so many times, but this time they didn't need to explain at all and just flew at full speed.

The magic body flew extremely fast. After Li Shou closed the distance with the three-eyed monks, he took a deep breath into his chest and blew it out. Suddenly, the sound of howling wind and cicadas could be heard all over the land with a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Li Shou's Cicada Wind and Ice Breath Technique has now been completed.

With the completion of the spell and the magic body bonus, the coverage and power of this spell are many times stronger than before.

A cold wave swept through, and several members of the Samsara Dao team were frozen.

However, they were also extremely powerful. Although all the limbs and veins were frozen, it only delayed their time for a moment. When the black and red air flow was released from their bodies, the ice began to lift.

But in just such a delay, they were surrounded by overwhelming insect monsters.

Dense swarms of various insects swarmed up, and there was an endless supply of soldiers in the Jufeng Cave.

what to do?

Use the fire of reincarnation first. If it doesn't work, we can only share our bodies.

Several monks from the Samsara Dao gathered together while fighting, emitting endless flames from their bodies and annihilating the insect swarms in an instant.

But at this moment, a big monster finally flew out of the cave.

First, more than a dozen Yuanying stage monsters flew out, but the Yuanying monsters already had spiritual intelligence and knew that it was difficult to defeat those human monks on their own.

So when they flew closer, they avoided fire attacks and only used demon magic from a distance to block the way of a few people so that they could not leave quickly.

It wasn't until a few powerful demon clans in the spirit transformation stage appeared inside that they dared to attack.

There are three great demons flying out.

One looked like an earth-colored dragon. After flying into the air, a dragon roared and thunder fell from the air.

There was also a big insect that Li Shou had never seen before. Its whole body was green and covered with barbs, like a caterpillar. After it appeared, the barbs flew out from its back. The burrs were faster than a flying sword and covered the sky in the air.

Finally, there was a beast with a huge mouth and a belly like a big drum. It flew into the air and patted its belly with its paws, and the air flow in the air swept away instantly like a wave.

The mountains where it passed shook, and rocks hundreds of meters away could be cracked.

What is the concept of hundreds of meters?

If it were to attack with all its strength, it would definitely be able to crack a thousand-meter peak on Earth with one blow, and it would not be impossible to split the two-thousand-meter-high Huashan in half with a few blows.

The three great demons in the transformation stage took action together, immediately putting pressure on the Samsara Dao team.

At this time, Li Shou had secretly returned to the team and watched the dragon and tiger fighting over there.

Three god-transformation stage monster clans attack together, even if our team is against each other, it will not be easy to handle.

It's really powerful...the demon race itself is stronger than humans at the same level.

But that team is also powerful. Although there are fewer people, the overall strength is no worse than the team in Qingyifang.

Are all the Samsara Dao teams so high-end? I guess they are also overlord-level teams, with relatively strong rules like Black Mist and Fang Ant.

Almost, they are starting to die! The techniques are a little different from those at Qingyifang.

Under the siege of a group of monsters.

The three-eyed monks died one by one.

With the deaths, not only did the remaining three-eyed monks become stronger, but the Gate of Reincarnation also began to appear in the sky.

At that time, the team of three-eyed monks in Qingyi Square had to prepare in advance to open the Samsara Gate. This time, this team can open the door directly by relying on dead people. It seems to be of a higher level.

As the three-eyed monk was killed until only three people were left, the door to reincarnation was completely opened, and then the terrifying reincarnation giant appeared.

Li Shou and others have experienced the power of this thing head-on.

Physically powerful, invincible, and capable of Taoist magic!

In fact, their team did not defeat the Samsara Giant last time. They only defeated the Summoner and made the Giant disappear.

As soon as the giant appeared at this time, the situation on the field immediately changed.

Although the moves of the three transformed gods can kill the giant, the giant is immortal and can injure the giant demon with its backhand.

Old Tulong, let's kill those monks first. This giant may destroy itself without attacking!

At the stage of becoming a god, the demon race is not as smart as humans. The insect demon immediately discovered the flaw and called on the other two demon races to focus on taking care of the three monks of the reincarnation path.

At the same time, other Nascent Soul monsters, plus a steady stream of monsters flying out from the Jufeng Cave, also cooperated with the three monsters, either rushing towards the giant, or using magic to hold the giant back from a distance.

Soon, the three monks were killed until only one remained. However, under the spell of the monk, his body merged with the reincarnation giant.

The giant who was hundreds of meters tall once again swelled up and landed on the ground, with his feet touching the mountains. With a wave of his hand, the mountains hundreds of meters high were smashed into rubble.

With one blow, the monster with a big mouth and bulging belly was knocked flying into the tens of thousands of meters of Jufeng Mountain.

The big monster crashed into the mountain peak, and a large area of ​​the giant peak collapsed under the crackling rocks flying.

Fortunately, this is a mountain tens of thousands of meters long, and it occupies a very large area. The destruction of a few hundred meters of the mountain is nothing.

But it was precisely because of this that some of the terrifying beings were dissatisfied.

Let me see, who dares to disturb my retreat and practice?

When the Samsara Giant was fighting a group of monsters, hundreds of caves in Jufeng Cave emitted five-color divine light. Then, a small spider the size of a fist flew out of it and landed on the giant in the air, only biting it once.

Just one bite.

The giant several hundred meters high began to disintegrate on the spot.

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