Don't you have any specific clues? For example, where did the collision occur? Bai Hu asked.

But this time, the nine-tailed rat didn't say much, but the old god picked up the wine glass and continued drinking.

Ma Nan was understanding and took out some more belongings from the storage ring.

Hmm... The rat demon counted his belongings, looked around, and placed a barrier around the area. Then he whispered to the white fox, Lian Lei Mountain Mo Ti Ridge.

After getting the specific location where the secret realm was opened, Bai Hu didn't know what to ask.

At this time, it was naturally Ma Nanzheng's turn to come forward.

He is best at negotiating and conveying various interests.

Sir, little man...

How can the human race talk about this? Just as Manan started to speak, he was slapped on the face by the rat's tail, and a blood-red mark was drawn out at that time.

The grumpy Zhao Yinuo was about to get angry, but was stopped by Guo Pengfei, Don't be impulsive, we are in the territory of the demon clan, there is no need to fall out. And that old horse is also a flexible man...

as expected.

Manan was not angry at all after being slapped on the tail, and even took out more belongings from the storage ring than before.

My master sometimes doesn't like to talk much, so he will ask me to do the questioning for him. I know that I have a low status, but sometimes I have to do it for my master's family. Ma Nan was handing over the belongings with a smile.

The mouse was also jealous when he saw the money, and immediately changed his face.

Anything else you want to ask?

I'd like to ask if there are any suspicious alien races in our Huapeng Kingdom recently. My master is particularly annoyed by those unruly humans, so be careful.

Well, this is true. Many monks from the Taiwu Kingdom came secretly, huh, but the three major demon kingdoms and the Taiwu Kingdom were feuding. After they came, many of them were killed.

But there must be many people disguised as monsters and getting in there.

Those human monks have more magic skills than the monsters, and those who dare to go to the secret realm must at least be Nascent Soul major cultivators. It is not difficult to master the method of transformation.

But demons have demonic tastes, and people have human qualities, which always reveals a lot of flaws.

Now the human monks know that they can't hide the smell on their bodies, so they like to hide in Taolai Mountain, where the flower demons gather. There are many kinds of flowers, which can cover up the smell. Moreover, the flower demons like to absorb the essence of human monks the most, and they are also willing to provoke human beings. If the two sides have similar odors, they will naturally get together...

Thank you Lord Kyuubi for your guidance.


After answering, the nine-tailed rat took back its restraint and continued drinking.

After inquiring about the news here, everyone did not leave, but continued to inquire about the information in the giant peak cave to verify the authenticity of what Nine-Tails said.

Also ask for other information.

The internal capacity of the entire Jufeng Cave is much larger than that of a human city, but even so it seems a bit crowded.

The reproductive capabilities of some monsters are much stronger than humans.

White foxes and rat monsters were okay, but some plant monsters and insect-shaped monsters appeared in hundreds or even thousands.

Disgusting dung beetle. Calling a certain kind of demon a human is a contemptuous term.

The white fox also didn't like certain monsters. When a group of insect monsters covered in mucus passed by it, it gritted its teeth and showed an expression of disgust.

These insect monsters are so fertile, no matter how big the Tailing Mountain Range is, they won't be able to accommodate them. And they will consume a lot of resources...

Li Shou was also very curious when he saw so many monsters.

This world is rich in spiritual energy. Snakes, insects, rats, ants, humans, cranes, including flowers, plants and trees, everything can absorb spiritual energy and complete their transformation. There is nothing to say about this.

The key is that no matter how many resources there are, there should be an upper limit.

In the ancient times, the demon clans fought with each other very seriously, which naturally consumed a large number of demon clans. I can burn these insect demons with just one squirt of fox fire. In ancient times, when humans gained power and the demon clan fought against the humans, the losses were naturally huge. Including now, every hundred years, the three demon kings will join forces to attack Taiwu Kingdom.

One is to consume the national strength and luck of the human race, and the other is to consume oneself.

This is the consensus of the three major demon kingdoms, and it is not a secret.

Why not eliminate the three small human nations in the mountains?

Hahaha, the three small human kingdoms are like one hair on my body to the entire Tailing Mountains. Keeping them alive poses no threat to us, and can also help us. They are slaves and spiritual farmers of the three demon kingdoms. , craftsmen and other important sources.

It’s not easy to arrest people in Taiwu country, but it’s not easy to arrest people in Yue country?

The sect there dares to eliminate monsters on a large scale?

They don't dare!

Even Yaonong Sect will actively cooperate!

Dynamic balance. Li Shou nodded and was about to continue chatting. Suddenly Fan Biao's nose twitched and interrupted Li Shou, Brother Li, those ginseng-like monsters are humans. And their smell is extremely mixed. It smells like it doesn’t belong to this world, it’s someone from another team!”

Following the direction Fan Biao was looking at, Li Shou saw seven or eight ginseng-like monsters wandering around in the bazaar on a platform, seeking information.

Although they look the same as monsters, Fan Biao is an epic-level smell enhancer. If he says they are human, they must be human.

Even if you can't smell it as a monster, it's definitely a human!

What should I do, Brother Li?

There were still a few hundred meters between the two sides, Fan Biao asked in a low voice.

Battle Royale rules, if you encounter other teams, you must kill them first.

But it's not convenient for us to do it. Now we are slaves...

Then you have to kill him. Let's try to see if there are points for indirect killing. Even if there are no points, it would be good to have one less competitor.

Several people discussed in the air.

Finally, it was discussed that the fox demon would come forward to stir up trouble.

A few minutes later...

Damn humans! Those grass spirit ginseng demons are disguised by human monks! After discussing the plan, the fox demon flew directly to the market to stir up trouble, shouting and throwing out the ginseng demons. Foxfire.

Not giving a few people a chance to defend themselves.

Although the fox demon is not particularly powerful, it is still at the Nascent Soul level, and the power of the fox fire is enough.

Several disguised ginseng demons were about to resist, but they were suddenly hit by the eye curse. Their eyes were blinded and they were half a minute too late to take action. At that moment, someone was contaminated by the fox fire and burned part of their disguise.

Under the ginseng body, human skin is exposed.

Humph, it must be that monk from Taiwu Kingdom! Ma Nan was shouting in the crowd, adding fuel to the fire!

Human monks disguised themselves into the demon kingdom!

He had ulterior motives.

Now it is possible that they are from Taiwu Kingdom.

This caused the group of demons to be furious.

At that moment, countless monsters gathered around and attacked everyone directly.

The demon clan of the Demon Kingdom is not so angry with the humans of the three small countries, but they hate the monks of the Taiwu Kingdom with deep hatred. After years of fighting against the beast tide, who has not lost a few of his relatives to human monks?

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