The hyperbaric oxygen chamber exercise method described by the students is indeed a bit appropriate.

In daily practice, Li Shou absorbs the spiritual energy from the outside world and the spiritual power of medicine into the limbs and meridians, then integrates it into the Dantian and infiltrates the Nascent Soul.

But now, ferocious spiritual power is used directly to press into the Nascent Soul.

Li Shou's entire Dantian is now swollen like a high-pressure chamber, filled with massive spiritual power, constantly pressing Yuanying.

Nascent Soul is surrounded by spiritual energy, forcing it to absorb it.

'Fortunately, the epic level enhancement is similar to Tao Xing. As long as everything in the body has a bonus, it will also have an effect on the Nascent Soul. Otherwise, it will also damage the Nascent Soul...'

After Li Shou digested the spiritual power for a while, he found that he couldn't absorb it all in a short time, so he opened his eyes to remind his classmates.

You should be busy doing other things. I feel like this medicine won't be fully absorbed in a few months!

Leave us alone, we'll leave after we get bored for a while.

Just don't worry about it.


Li Shou took advantage of the medicine's power to continue meditating and practicing.

This state of concentration lasted for a long time.

As he expected, it would be four months before the medicine was fully digested.

In four months, Li Shou's cultivation level also went from the early stage of Yuanying to the middle stage of Yuanying.

When the speed of cultivation has increased five or six times, it will still take four months to achieve a small realm breakthrough. In other words, with my qualifications, it would normally take two to three years... This Nascent Soul stage is better than the Golden Core The period is several times more difficult.”

Li Shou was not in trance all the time. Every once in a while, he would relax a little.

Huang Linsu knew his habits and stayed by his side. When he saw Li Shou getting up, he quickly put down the jade slips he was studying and stepped forward to serve him.

Senior, your disciples asked me to tell you that if you get up, you can continue to eat the Hua'er Dan without leaving it for them.

There are only a few pills, isn't it a bit unfair?

They said you would definitely say fair or unfair. Huang Linsu began to repeat the students' original words: They said, there is nothing unfair. You are the sharp knife and shield of the team. They also said that as long as your strength improves, , we will definitely be able to find a better elixir, this is just a snowballing matter, so don’t worry too much about it and it will affect the overall situation. The last part of the sentence was said by Senior Narcissus.

I understand. Li Shou nodded.

Then there are two things that Senior Vanilla asked me to tell you. The first thing is that Senior Wang Yifei's body-seizing technique has made progress, and the second thing is that in about ten years, the Demon Kingdom will There is a super secret realm opened...


Both things interested Li Shou.

I'll go find it.

Li Shou flew up and found vanilla in the factory at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, it was equipped with a spare head and was playing with the turtle outside the factory.

The little turtle changed a bit at this time, and its golden body looked stronger.

I transplanted some of Sparta's cells into it. Vanilla saw Li Shou coming and hurriedly took his arm.

Didn't Sparta's body go to Wang Yifei?

Well, the body was given to me. What's in the little turtle's body is the separated cell tissue. Unfortunately, without the blessing of the rules of war, the body of flesh and blood alone is not that strong.

How is Wang Yifei?

It's inside the factory!

While Li Shou and Li Shou were talking, Wang Yifei, who had completely changed his appearance, heard the noise outside and walked out of the factory.

Although he had taken off his Spartan helmet and wasn't wearing a shield, he still looked weird.

The muscles all over his body seemed to be poured with alloy, and they looked a bit too strong.

However, Wang Yifei seems to have not fully adapted to his new body. He walks very stiffly and his joints are very inflexible.

Brother Li! Wang Yifei greeted Li Shou as he came out.

You look so manly! What, is this a successful use of the Body Seizing Technique?

No, it was forcibly fused with Sister Vanilla's help and a half-baked body seizing technique. It's very inflexible to control the new body, and it's a bit sluggish to practice.

But no matter what, it is much better to have a body, and this body is really strong. Brother Li, from now on you will not only be the human shield in the team, I can also resist damage.

Hmm... Li Shou thought of Sparta's abnormal defense ability, Then will you still faint? The one with epic danger perception.

No, Sister Vanilla helped me adjust it.

Okay. Then you will indeed be of great help in the future. You can foresee dangers and resist injuries, hahaha.

Isn't that right? There is no waste in our team. Wang Yifei said half-jokingly.

Li Shou could tell that he was very satisfied with his new body.

It has been a hundred years since Wang Yifei lost his body. Life with only his soul is not easy. This is indeed something worth celebrating.

After chatting with his old friend for a while, Li Shou turned to Vanilla: What's going on in the super secret realm?

That's the literal meaning. There should be very high-end things in it, just like what I expected.

Vanilla heard Li Shou's question and began her own analysis.

This fifth mission is essentially a battle royale type mission. The team will eventually gather together to fight. There is no doubt about this.

Well, keep talking.

Since we have to gather together to fight, the rules will use means, but this is the real world and not a game. It is impossible to force a poisonous circle or something. How can we let you gather in one place to fight?

First of all, the initial release requires a group of 100 teams to be released at fixed points, so that we can carry out the first wave of fighting.

Then seize resources and fight in the second wave.

What next?

How to gather people further away?

The Demon Kingdom, the Yue Kingdom, the Taiwu could such distant areas be gathered in one place?

Open the secret realm!

The hub world is very large.

When the rules were released, I knew that a secret realm would be opened in the near future, so I chose it here.

What if the team doesn't go?

No, this secret realm must be very rich in rewards, and it is very suitable for the strength of the team. Let's put it this way, if you don't go, your cultivation speed with other teams will inevitably increase.

Only a secret realm of this level can make people flock to it.

Belongs to conspiracy!

If you don't get pulled away from the gap, you will still die in the end.

Go, sorry, then we have to fight crickets!

You know all about fighting crickets. This is earth dialect.

Oh, little cyber girl knows everything! Little Vanilla shrugged, expressing that she was extremely smart.


Although we can't leave the seclusion, I have released countless scout bees. Just wait, the news will spread in a few years, and then there will be a lot of excitement in the Demon Kingdom.

It's only been ten years, and the war is about to begin, sooner than I thought.

Li Shou counted with his fingers, Within ten years, I must enter the realm to reach the stage of divine transformation, and then I must master all the spells I selected previously. I must also reserve some time to visit the Demon Kingdom in advance. Hiss, it's a bit Hurry...

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