Come to the end of the world with all the teachers and students of the school

Chapter 331 Taking advantage of the opportunity to cooperate

With the Soul Searching Technique in hand, naturally nothing can be hidden from the Colorful Spider King except things like traveling through the world, earth and rules.

Although Juehuang and the two had techniques such as Tai Qing Jing Xin Jue that could resist soul-searching techniques, neither of them resisted in order to cooperate.

The two people remembered that everyone occupied the Lihun Sect in the Yue Kingdom and came to the secret realm. Naturally, they could not hide it.

The Colorful Spider King even found the memories of the team's battle with the Three-Eyed Monk.

But sometimes, for intelligent creatures, the more things they know, the more at ease they will feel.

What's more, why did the team occupy the Colorful Spider King in Lihun Zongguan?

Hitting the monk with three eyes further proves that this group of people are not the same as that group.


You two look so cute! The three-eyed spider lay on Wang Yanna's face and rubbed it. You look much more pleasing to the eye than ordinary humans.

In fact, the demon clan has its own aesthetics.

Some monsters look good to humans, but some monsters cannot accept the appearance of humans.

Just like humans look at cats and dogs as cute, but look at mouse caterpillars with the same long hair, they are not so cute.

Originally, the Colorful Demon King didn't like the human race very much, but these two were different.

Other humans are hairless flesh-section insects, and these two look like fat silkworm babies.

Those caterpillars over there are your friends, right?

Cuteness and charm can only make others have a good impression of you, which is a stepping stone.

But after all, the Colorful Spider King is an old monster that has lived for two thousand years, and it is impossible for him to be completely confused.

In the soul-searching technique just now, the Spider King also saw the strength of everyone in the team.

The whole team has a certain degree of advance and retreat, and its combat effectiveness is very strong. If a team goes up together, even if it is the demon king, it may not be able to win surely.

Li Shou and others wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Isn't this the case with this demon king?

Everyone wants the things in the secret realm, but no matter how powerful they are, there is no guarantee that they can survive.

Every time the secret realm is opened, there will be a bloody battle between humans and monsters, and monsters will also fight each other for treasures.

Exploring the secret realm is inherently dangerous. The most important thing is that anything can appear in the prehistoric fairyland. Let alone it, even if King Hua Peng encounters a powerful prehistoric beast, he may not be able to escape unscathed.

This team has a strong combat capability, so it naturally values ​​it.

But the most important thing is the person who can do divination.

The demon clan is physically powerful, but they are not good at magic, and they know nothing about divination formations.

General Thousand Blades... Thinking of this, the Colorful Spider King began to call out to the caterpillar-like deity monster flying in the sky.


You take charge of cleaning up the things outside. Pay attention to the locust monsters below the demon core not to be too excited. They are prone to mania... Then use magic to repair other places.

Yes. After the caterpillar responded, the Colorful Spider King began to greet Li Shou and others, The humans over there, and the white fox, come with me.

The Colorful Spider King flew into the Giant Peak Cave as he spoke.

Everyone naturally followed.

After entering the cave, follow the Spider King to the top of the peak.

The top of the peak has been transformed into the Pansi Cave.

The living environment that spiders like is naturally different from that of humans. The spider webs here are densely covered with various meats and even many monster insects.

It can also be seen that within the demon clan, just like within humans, there are also predators of the weak and the strong.

When humans face monsters, they can basically unite, but they often kill each other.

The same goes for the demon clan.

In the Pansi Cave, in addition to the food wrapped in spider silk, there are also many colorful spiders, which look like the descendants of the Colorful Spider King.

Its descendants range from big to small, the big one is as big as a three-story building, and the small one is about the same size as the Spider King, only the size of a fist.

After arriving here, the Spider King lay down in the densest mass of spider silk, with other spiders surrounding it.

Tell me about the human race. I think you seem to have the intention to cooperate. Tell me about your plan. Focus on what benefits I can get.

We can give the Demon King...

What demon king? First of all, I am not an adult, I am not a human being, and I went back to the secret realm. There are so many demon kings. How do I know who you are calling? Call me Caiyi.

We can naturally bring a lot of benefits to Caiyi.

Narcissus will naturally do the negotiating.

She seemed to be able to see through Cai Yi's thoughts and get straight to the point.

We have the best fortune teller. I don't need to explain to you how many dangers he can avoid in the secret realm. Also, a good fortune teller can find the treasure in advance and truly seek good fortune and avoid misfortune...

I like hearing you talk, keep talking.

And our strength is not weak. We have the basis for cooperation. You don't need to distract us from guarding us. Not only will we not be a drag, but we will also be a very strong fighting force if we are really in danger.

How can I trust you?

The demon clan values ​​credibility, and we value credibility even more. We are completely different from what you think of the human race. We value fair transactions. Fairness is the most important thing. If you don't believe me, you can ask the white fox...

Yes Caiyi. Bai Hu said, In the Qingyi Square of Yue State, I have fled without fighting and behaved inappropriately, but these people still gave me reasonable rewards as agreed. I trust them , Only then do you dare to covet the opportunity of that secret realm with your humble cultivation...


The power of balance finally appeared at this moment.

As Ye Muli said, people who balance the rules are the best partners.

Compared to others, they are more fair, less prone to backstabbing, and more able to see expected returns.

Because of this quality, they attracted Ye Muli.

Because of this quality, they were able to cooperate deeply with the White Fox, and at this time they also attracted the Spider King.

The Colorful Spider King is very confident in his own spells. He is a demon king in the middle stage of integration. If he searches for the soul of a Nascent Soul-level human, he will naturally not be deceived.

You seem to be a good partner. I've asked about the benefits you can bring to me. So according to you, to be fair, what do you need from me?

Of course we need your fighting power!

Have mutual needs.

Trust is built.

As long as you do these two things, everything will fall into place.

Li Shuixian is doing the detailed negotiations.

Three days later, the two parties finalized the cooperation matters.

And the real killing began.

The first step to utilizing the Spider King's power is to use it to hunt other teams.

As for the secret realm?

That was a year later.

The most important thing at this stage is to take advantage of the situation, then understand the information, and finally get points!

After finalizing the details of the cooperation, the team left Jufeng Cave with the Colorful Spider King and headed towards Taolai Mountain.

As soon as they arrived near Taolai Mountain, they met a small team.

The team was hiding in a nearby valley, mingling with some indigenous monks.

They used illusions to cover themselves up, but they couldn't escape Liu Teng's epic clairvoyance.

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