We have arrived at the border of Huapeng Country, but we are still at the edge... Bai Hu introduced the situation to the people behind him.

In the past two days, it already knew that this group of people had never been to Huapeng Country and were not very familiar with the Tailing Mountains, so they introduced them in more detail.

Because the demon race and the human race had an agreement after the last war, and they both left a buffer zone for each other. The human race is not very active on the edge of the Tailing Mountains, and the demon race generally does not move around there. I like peace and quiet, so I have been living there.

A small number of monsters or a small number of humans can move in the buffer zone.

However, most demon clans still operate within the demon kingdom, because this place is more suitable for us.

Therefore, there are many monsters here, just like your human country.

How are you preparing?

Should we continue to go deeper, or should we start to gather information around here?

Let's go to the largest city nearby, or the largest gathering place of monsters. Narcissus stepped forward and said.


As the white fox spoke, a demonic wind blew up and he moved forward again.

Everyone walked forward in the Demon Country for another half day and arrived in front of a huge mountain.

Although there are many mountains in the Tailing Mountains, there are mountains everywhere.

But such huge ones are rare.

The geological structure and biological structure of the Earthly Immortal World are completely different from those of the Leaf World. Trees can grow hundreds of meters high, and any large mountain is much higher than the eight thousand meters of Everest.

Mountains of 10,000 meters high can be seen everywhere.

But such huge ones are still rare.

This mountain is visually estimated to be tens of thousands or even one hundred thousand meters high, and the mountain covers an extremely large area. On top of the majestic mountain, cave entrances have been opened by the demon clan.

This is Jufeng Cave. According to your human race, it should be called Jufeng City... The white fox got into a cave entrance as he spoke, and everyone followed.

The huge mountain peak was half hollowed out by the demon clan's powerful magic.

There are layers upon layers inside, with caves connected to caves, and hollows connected to hollows. Various monsters crawl on the mountain walls like spiders, stick to the stone walls, or fly in the caves, forming a strange scene.

It's really eye-opening. Let me just say that the TV series is a lie. If the monsters really thought they were awesome, how could they turn into human beings and then build walls and houses according to human cities? This is not Is this an unnecessary act of flattery? Juehuang sighed while looking around.

The interior space of Jufeng Cave is huge, and even large monsters can be accommodated inside.

These monsters gather here, some are trading, and some are looking for dark corners to woo and do their instinctive things to breed offspring.

There are also differences between the demon clan and the demon clan.

There are also humans here, but not in large numbers, and most of them are in the form of demon servants.

Scratch it! A toad-like monster was not far from the entrance of the cave. It was not small, as tall as a three-story building, and had many pimples on its back.

Under its command, two human slaves climbed onto its back and scratched its back vigorously with iron grappling hooks.

It's so comfortable! Quack, quack, quack... The toad made a weird noise while enjoying it.

When he made a sound, there was a sudden change on the stone wall next to him, and a centipede-like monster poked its head out, What's it called? It's disturbing my sleep!

The two monsters looked like natural enemies, but in fact they didn't get along very well and started bickering on the spot.

After arguing for a while, the centipede monster couldn't quarrel with the toad, so he turned around and saw the white fox and everyone in the team who had just entered the door.

It swam over and stared at everyone with the weird eyes on its head.

This time, several girls in the team were still a little nervous.

Wang Yanna pulled the corner of Dumpling's clothes and asked in a low voice: Your spell will not be seen through, right?

It should be no problem. Our auras have been covered up, and what we are showing now is at the level of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Didn't Bai Hu say that on the way, most of the demon servants are in the Qi Refining Stage or the Foundation Establishment Stage...

I'm a little scared. It will see through us and call all the monsters to eat us.

Centipede didn't move.

It looked at the white fox and the person behind it, and just taunted.

Oh, a person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul dares to bring so many servants, and the pomp is quite grand.

If you stop talking nonsense, I'll break off a thousand of your legs! White Fox responded, leading everyone to fly forward, flying down the hollow part of the mountain.

Along the way, Li Shou saw countless monsters.

But most of them cannot speak human words.

If the demon race can fully activate its intelligence and use language to communicate, it will basically reach the Nascent Soul stage.

Most of the demon clan's golden elixirs have just opened their minds, and below the golden elixir, they are mostly just smarter animals.

However, the demon tribe also has its advantages. After flying all the way down, Li Shou saw a beetle-like demon tribe laying eggs on the stone wall. It could lay hundreds of eggs at a time. One-meter-sized insect eggs were all over the mountain wall. People's hair is numb.

After everyone followed the white fox and flew several kilometers down the mountain, they came to a large and flat rock.

This seems to be the demon clan's tavern.

A large amount of wine was stored in the surrounding mountain walls and sealed with magic.

All kinds of monsters are drinking heavily here, eating berries and flesh...

After flying above the sky, the white fox shrunk its body, used its mouth to point at a group of rats who were drinking.

The nine-tailed rat tribe likes to drink, is greedy, and is well-informed. They generally know about any problems in the demon country, but they have to pay a corresponding price for asking questions. Do you have any good things on you? Magic weapons, elixirs, and jade slips are all Can.

There's a lot of stuff. They raided Lihun Sect and killed so many teams.

The squad's storage ring is well stocked.

Okay. As the white fox spoke, he landed in front of the group of nine-tailed rats.

What are you doing here? Didn't you see the uncle drinking?

Squeak, squeak, squeak!

The leader of the big demon was unhappy to see people disturbing him, and the other little demons also made threatening sounds.

Let's make an exchange. The white fox waved his tail as he spoke.

King Urine stepped forward smartly and took out some magical elixirs that the team could not use from the storage ring.

Hand the magic pill to the nine-tailed rat boss.

The latter took the thing and rubbed it with his paws on the magic weapon, then opened a few bottles of elixirs and sniffed them, then nodded with satisfaction.

What do you want to ask?

Things about the secret realm...

Zhizhi, you all came to ask about the secret realm, and none of them looked at their own merits. The demon clan seemed to not understand what politeness was. Not only did he speak straightforwardly, he even went so far as to be full of sarcasm, You're a middle-stage Nascent Soul person. A white fox wants to enter the secret realm, but if he goes in, he will turn into fox skin.

Stop talking nonsense. Once you get something, you have to give me the information. How do you get into the secret realm?

Oh, whenever the ancient immortal world comes, there must be a violent collision. Wherever the collision is severe, the passage will be knocked out. Otherwise, do you think that with the help of demons like us from the lower realm, we can break the barrier of the immortal world?

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