When Li Shou left customs, everyone had already packed their luggage.

Li Shou also made preparations in the following days, and then asked Ye Muli to calculate a good time for the trip. Everyone closed the mountain gate and prepared to set off.

Seniors, this trip is dangerous, so be extremely careful. There was no one else at the mountain gate, and only Huang Linsu saw them off before leaving.

At this time, relying on her spiritual veins and an unlimited supply of low-end elixirs, she had reached the foundation-building perfection.

However, she was limited by her qualifications and was unable to break through the golden elixir.

You can stay here to look after the house, or you can go back to Qingyi Square to find Qianduo's family or Qian Qitong. It's up to you to decide whether to stay or not. But if you dare to reveal our secrets...

Junior doesn't dare. I will wait here at the mountain gate for the seniors to return.

Huang Linsu will not leave.

This is such a great opportunity, she must at least capture the golden elixir realm.

After reaching Jindan, she has an extra two hundred years of life. With her qualifications, it is absolutely impossible to break through elsewhere.

Staying here not only greatly increases her chances of breaking through on her own, but if she really can't break through, she can also wait for Li Shou to come back by guarding the mountain gate, and she can also use the elixir to increase her longevity.

The lower the monks are, the more they know how precious resources are, and they will not let go of anything they hold on to - let alone such a huge wealth.

Okay, let's go then.

After waving to Huang Linsu, Li Shou directly led the team to set off.

Dozens of rays of light shot out from Lihun Peak and reached the sky.

Going in this direction, I have already collected the basic route data.

The country of Yue is essentially surrounded by mountains.

So in theory, you can reach the Tailing Mountains in any direction you fly.

The secret realm is in this direction. Vanilla pointed to the path and said: The Tailing Mountains area in this direction belongs to the area under the jurisdiction of King Hua Peng of the Hua Peng Kingdom. King Hua Peng is a demon king in the middle stage of the integration. He is good at speed and is known as Being able to fly thousands of miles in just one breath may sound like bragging, but it is really powerful.

The demon clan itself is stronger than the human monks of the same level. King Hua Peng is said to have prehistoric blood in his body. The Earth Immortal Realm also calls the Great Secret Realm the Ancient Immortal Realm. I don’t know whether this word is translated by the rules or it is just called that.

This is not the point.

The point is, King Hua Peng relies on his own bloodline to claim that he can challenge the Mahayana monks.

The most powerful achievement I ever had was escaping from the hands of a great monk in the Mahayana period while traveling around the world!

The Mahayana stage is only one step away from becoming an immortal. It is not an exaggeration to say that one is half a step away from becoming an immortal.

If it can really escape, it will be really powerful.

But this is also a rumor I collected, I don’t know if it is true or false.

It's so powerful. Li Shou clicked his tongue, We are two or three realms behind it. Even if we go together, we are no match for King Hua Peng, not to mention that he has more monsters under his command. .What about the other two demon kingdoms?”

The Green Elephant King, the Black Tiger King...the other two demon kings will definitely go to the secret realm. Those two demon kings are slightly inferior to King Hua Peng, but they are on the same level.


In addition to the three of them, the human monks should also pay attention. Qingguo, Jinguo, Qiguo, not to mention the three small countries, the ceiling is the god transformation stage, so there is nothing to worry about. But the real big human country outside the mountain There are also high-level monks in the Qitian Sect of Taiwu Kingdom who are no weaker than the three demon kings, so they need to be extra careful.

Are we heading in the wrong direction? While Vanilla was still popularizing opponent information, Chen Zihan interrupted several people. The Hua Peng Country you pointed to is in that direction, but our flight route is a bit off.

Go to the white fox first... I have been in contact with it over the years, and from time to time I send robots to help it plant medicinal fields and spiritual fruits. Master Lao Li has a good relationship with the white fox, and he is willing to help us. The demon of the demon country The tribe has a hostile attitude towards humans. If you want to sneak in, it's best to rely on a 'local' to lead the way. The demon fox is the best choice.

Be prepared for a rainy day! Really be prepared for a rainy day! Sister Vanilla is really clever, I admire her. Wang Yifei started to pat Vanilla's rainbow fart beside him.

After losing his body for a hundred years, Wang Yifei was very grateful to it after being helped by Vanilla to gain a physical body.

Now ten years later, Wang Yifei can already control Spartan's body. The only thing is that his cultivation level is too low and his flying speed is extremely slow. He has to rely on his classmates to help him speed up by holding on to his robes in order to keep up with the team.

However, his cultivation level is low, but his combat effectiveness is not low.

Now that Wang Yifei has landed on the ground, he can do it better than most of his classmates.

Everyone was planning, chatting, and flying...

Everyone was flying very fast now, and it took a day to reach the boundary of the white fox on the edge of the Tailing Mountains.

Because they had been there once and Vanilla had an invincible memory, everyone quickly found the hot spring valley where Li Shou had been last time.

By this time the valley had changed dramatically.

The last time Li Shou came here, it was pure wild mountains.

Apart from wild vegetation, only valleys, hot springs and caves are left.

But things are different now. Ten or twenty years have passed, and human villages have been established around the valley.

Those who live in the villages are spiritual farmers.

Areas of medicinal fields and fruit trees have also been opened up around the valley.

What is planted is something that is helpful for the demon clan to practice or that the fox clan likes to eat.

In addition to spiritual farmers, there are also some robots busy in the Lingtian fruit forest.

After Li Shou and others arrived, they immediately alarmed the white fox. It originally flew into the air with great force, but after seeing that Li Shou was leading the team, the evil intent in its eyes was withdrawn.

It's you... Bai Hu looked Li Shou up and down. At first, he was just polite and kind, but after taking a closer look, his tone suddenly became frightened, I can completely see your cultivation. It’s not clear, have you broken through to become a god? How is that possible!”

The last time I saw Li Shou, he was still in physical cultivation, and his magical power was pitifully low.

But now it has jumped directly to several major realms and directly arrived at a realm that it cannot see through.

Impossible, this cultivation speed is already comparable to Tianlinggen! Impossible! There are very few Taoists from major sects who have Tianlinggen!

Ten or twenty years is a long time for ordinary people.

But for practitioners, especially the great demons after Nascent Soul, it is just ordinary.

This is like being a person in the world of martial arts. A few months ago you didn't know how to do martial arts, but a few months later you were as good as the Five Ultimates.

The white fox didn't believe it at first, but later it became apparent that most of the people were Nascent Souls, and there was even another person that it couldn't see through, and finally he was convinced.

He had met some of the members of the team in Qingyifang. Their cultivation levels were not strong at that time, and they are still the same now.

The speed of cultivation is so fast! It makes me envious... Why did you come to me?

For the sake of the secret realm. I want you to take us to the Demon Country. If we don't have the Demon Clan to take us there, it will be difficult for us.

Well...it's okay, but you told me about fairness. To be fair, what's in it for me?

We have a lot of elixirs. If you want, you can go in and out of the secret realm together!

Okay! Let's go to the secret realm!

The secret realm is not only attractive to people, but also to demons.

After the agreement was completed, the white fox left the little fox to look after the house, and then took up the demon wind and flew Li Shou and others all the way to the interior of the Tailing Mountains.

Go deep into the Tailing Mountains.

At first, Li Shou could only see monsters sporadically among the mountains and rivers.

But after flying for two days, there were more monsters, flying in the sky, running in the mountains, and even turning into mountains by themselves.

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